注: 认证评论选取于全球各个学术评论平台和社交媒体。

第二性原理@xf 2022-11-30

Received reviewer comments on October 22nd, with three reviewers raising over thirty questions. The editor requested major revisions within a 40-day deadline. After submitting on November 30th, the paper is currently under review and awaiting further updates.

222很尴尬 2022-11-30

The given text "11.30.under Review" is already in English.

文博 2022-11-30

9.25 manuscript submitted
10.26 major revision
11.05 revised version submitted
11.23 manuscript accepted
The efficiency of afm is astonishingly fast, and the editor is also very nice.
The editor provided one month for modification, and the modified version was accepted upon submission.

EricX 2022-11-30

Hello, may I ask if I need to upload a LaTeX file when submitting for the first time? Or is it sufficient to only upload a PDF? Thank you.

222很尴尬 2022-11-28

11.19 手稿提交
11.28 跟编辑沟通
So slow!

222很尴尬 2022-11-26

The translation of "11.26 with editor" into English is "11.26 con editor" (assuming "11.26" refers to a specific time or date).

沦落而成美 2022-11-25

11.22 submitted revision
11.25 accept
Thank you AFM for being so efficient. Wishing all researchers that their submissions are always successful.

littlewu 2022-11-25

This journal is fast, the editors are prompt in handling, very responsible and standardized, I am very satisfied.
There are 2-3 reviewers in this area, and the selected individuals are very targeted and representative. Although sometimes we may encounter rejections, high quality articles can still be published without any problem.
I wish this journal continues to improve, and the review process becomes even stricter, which may lead to better results! Today, we published our tenth AFM article.

222很尴尬 2022-11-23

11.19 manuscript submitted
11.23 with Editor

Translation: The manuscript was submitted on November 19th and is currently with the Editor as of November 23rd.

222很尴尬 2022-11-23

10.19 manuscript submitted.

张牧之* 2022-11-14

Brother, may I ask how long after your required reviews are completed until there is further news?

ZEN2021 2022-11-07

Yeah, I submitted it a week ago, and it's still Manuscript Submitted.

chemeng 2022-11-07

This is a case, it depends on who specifically is operating it! I have submitted a job over ten days ago and it is still with the editor on my side.

jun1 2022-11-04

The speed is truly astonishing. It has been over a month and my status is still under review, and there is still no news.

沦落而成美 2022-11-03

10.21 manuscript submitted
10.26 under review
11.02 minor revision
The efficiency of AFM is astonishingly fast. Other journals may not even start the review process in 10 days.
The editor gave one month for revisions. Once the revisions are completed, we can continue to share.

让我发个大子刊吧 2022-11-01

I made a mistake, it was submitted on October 18th and got rejected on October 27th. Currently, I have resubmitted to Nano Energy.

勇恒 2022-10-31

Who are your reviewers? My required reviews have been completed for over a month, and there is no news.

勇恒 2022-10-31

Who are your reviewers?

王蛟 2022-10-29

2022. 08. 24 Submitted
2022. 09. 23 Required reviews completed
2022. 09. 24 Major revision (15-day deadline)
2022. 10. 03 Revision submitted
2022. 10. 24 Required reviews completed
2022. 10. 28 Completed accept

2022. 08. 24 - Submitted
2022. 09. 23 - Required reviews completed
2022. 09. 24 - Major revision (15-day deadline)
2022. 10. 03 - Revision submitted
2022. 10. 24 - Required reviews completed
2022. 10. 28 - Completed accept

ZJUCheny 2022-10-28

10.17 With Editor, there is still no news. May I ask if any friends know what is going on?

一夜很静 2022-10-28

Two minor revisions and one rejection. Why did the editor give you the opportunity for major revision? The editor rejected my minor revision and gave the opportunity for major revision.

wbdai 2022-10-26

It also takes about a week for mine to reach the editor's hands, so don't panic.

watermelon粑 2022-10-26

The amount of submissions should be too high, mine has also been in the initial state for a week.

让我发个大子刊吧 2022-10-26

I submitted my manuscript on September 18th, and it has been in the "manuscript submitted" status ever since. It's been 7 days and it hasn't been assigned to an editor yet. What's going on? I noticed that everyone else's manuscripts have been reviewed within a week.

让我发个大子刊吧 2022-10-26

Posted on September 18th, it has been Manuscript Submitted until now, it's been 7 days and still no assigned editor. I'm worried. Is this normal, experts?

JIchang Li 2022-10-25

On the 17th, I received three reviews, with scores of 2, 4, and 5. Two reviewers suggested revisions while one reviewer rejected the manuscript. Although the feedback was not very negative, the editor decided to reject it and suggested submitting to Advanced Science instead. Currently, I am still addressing the reviewers' questions. The delay in response time was due to one of the initial three reviewers either not reviewing or taking a long time to review, which resulted in the need for resubmission. I provided my response after two months and 17 days, and I sent a reminder once during that time.

wbdai 2022-10-24

If you submit it for review, there will be a chance. Just wait patiently, there will be good results.

jun1 2022-10-23

My application has been under review for over a month, and there is no news.

wbdai 2022-10-17

Submission experience:
31 Aug 2022 Manuscript Submitted
06 Sep 2022 With Editor
08 Sep 2022 Under Review
21 Sep 2022 Required Reviews Completed
23 Sep 2022 Major Revision - One rejection and two minor revisions, not many additional experiments required, editor provided two weeks for major revision
06 Oct 2022 Revision Submitted
06 Oct 2022 Under Review
16 Oct 2022 Required Reviews Completed
17 Oct 2022 Completed Accept
The editor is very efficient. Good luck to everyone with their submissions!

JIchang Li 2022-10-17

I also voted on August 1st.

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