注: 认证评论选取于全球各个学术评论平台和社交媒体。

小白 2022-07-20

July 20th, updated date, status still under review.

小白 2022-07-19

You were rejected in the initial review, maybe because you didn't reference this journal article.

Saberccc 2022-07-19

Submitted twice.
First submission:
Submitted on 5.22
Under review with editor
Rejected on 6.09
Received rejection after 20 days of editorial review.

Second submission:
Submitted on 7.16
Decision is currently being processed on 7.18.

sousou123 2022-07-11

Excuse me, does anyone know how to contact the editor-in-chief to urge for submission? I have already tried the online communication in the article submission system, but it doesn't directly reach the editor-in-chief.

夏洛不烦恼 2022-07-10

May I ask how many reviewers are there?

yyacc 2022-07-08

Jul 08, 2022 major revision.

yyacc 2022-07-04

May 26, 2022 submitted
Jun 02, 2022 under review

小白 2022-07-03

When did you submit it, q1103268197? We can communicate.

何文彬 2022-07-03

Hello, you are so fast! I submitted before you, but now I am still with the editor. I guess it will take a while. ?

小白 2022-07-03

July 2nd under review.

小白 2022-07-03

How many reviewers are there? How long does the first review take?

耶嘿 2022-07-03

You can ask customer service for the specific status of the manuscript. There is a question mark at the bottom right corner of the journal manuscript status page, click on it to see the customer service link.

耶嘿 2022-07-03

Review Schedule:
Submission: 2022.4.15
With editor: 2022.4.18
Under review: 2022.4.25
Under review: 2022.5.5
Transfer pending: 2022.7.3
Recommended for transfer to three journals, none of which are suitable. One top-tier journal, two of which are not indexed by the Chinese Science Citation Database.
Rejected after refusal to transfer.

sousou123 2022-07-02

How did you get in touch with me, may I ask?

小白 2022-07-02

The date has been updated to the 7th of February, but the status has not changed.

小白 2022-06-30

I estimate that it will be after one week for me.

sjdiNg 2022-06-30

I was hired in February this year. Let's see how the reviewers handle it. Some reviewers process it quickly, while others drag it until the last few days.

mingyunjianshu 2022-06-30

Generally, it can be reviewed within one week.

小白 2022-06-28

How long does it usually take to submit for review?

吾王 2022-06-28

Submission: 2022.4.15
With editor: 2022.4.18
Under review: 2022.4.25
Updated status time, under review changed to: 2022.5.5
2022.6.28 under review

小白 2022-06-28

June 27 with editor.

小白 2022-06-26

"Posted on June 25, 2022."

sousou123 2022-06-08

Hello, may I ask how long did you spend on the first review?

琉璃aa 2022-06-07

The editor's processing speed is super fast. The revised manuscript is sent for review the next day. After receiving the reviewer's comments, the editor will promptly provide feedback. The reviewers are also very nice, with detailed opinions and a gentle attitude. There were a total of two rounds of revisions, with major revisions in the first round and minor revisions in the second round, and then the manuscript was accepted.

shanmama 2022-05-23

2022-0124: Submitted, then with editor.
2022-0216: Under review, details are "• 1 agreed to review, • 2 invited reviewers."
2022-0408: Returned for major revisions. One reviewer provided only three comments, while the other was very detailed. Both made changes in the third person singular.
2022-0512: Revised manuscript submitted. Sent an email on the 16th to inquire about the latest updates from the assistant.
2022-0517: Assistant replied via email: under review.
I estimate that I will have to wait a little longer. I plan to ask again at the beginning of June.
Also, did I misunderstand something? I noticed that I cannot modify my previous review.

sousou123 2022-05-21

Hello, may I ask if your submission only has one reviewer's feedback, and then the editor gives a rejection?

Tsian 2022-05-14

Translate the following text into English: "The editor has written a decision letter based on the reviewer's comments. Personally, I think that reviewer was a bit domineering. No news means you still have a chance."

sousou123 2022-05-14

May I ask if your result was given by the editor or returned by the reviewer? Mine has been under review since 4.1 and I haven't received any updates until now.

Tsian 2022-05-10

Apr 12 Submit
Apr 22 Under review
May 09 Transfer pending
Goodbye, I have been kicked out of the circle. One reviewer had very sharp comments, and the editor rejected it. I am preparing to submit to another journal.
By the way, has anyone gone through the transfer process before?

老妖玩菜刀 2022-04-28

Hello, may I ask how long does it take for With Editor to submit for review?

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