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bigbigpang 2023-06-13

Graduation season, many things.

jzdxyt 2023-06-12

No change. The editor-in-chief is busy. Hope you can come back soon to handle the manuscripts. Haha.

lll 2023-06-12

Has your status changed?

lll 2023-06-12

Has your condition changed?

bigbigpang 2023-06-10

Yes, I have been on a dip for 8 days already. The editor-in-chief is probably busy lately.

jzdxyt 2023-06-10

5.30 submitted 6.10还是submitted,编辑最近好像没有处理稿件啊

Translated: "5.30 submitted 6.10 still submitted, it seems like the editor hasn't been handling manuscripts recently."

bigbigpang 2023-06-08

6.2号 dip - Dip on the 6th of February
6.8号 dip - Dip on the 8th of June
近期编辑处理速度慢 - Recent editing processing speed is slow.

haoasd 2023-06-07

The text translates to: "The repair that was started in early May is still under review. It has been a month already."

bigbigpang 2023-06-07

Yes, the editor has slowed down. I have been on a dip for 5 days now, usually it takes around 3 days.

jzdxyt 2023-06-07

It seems like there has been no progress in the past two weeks. The submission made at the end of May is still in the "submitted" status.

vvgod 2023-06-07

Has the speed of this journal slowed down recently? It has been almost ten days since I submitted an article to the journal. What could be the reason for the delay?

Xzl0413 2023-06-06

Excuse me, how long does it usually take for a revision to be submitted to the journal? I have been waiting for nearly two weeks.

bigbigpang 2023-06-03

"6.3 dip" in English would be "6.3 decline" or "6.3 decrease."

bigbigpang 2023-06-01

2023.6.1 rrc translates to June 1, 2023.

bigbigpang 2023-05-30

More than two months, then I am still early, not even one month yet. In my first trial, all the questions were explanatory, and there weren't many of them.

zhanggy23 2023-05-29

The second trial took more than two months, and the result was a minor revision, with 14 days for modification.

bigbigpang 2023-05-29

How long is the second trial? Is it two months?

bigbigpang 2023-05-26

It has been 20 days since the second review of the major renovation.

6101 2023-05-26

After minor revisions, it will be shown to the reviewers and there is a possibility of inviting new reviewers.

Xzl0413 2023-05-26

Will the comments replied by Little Xiu after be shown to the reviewer or will the editor decide directly?

zhanggy23 2023-05-24

Posted on 2022.5.12, received on 20235.23, took a whole year, went through three rounds of revisions (one major revision, two minor revisions), and four rounds of peer review (six reviewers). Successfully moved AEI from second-tier to top-tier, and finally got accepted.

bigbigpang 2023-05-14

I am still in the second review for the application submitted on the same day.

bigbigpang 2023-05-06

If there are still issues during the second review, will new reviewers be added for a reevaluation?

haoasd 2023-04-28

What is the current status of your paper, have you finished it?

zhanggy23 2023-04-26

The first instance of the DIP (Defendant in Prosecution) trial usually takes about two to three days.

haoasd 2023-04-24

How long is the given modification time?

bigbigpang 2023-04-22

2023.1.3 Submission
2023.4.22 Major renovation

bigbigpang 2023-04-22

How long does the dip last?

bigbigpang 2023-04-22

How long does the first-instance dip last?

bigbigpang 2023-04-20

It seems like "4.18 rrc" is not a sentence or a phrase in any specific language. It does not have a clear meaning, so it cannot be translated. If you provide more context or clarify the text, I will be happy to assist you with the translation.

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