注: 认证评论选取于全球各个学术评论平台和社交媒体。

Lucky_s 2023-07-02

6.17 submitted, 7.1 reject.

在路上djx 2023-06-30

You are so fast!

Xiaoma 2023-06-28

Brother, you are very fast at reviewing drafts.

行云流水 2023-06-27

In recent years, the impact factor has been rising rapidly, and the partition has also reached the first section. The level of review difficulty has also increased significantly. Editors value innovation, and the external review period is usually average.

一只不懂学术的咸鱼 2023-06-27

4-14 submit to journal
5-3 under review
5-22 required reviewers completed
5-22 revision
5-30 revision submitted to journal
6-3 under review
6-13 required reviews completed
6-14 Accept

This journal is really efficient. The editor made a decision within half a day after receiving the reviewers' comments. It took exactly two months from submission to acceptance. It's truly a trustworthy journal!

我定风波 2023-06-26

It has been a week since I submitted, but I still haven't received any feedback from the editor.

towy 2023-06-26

I submitted on the 17th, but there is still no news.

123lxy 2023-06-25

Have you changed?

LiuYue0715 2023-06-22

It shouldn't be this much. I calculated it and it's around 9.0, it shouldn't exceed 9.0.

jzdxyt 2023-06-21

I am the same, can only wait.

vvgod 2023-06-20

Yeah, is there someone in a similar situation as me?

yukifaye 2023-06-20

"Initial review in twenty days??"

16929 2023-06-20

I have encountered it several times, so it should be considered normal. It still depends on the article and luck.

在路上djx 2023-06-20

Tired, it's the first time encountering such a situation. Boss, is this situation normal?

vvgod 2023-06-20

5.31 Submit to Journal - Submitted to the journal on May 31st.
6.20 Submit to Journal - Submitted to the journal on June 20th.
Why is the Chinese editor selected so slow?

LiuYue0715 2023-06-20

You can only see how many comments a certain reviewer has when the editor sends it back to you for revision. It is not visible if a certain reviewer has just finished reviewing.

bigleft 2023-06-20

Is the editor you chose T. Hartmann? I have been with the editor for a week and there has been no change.

honeySmile 2023-06-20

Hello, may I ask how can I find records like "reviewer #2 complete 5 comments"? The information I found after logging into my account is just a table with status information such as Status Date and Current Status. Thank you for your guidance!

小丫去玩儿 2023-06-19

6.19 with editor translates to "6.19 con editor" in English.

LiuYue0715 2023-06-19

It's not necessarily so. It seems like I didn't give it to the reviewer after the minor revisions.

LiuYue0715 2023-06-19

Accepted, give a summary:
2022.12.17 submitted to the journal;
2022.12.21 with the editor;
2022.12.25 under review;
2023.02.13 reviewer #2 completed 5 comments;
2023.02.19 reviewer #3 completed 10 comments & major revision;
2023.03.19 revision submitted to the journal;
2023.03.20 with the editor;
2023.03.25 under review;
2023.04.18 reviewer #2 completed 3 comments;
2023.05.15 minor revision;
2023.05.25 revision submitted to the journal;
2023.05.29 with the editor;
2023.06.18 decision in process;
2023.06.19 accepted.

LiuYue0715 2023-06-19

Hired, 6.19.

小丫去玩儿 2023-06-19

2023.6.16 is the date. "With Editor" is already in English.

小丫去玩儿 2023-06-19

2023.5.30 Submission
2023.6.1 With Editor

bigbigpang 2023-06-16

It should be about one week.

haoasd 2023-06-16

How long does it take to receive the retrieval?

bigbigpang 2023-06-16

6.16 接收 translates to "6.16 Reception" in English.

16929 2023-06-16

Agreed to review / The number of people who completed the review did not meet the editor's expectations, and new review invitations were sent out. Two reviewers agreed. This is considered a good situation, just worried that there will be no reviewers who agree to review...

在路上djx 2023-06-16

My thesis is currently under the first revision and is in the second review. I noticed that there are two additional reviewers. Does anyone know what the situation is?

16929 2023-06-16

Everyone has been silent since what date...

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