认证评论 - Computers & Industrial Engineering
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zuhx 2022-05-27

Congratulations, may I ask if you are doing major repairs or minor repairs?

劲茵 2022-05-24

The first SCI of my life, I have been coming here to find information all along, and I am very grateful for it. Now it has been accepted, so I will also share my own experience.
submit 2021.12.21
with editor 2021.12.23
under review 2022.1.15
revise 2022.3.19
submit 2022.4.18
with editor 2022.4.19
under review 2022.4.23
required reviews completed 2022.5.12
accept 2022.5.23

zuhx 2022-05-21

It seems unnecessary, just write an explanation.

SCINo1 2022-05-20

Do you need the source code?

zuhx 2022-04-29

Yes, it is already under review. Thank you.

fish8888 2022-04-28

After the modification, "With editor" will appear, and then it will take about ten days for it to be "under reviewer".

zuhx 2022-04-22

May I ask how long "with editor" will continue after the repair? I have been "with editor" for several days even after the repair.

zuhx 2022-04-17

There are three reviewers, it will probably take a long time to complete the review.

YQQ71 2022-04-17

You are so fast! I saw others' comments a long time ago.

劲茵 2022-04-16

May I ask if the references of this journal need to include DOI numbers? Is it acceptable if the references do not include DOI numbers?

劲茵 2022-04-16

Do I need to insert DOI in the reference list of this journal? Is it acceptable to not include DOI?

IdaWang 2022-04-16

Ah, it has been 9 months already, and it has been under review all this time. I have reminded them twice, but there has been no progress at all.

zuhx 2022-04-10

Posted on March 23 this year, under review on April 7. According to the manuscript status query sent by the editorial department, one reviewer has already completed the review, with a total of two reviewers. I can't believe how fast this is, I'm afraid.
I also submitted an article at the end of September last year, and it was returned for revision on March 19 this year, and will be revised in a few days.

kxf 2022-03-28

Submit two versions, one version is the marked version with red highlights after modifications, and the other version is the unmarked version with no red highlights on the modified areas.

fish8888 2022-03-28

I am in the same situation as you. I wrote a reminder letter to the editor-in-chief, informing me that there is only one reviewer assigned to review the manuscript and the other one has not been found yet. I am currently waiting for the outcome. Therefore, it is appropriate to send a gentle reminder, but the letter should be written in a tactful manner because the review process for this journal has indeed become slower.

fish8888 2022-03-28

I am now in your situation, with eight questions asked, some of which are not very specific. Another thing is that I am requesting a change in format. It seems that it will need another revision.

fish8888 2022-03-28

There are reasons for this, but after I re-uploaded it, it was rejected again.

zuhx 2022-03-27

Did you not delete the original manuscript?

fish8888 2022-03-23

What does the email mean? I made the necessary edits and uploaded it again, but it was sent back. Does anyone know why?

啥时候毕业啊烦死了 2022-03-18

The speed of the reviewers is really slow! It is considered fast if they can accept it within a year!

在学术的道路上追寻! 2022-03-06

From submission to acceptance, it took 15 months and went through two revisions. Among them, there was a Chinese reviewer who was very meticulous. In the first round of revisions, he only provided a rough overview of many comments, which were not specific and lacked targeting. After the first round of revisions, one reviewer agreed to accept the paper. However, in the second round of revisions, this Chinese reviewer raised new questions. After the second round of revisions, one more question was still raised. The editor was satisfied with the revisions and directly accepted the paper.

atheistuvu 2022-02-01

Received at Editorial Office 13 May 2021
Article revised 14 Jan 2022
Article accepted for publication 28 Jan 2022
Submitted in mid-May
Received revision feedback in mid-August, given two months to revise
Returned revised manuscript in mid-October
Received additional revision feedback on New Year's Day, completed revisions in mid-January and returned revised manuscript
Accepted at the end of January

lc 2022-01-30

What does it mean when the time changes after one month of "under review"?

AA华蓥山NU 2022-01-06

Thank you for sharing, some are fast and some are slow.

IdaWang 2022-01-04

My "with editor" process is quick, usually taking three to four days. However, it has been five months since it is "under review" and there has been no progress.

AA华蓥山NU 2022-01-04

May I ask how long have you been with the editor? I have been with the editor since November 15, 2021 until now. Thank you. Same here, I don't dare to rush.

IdaWang 2022-01-02

Submitted on August 6, 2021, followed up on December 10, 2021, and it is still under review as of January 2, 2022. Many experts have mentioned that this journal is slow, and it indeed is. Now, all I can do is wait. I don't dare to follow up again, as I'm afraid of being rejected outright.

AA华蓥山NU 2021-12-29

It's been almost two months, and still with the editor. The speed is really impressive, sigh.

AA华蓥山NU 2021-12-26

The speed is really speechless. It has been two months with the editor, and it still hasn't been reviewed!!!

Paper-maker 2021-12-26

I entered "under review" in early September, and the status has not changed yet.

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