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Polyfit 2023-01-31

Submitted in mid-October 2022, the chief editor in late November 2022 questioned the originality of the paper and how it differs from previously published papers. In early December 2022, a response was provided to the chief editor. On January 30, 2023, the first review results were released, with a total of 5 reviewers providing more than 70 comments. Two major revisions, one minor revision, one rejection with the option to resubmit, and one rejection were given. A 4-week period was given for revisions.

晴天娃娃2022 2022-11-06

Okay, got it, thank you!

晴天娃娃2022 2022-11-06

Okay, understood, thank you!

转角 2022-11-06

Researchers in the required field need to submit plagiarism reports, algorithm innovation explanations, etc. as requested by the official website. All the necessary information can be found on the official website. If you are notified for review, please reply within three weeks.

晴天娃娃2022 2022-11-05

Hello, is the submission to the editor's email? What materials do I need to submit? Is the plagiarism requirement below 1%? How long is the review period? Thank you!

转角 2022-11-05

The absolute top-tier journal in the field of civil engineering, with an editor who is very easy to communicate with and provides feedback within three weeks of submission. Typically, there are more than five reviewers, and they provide very serious feedback. They have high requirements for algorithmic innovation and their suggestions greatly help in improving the paper.

Polyfit 2022-11-01

22-10-23投稿 translates to "Posted on 23rd October, 2022" in English.

West_dream33 2022-10-19

Excuse me, OP, I checked the journal's requirements and it states that there is a charge for each colored image. Will it have any impact if all the images are in black and white? Were all your images in color as well at that time?

zhangquanquan 2022-08-05

Excuse me, is this journal chargeable?

zhangquanquan 2022-08-05

Excuse me, OP, is this journal charging fees? I noticed in the submission requirements that there is a request to provide an invoice. Does this mean that there are fees for exceeding the specified 16 pages and including color images?

zhangquanquan 2022-08-05

May I ask if the journal charges a fee? How is the fee collected? Do they send a bill for payment after the article is accepted and indexed?

zhangquanquan 2022-08-05

Excuse me, does the host charge for this journal?

DR.JIAhy 2022-05-10

Hello, I also submitted to CACIE. After sending the email to the editor-in-chief, I did not receive a reply. I would like to ask what the reason is.

浪客 2021-11-04

Editor's recommendation iThenticate, I found the official flagship store of domestic agents on Taobao.

3606 2021-10-25

May I ask which software or platform is used for plagiarism checking? Thank you~

lucky105 2021-10-16

The comment from the previous commenter is consistent. The experience of submitting the manuscript was extremely poor. However, the review and acceptance process was quick afterwards. I received feedback from 7 or 8 reviewers within about a month. After making revisions, I received additional minor revisions from 2 or 3 reviewers, and the editor-in-chief said that it could be accepted after making the changes. The process was still fast after submitting the revised version. Oh, and two images were forcibly required to be printed in color (because we acknowledged funding, so the editor-in-chief thought we had money). Now I realize that I can tolerate all of these, as they can be resolved with time and money. Because I submitted my work to another journal (Applied Energy) for subsequent work, I was not only rejected through some undisclosed manipulation, but also dragged on for 5 months. Only then did I realize that I could tolerate these unethical practices of this journal. It's really...

lucky105 2021-10-16

I'm not sure. Why don't you send an email to ask?

浪客 2021-09-07

Apart from the poor submission experience, everything else is good. The chief editor, Prof. Adeli, is easy to communicate with and the review process is fast.

Since it is a submission via email, many details need to be taken into account. For example, the sender's name in the email cannot be in Chinese, otherwise the chief editor will not receive it (I only found out about this when I proactively asked the chief editor after a month of no response). In addition to the submission files required by the journal's official website, a plagiarism report is also required (with a plagiarism rate not exceeding 1%).

April 2nd: Finally submitted all the materials.
May 5th: Received an email notification that the manuscript is under review.
June 2nd: Major revision. Nine reviewers provided nearly 100 comments. Given three weeks to revise, it was overwhelming...
June 21st: Unable to finish the revision, emailed the chief editor to request an additional three weeks, and the request was accepted the next day without hesitation.
July 14th: Submitted the revised manuscript. Due to the large size of the PDF file, the reviewer's email couldn't receive it (the cursed email submission). Had multiple exchanges with the chief editor to modify the PDF file size.
August 9th: Minor revision, can be accepted after submission.
August 25th: Submitted the revised manuscript.
August 30th: Officially accepted and handed over to the publisher for publication.

乱七八糟 2021-05-28

The submission experience is extremely poor, the system is very bad, and there are many chaotic things. The impact factor is artificially inflated. It wastes a lot of time, and it feels completely unnecessary to submit to this. This time it was the boss's requirement, but it will definitely be the first and last time. I suggest everyone not to submit to this.

努力努力更努力 2021-05-27

Why haven't I received any email confirmation or reply from the editor-in-chief after submitting the manuscript for about a week? I used my school's edu email to send the email.

努力努力更努力 2021-05-27

Excuse me, have you received any confirmation emails or replies from the editor after submitting to this journal? It has been a week and I haven't received any notification email. What should I do?

leo94 2021-05-12

Have you contacted the editor via email before receiving the first round of feedback from the chief editor, as you haven't received any confirmation emails for three weeks and haven't received any replies to your inquiries?

3d 2021-03-29

Received the first round of review comments after more than a month, with 10 reviewers and over 170 comments. The revision took about a month, and the overall review comments were very critical, with 4 major revisions, 3 requests for resubmission, and 3 declines. At that time, I didn't have much hope (seeing 170 review comments from 10 reviewers was overwhelming). I reluctantly made the revisions and returned it. After about another month, I received the second round of review comments. Among them, 1 agreed, 3 required minor revisions, 2 required major revisions, 1 requested resubmission, and 3 declined. The editor replied that it still didn't meet the requirements, but gave us another chance to revise. This time, there were about 70 review comments. After about a month of revisions, I returned it. This time, the wait was a bit longer, about three months. Then I received the third round of comments. Out of the previous 10 reviewers, 5 agreed, 1 required minor revisions, 1 required major revisions, and 3 declined. These three reviewers consistently declined the manuscript. After about a month of revisions, I returned it to the editor. After a while, the editor replied and decided not to proceed with a fourth round of review, and informed us of acceptance. Overall, the whole process was indeed arduous. Receiving so many review comments for the first time, there were various problems of all kinds, many of which were on-point and provided strong guidance for our topic. We almost gave up during the revision process, and I hope those who have had similar experiences can persevere. I also hope these experiences can be helpful to you.

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