注: 认证评论选取于全球各个学术评论平台和社交媒体。

Lalala_2022 2022-07-13

Submitted in January, rejected in March, the editor-in-chief asked for revisions and resubmission. After resubmitting in May, two reviewers provided feedback in July, but the editor-in-chief directly rejected it. The rejection rate is indeed high, and the direction I took is relatively traditional, which the editor-in-chief may not like. It seems that unless both reviewers have very positive opinions (suggesting minor revisions and strongly recommending acceptance), it is difficult to be accepted. Anyway, the speed of the journal's review process is acceptable, and I will continue to try again with high-quality articles next time.

pdms 2022-07-12

2022.7.2 Delivery
2022.7.8 Delivery
2022.7.9 Submitted to the journal and Under review

keyancaifeng 2022-07-03

Already rejected, but can be resubmitted. Does anyone know which journals he has resubmitted to? There is no indication.

ya-ya 2022-06-09

4.29 Submitted
5.2 Under review
6.1 Revise - Three reviewers, minor revisions requested from all, after giving the revised version to the editor, it was accepted.
6.6 Returned after making revisions
6.8 Accepted
Thanks to Editor Kim, very nice, handled the manuscript quickly, and with high efficiency!

科研小小废柴 2022-06-01

May I ask if the entire submission needs to be downloaded as a PDF file not exceeding 10MB, or is it just an individual image that should not exceed 10MB?

xiaozi 2022-05-22

Submitted on the 16th, editor invited on the 19th. As of now, it seems like there has been a revision. What about you?

tuanzi 2022-05-21

Are there any contributors recently? I feel the speed is really slow.

Bugero 2022-04-28

3.18 Submitted
3.19 With editor-Under review Editor: Jang Kyo Kim Directly sent for review
4.8 Major revision Two reviewers, requested additional experiments, and other explanatory issues
4.22 Revised
4.27 Accept

mrmafei 2022-04-25

Did you agree to switch to another magazine? Which magazine did you switch to?

Southern penguin 2022-04-11

2022.04.04 submitted - Submitted on April 4th, 2022.
2022.04.05 paper number assigned - Paper number assigned on April 5th, 2022.
2022.04.09 rejected - Rejected on April 9th, 2022.

xiaogouhuangdou 2022-03-31

May I ask who is the editor?

科研小虫冲 2022-03-31

3.3 Submission
3.6 Directly sent for review with editor
3.25 Request for transfer

Cactus_2022 2022-03-23

One month after submission, the paper was rejected. There were two reviewers, one of whom had very positive feedback and provided a page of suggestions for revisions. The other reviewer, it is unclear whether they read the article or not, only gave one comment: "The paper is written well and organized but lacks novelty." The editor directly rejected the paper, disregarding the suggestions from the first reviewer.

qjacky 2022-01-18

Originally, it was already in the top two positions. Part B turned the tables, but the reputation is not so good.

小哲 2021-12-22

Do you know how to urge the author to submit their manuscript?

小哲 2021-12-22

It has been under review for two months. Does anyone know how to urge the submission? I couldn't find a link in the system to email the editor.

Chang 2021-12-16

15th December. Submitted to journal.
Wishing for good luck. ? ? ?

WUHU~ 2021-11-17

Submitted on September 1st, reviewed in October, it has been nearly three months since I submitted today and still no news. Why is everyone so quick while I am so slow? It's really miserable. I hope the outcome is good.

疯狂的辣椒 2021-11-04

I submitted two Part A papers, both of which were accepted after revisions. The first review process was fast, taking a little over three weeks for mine, and after making the revisions, they were accepted within a week. It is a good journal, although it may not have a high ranking like B or CST, but it is still a Tier 1 journal. I look forward to it getting even better, and I will continue to support Part A in the future.

Jeremy zhou 2021-10-09

Your boss helps answer questions, our boss only knows how to ask why.

12112 2021-08-30

May I ask if it is necessary to upload the original data? Do we also need to upload the original version for images like TEM?

zhw00747 2021-08-06

Two reviewers provided comments one month later. After major revisions, it was possible that the first reviewer refused to review the manuscript, so another reviewer was sought. The feedback received from the second reviewer was very positive and the manuscript was accepted directly. This may be considered fortunate. However, I have a question: how can the basic edition of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) not be a top journal? How did Part A end up like this when the other three parts are top journals?

Oliver 2021-07-17

Traducción al inglés:
Initial Date Submitted: Jul 11, 2021
Under Review: Jul 16, 2021

星期八 2021-06-15

Does the line spacing have to be double line spacing?

复合材料小学生 2021-06-09

The main body generally needs to be within 20 pages, and adding pictures will not affect even if it exceeds 30 pages.

Researcher_SCI_NSC 2021-06-02

Website: https://www.elsevier.com/journals/composites-part-a-applied-science-and-manufacturing/1359-835X/guide-for-authors
Excerpt from Guide for Authors: Research papers should not exceed 20 double-spaced manuscript pages, excluding tables and illustrations. Additionally, the total length should not exceed 30 pages, with no more than 2 figures or tables per page.

卿卿梓金 2021-06-01

Who can tell me the submission format requirements for composites part a? Does the manuscript have to be within 20 pages?

泽铭sama 2021-04-16

2021.2.6 Submission;
2021.2.12 Format revised and reuploaded;
2021.2.16 with editor;
2021.2.21 with review;
2021.2.25 under review;
2021.4.16 rejected.

This was my first time submitting a foreign language manuscript and I lacked experience. My work was not detailed enough and the experts provided many suggestions. Although it was rejected, I am satisfied with the feedback. I will work harder in the future.

Ori820 2021-04-10

Isn't it only 13% now? Shouldn't it be 100%?

academic worker 2021-01-21

May I ask what direction is the plan to produce metal matrix composites in? I just submitted the proposal recently, so I'm a bit nervous.

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