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wuliao1234 2023-04-27

Guys, may I ask if there are any formatting requirements for this journal manuscript? My Elsevier cannot be opened...

zzzcsupm006 2023-04-09

Submitted for review, I hope the editors and reviewers can give a chance for modification.

大哥快跑! 2023-04-09

Did you submit it for review in the end?

大哥快跑! 2023-04-04

What do you do, buddy?

zzzcsupm006 2023-03-23

I have submitted a few times before and they were processed quickly. I don't quite understand why it is taking so long this time. I can only wait a little longer.

dudupipi 2023-03-23

The editor has not yet decided whether to submit it for review. As long as the editor submits it for review, regardless of whether or not the reviewer accepts it, the status will become "Under Review".

zzzcsupm006 2023-03-22

Excuse me, this journal has been in the status of "with editor" for more than ten days. Is the reason for this that the reviewers cannot be found?

zzzcsupm006 2023-03-22

How long did it take to process in the end?

ziwei 2022-12-19

Does the manuscript not exceed twenty pages, including references?

ziwei 2022-12-19

Why doesn't my manuscript include exactly twenty pages of references? The editor keeps asking me to reupload it, but I can't delete any more text because there are already nine pages of references.

Primary scholar:Mr.G 2022-12-01

The review process is a bit slow, with three reviewers. The first reviewer has provided 5 comments and 5 experiments to be conducted. The second reviewer also requests additional experiments, similar to the first reviewer. The third reviewer has pointed out some grammar issues. In the end, as long as two reviewers respond positively, the paper can be accepted.

Primary scholar:Mr.G 2022-12-01

Translated text:

Submitted: 2022.7.13
Editor invited: 2022.7.17
With editor: 2022.7.18
Under review: 2022.7.20
Update status date: 2022.8.18, 8.29, 9.20, 10.8
Required reviews completed: 10.13
Mandatory revisions: 2022.10.13
With editor: 2022.11.3
Under review: 2022.11.6
Required Reviews Completed: 2022.11.30
Accept: 2022.12.1

希阳西下几时回 2022-11-20

It has been 10 days with the editor, I don't know when it will be reviewed or change status.

夏小咆 2022-11-15

May I ask if there is a specific template for part A? I only found the manuscript requirements.

白绿依山尽 2022-11-07

Thank you, editor Prof. Oksman.
Submitted on 20220815.
Major revision on 20221001.
Revised on 20221020.
Minor revision on 20221102.
Revised on 20221103.
Accepted on 20221107.

kaka问心 2022-10-23

Today, I finally met with the editor. I also chose this professor.

kaka问心 2022-10-19

It has been 4 days, and the situation hasn't changed.

hs0219 2022-10-15

Whether to find a new reviewer for the second review depends on the review comments and the editor. If there is a reviewer with a low score and unfavorable review comments, the editor may consider finding a new reviewer for the second review. This is normal, so there is no need to be nervous. The editor has given an opportunity for revisions, so just handle it well and most likely the article will be accepted.

hs0219 2022-10-15

Depending on the reviewers' comments and the editor, if there is a reviewer with a low score and negative comments, the editor may find new reviewers in the second round of review, which is normal and there is no need to be nervous. The editor has given you a chance to revise, so handle it well and most likely your article will be accepted.

Lalala_2022 2022-10-15

Brother, may I ask how many reviewers were invited when you checked the status in the Elsevier system after the second submission? I initially sent it to two reviewers, and after the revision, when I checked the system, it showed that 2+ reviewers were invited, and I'm a bit confused.

Lalala_2022 2022-10-12

Okay, thank you!

SenSor24 2022-10-11

Two reviewers were originally assigned for the review process. Reviewer 1 suggested minor revisions and identified three small issues. Reviewer 2 accepted the submission.

Lalala_2022 2022-10-09

May I ask if the original reviewer will still be the same after the revision and resubmission, or if a new reviewer has been additionally assigned? Thank you!

SenSor24 2022-10-06

Thank you, editor Prof. Oksman.
20220705 - with editor
20220708 - under review
20220807 - two major revisions, resubmitted after incorporating editor's suggestions
20220826 - resubmitted
20220827 - "with editor"
20220829 - with editor
20220831 - under review
20220925 - minor revision
20220927 - revised
20221001 - accept

1f 2022-10-04

Editor Kim is very good, with high efficiency. Submitted to the journal on 8/12. With editor on 8/14. Under review on 8/15. Returned to author for revision on 9/4. With editor on 9/17. Under review on 10/3. Accepted.

吃瓜小学生 2022-09-23

Submitted two months ago, the claim of major revisions was actually minor revisions. The editor is Jang Kyo Kim, who is very nice.

Note that the main text (excluding references) should not exceed 20 pages when double-spaced. If it exceeds, it should be put in the supplementary information. This issue has been revised twice.

7.9 Submitted to journal
7.11 Submitted to journal
7.12 With editor
7.14 Under review
7.28 Required reviews completed
8.2 Required reviews completed
8.3 Mandatory revisions required
8.30 "With editor"
9.1 "With editor"
9.1 Under review
9.10 Accepted

西工大小博士 2022-09-06

20220521-with editor - With editor on May 21, 2022
20220524-under review - Under review on May 24, 2022
20220715-under review - Under review on July 15, 2022
20220716-under review - Under review on July 16, 2022
20220805-required reviews completed - Required reviews completed on August 5, 2022
20220806-mandatory reviews required - Mandatory reviews required on August 6, 2022
20220903-"with editor" - With editor on September 3, 2022
20220905-with editor - With editor on September 5, 2022
20220906-accept - Accepted on September 6, 2022

Baocai Zhang 2022-09-01

Excuse me, sir. What aspects does this journal focus on more, the manufacturing process or the explanation of mechanisms?

乐... 2022-08-25

20220709-First submission
20220712-Technical review revised due to page number issues
20220716-With editor
20220718-Under review
20220801 Mandatory revisions
20220821-"With editor"
20220822-With editor
20220822-Under review
20220823-Required reviews completed

科研农民工1 2022-08-13

After a month of review, there were both positive and negative comments from the reviewers, and Editor Zhang rejected the submission.

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