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czqczqczq 2022-08-01

Submitted on 7.21, currently (8.1) still with editor.

爱汪汪wang 2022-07-27

It has been over a month since the review process ended, and the editor doesn't know what they are doing.

哈哩啾啾 2022-07-26

Posted on July 11th, still in "With Editor" status as of July 26th, waiting continues.

希阳西下几时回 2022-07-21

Has the reviewer on your side accepted the invitation? I have been in the same situation for almost 2 months.

爱汪汪wang 2022-07-19

The repair has been going on for a long time, and the reviewing process has also been completed, but it is still under review, and my attitude and patience are collapsing.

airhua 2022-07-18

The speed is getting slower now. The revised work has not been submitted for review. Is the editor so busy?

爱汪汪wang 2022-07-17

It is basically the same situation. Xiaoxiu has returned for almost two months now, and even after sending email reminders, there have been no substantial opinions. Have you received any results on your end?

专投水刊水文 2022-07-05

My recent article was under review for 9 months, but it was accepted for publication immediately after I sent a reminder. Quite unusual.

rain102 2022-07-01

The second review came back and requested minor revisions based on the reviewer's comments. However, there were no comments in the view letter. I sent an email to inquire with the editor once, and they replied that my email had been forwarded to the respective editor. It has been 10 days, and I still haven't received a response...

Writing 2022-06-29

It means "with editor", because it was okay last year, only used for about a week, mainly because the external review took too long...

爱吃辣火锅的牛 2022-06-28

May I ask how long it took for the original poster to go from submission to under review?

Writing 2022-06-27

May I ask how you found the editing email? I have only sent emails through the system. Can you give me some guidance?

Writing 2022-06-27

I have been waiting for 7 months. The system sent an email reminder at the 4-month mark, and now it's almost 8 months. Can anyone please tell me how to contact the editor? The system's reminder seems ineffective (PS: The status hasn't changed since "under review").

Writing 2022-06-27

Already invested for 7 months, the system sent a reminder once during the fourth month, but it is still under review now and the status hasn't changed.

小生繁华 2022-06-21

Posted on May 23rd, I have been with the editor all this time. Why is customer service so slow? Does anyone have any good solutions?

北博 2022-06-17

First trial takes two months, after two months of revision, the acceptance is received directly.

爱汪汪wang 2022-06-17

The journal provided a link over there, so you can directly view it.

handong123 2022-06-17

May I ask how do you know if the reviewer has accepted the invitation after "Under review"?

佟冬冬 2022-06-16

Is it directly reminded in the system?

爱汪汪wang 2022-06-16

The first review gave a minor revision, and the revised draft was submitted on May 26th. It was under review on June 1st, but the reviewer has been consistently ignoring the invitation. Doesn't the customer service send notification messages? Why is it taking so long?

杨振东 2022-06-11

The initial review required reviews completed and feedback was provided within one day, while the second review required reviews completed and it has been one week without any response.

Dr_LS 2022-05-28

I have been with my editor for a month. May I ask how did you push them?

handong123 2022-05-27

Sent two articles.
The first article took nearly seven months for review, but it was accepted after a reminder.
The second article, with the editor for a month and a half, was sent for review directly after a reminder. It is really slow.

Chang 2022-05-24

After submission, the manuscript has undergone two changes with the editor. The first change occurred after it was submitted to the journal (around March 15th), and the second change occurred on May 8th. During this period, I have reminded them four or five times ? ? but there hasn't been much response...

ZJ69 2022-05-22

Excuse me, may I ask the original poster how many times your manuscript has gone through "with editor"? Were there any periods in between where the dates were updated but the status was not?

Chang 2022-05-20

Posted on March 2, 2022, and only submitted for review on May 19th.
This is ridiculous. Hopefully, the outcome is good. ? ? ?

爱吃辣火锅的牛 2022-05-19

I submitted it on 4/15. The date has changed today, but it is still with the editor. Have the dates changed for you in the past two months, OP?

相信未来666 2022-05-19

I used to get hired pretty quickly before. It only took about three to four months from start to finish. I'm not sure what happened this time. Maybe the hiring process has changed recently, or the editor is busy with something. The situation seems stagnant and there is no progress.

卿卿梓金 2022-05-19

I see everyone complaining about the slow editing speed. In my submission process, the editing speed is very fast. I can usually have it reviewed within a week. However, the "Under" process is a bit slow.

卿卿梓金 2022-05-19

Posted on June 20, 2021.
Major revision on September 10, 2021. Both reviewers had neutral opinions, stating that the paper had novelty but lacked precision in the methods. Major revisions were requested.
Returned on November 8, 2021.
Accepted on December 19, 2021.
Overall, the submission process was quite good, except for the slow speed. The first review took close to 3 months, and the second review after revision took nearly 1 and a half months. Especially for the second review, I waited for so long that even the flowers withered.

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