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元气满满333 2022-10-07

"This manuscript proposes a new design for a composite high-precision dimensionally stable solid surface reflector for spacecraft mirror antennas." Whose article's review is this? How did the editor mix it up? Why did the editor mistakenly send the reply email to me?

元气满满333 2022-10-07

Brother, the editor gave me suggestions for revisions that belong to other articles. What should I do now? I feel foolish.

Roderick 2022-10-07

It's so heart-wrenching. From the first submission to acceptance, it took nearly 11 months in total. I was on the verge of losing hope while waiting, but luckily it finally got published. Thanks to my friends for sharing information about journal publications!

Chang 2022-10-07

Translated text: Transferred to Composite Structures after being rejected for Composite Part B in March 2022. After numerous reminders, with the editor again in July 2022. Major revisions for the first review on August 3, 2022. Revision requested after the first review on August 26, 2022. The second review concluded on September 15, 2022, with the decision of revise and resubmit. Finally accepted on October 7, 2022. It was quite a test of patience. ?

Roderick 2022-10-07

Jun 27, 2022, with editor
Jun 27, 2022, revision submitted
Apr 27, 2022, major revision
Apr 05, 2022, under review
Apr 05, 2022, required reviews completed
Mar 13, 2022, under review
Feb 14, 2022, under review
Feb 04, 2022, with editor
Nov 24, 2021, with editor
Nov 22, 2021, submitted

Jun 27, 2022, with editor
Jun 27, 2022, revision submitted
Apr 27, 2022, major revision
Apr 05, 2022, under review
Apr 05, 2022, required reviews completed
Mar 13, 2022, under review
Feb 14, 2022, under review
Feb 04, 2022, with editor
Nov 24, 2021, with editor
Nov 22, 2021, submitted

Roderick 2022-10-07

Oct 07, Accept
Sep 15, 2022, required reviews completed
Aug 11, 2022, under review
Aug 08, 2022, with editor
Jul 27, 2022, with editor
Jul 27, 2022, revision submitted
Jul 22, 2022, minor revision
Jul 17, 2022, required reviews completed
Jul 05, 2022, under review
Jun 28, 2022, with editor

Oct 07, Accept
Sep 15, 2022, required reviews completed
Aug 11, 2022, under review
Aug 08, 2022, with editor
Jul 27, 2022, with editor
Jul 27, 2022, revision submitted
Jul 22, 2022, minor revision
Jul 17, 2022, required reviews completed
Jul 05, 2022, under review
Jun 28, 2022, with editor

佟冬冬 2022-10-07

Do you have an RRC after the review on April 5th?

Roderick 2022-10-06

My heart is waiting, always waiting...

元气满满333 2022-10-06

The RRC status has been fourteen days already. I'm exhausted. Bro, do you have any results?

科小研 2022-10-04

Will send a link to the communication for checking the review status.

yizhen 2022-10-04

Dear colleagues,
1. After the article is under review, will the journal still send a status query link? On October 4th, the status changed to "under review," but I did not receive the status query link.
2. For those working on composite material mechanics models, what is the typical review period? The submission was made on September 23rd.

Roderick 2022-10-04

Before, both the first review and the second review had two reviewers who provided their opinions. Now, it has been 19 days since RRC, so there should be two reviewers who have uploaded their review comments, meeting the minimum requirement of two opinions. I really don't understand why it is so difficult to obtain the results.

元气满满333 2022-10-03

Is the editor on vacation or something?

Chang 2022-10-03

My first review for rework has been 18 days now, from September 15th until now, it has been in this state, sigh...

Roderick 2022-10-03

RRC's status has been 18 days, and still no decision from the editor. We can only wait for now. Hopefully it will come out soon. It has been almost 11 months since I started submitting, and the third review has been over 2 months now.

元气满满333 2022-10-02

Brother, how are you? My RRC status has been like this for over ten days.

爱吃辣火锅的牛 2022-09-28

There will definitely be good results, keep it up.

Roderick 2022-09-28

The required reviews for the third round have been completed for 13 days already, but I still haven't received any comments. It's going to ruin my National Day holiday. It has been 2 months since the submission for the third round. This is frustrating.

爱吃辣火锅的牛 2022-09-27

Has the OP's results come out now?

tuanzi 2022-09-26

It has been 20 days, and there is still no response from the editor. Other similar journals are not this slow.

科小研 2022-09-24

I suspect that the person being chosen, most likely, has acquaintances.

Roderick 2022-09-24

A year and one month of hard work, high five! I noticed that this journal is very selective in choosing people and papers. Looking at the recent publication timeline, some people can publish in just two months. It's probably because my writing is not up to par. I've made several revisions, but it's still not fast enough. It's seriously affecting the pace.

科小研 2022-09-23

"Being continuously scrutinized and evaluated for one year and one month shows that your situation is still good, after all, you will soon succeed."

Roderick 2022-09-23

From the first trial to the third trial, it has been 10 months already, and there is still no result. I have been waiting for so long that even the flowers have withered. My mindset is really on the verge of collapsing. It has been 8 days since the third trial, and they still haven't released the result. It's too slow. Sigh! It really leaves people speechless. I don't dare to urge them, so I can only wait anxiously every day, getting more and more frustrated to the point of exploding.

Roderick 2022-09-23

It has been 8 days since the required reviews were completed, but I still haven't received the opinions from the third review. It's so slow.

Roderick 2022-09-19

The first review should be normal, we can only wait a little longer. It should be soon, after all, the feedback has been received. Good luck! I am also anxiously awaiting the third review RRC.

努力努力最努力 2022-09-18

Is this normal for the first trial?

Roderick 2022-09-18

How long has it been since RRC without any result? Is it the first trial or the second trial? Mine is the third trial, 5 days RRC.

努力努力最努力 2022-09-18

Why am I still not given results even though I have been in RRC state for a long time...

Roderick 2022-09-18

It's super slow. I submitted my application on November 22nd last year, and it still hasn't completed the process until now. It has been 10 months already, and it is so slow that it's frustrating.

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