注: 认证评论选取于全球各个学术评论平台和社交媒体。

zren2 2022-11-22

11/19/2022 published (with Volume and Year)
Translation: Published on 19th November 2022 (with Volume and Year)

Joval 2022-11-18

2021.8.7 Submission
2021.8.11 Under review
Until now, there has been no change in the status... Has anyone else encountered this situation?

xbcdwdw 2022-11-17

2022.11.15 Submission
2022.11.17 with editor

卿卿梓金 2022-11-16

It's really a bit slow.

zren2 2022-11-16

11/15/2022 disponible en línea

11/15/2022 available online

tyrock 2022-11-12

2022.8.18 Submitted
2022.8.19 With Editor
2022.8.28 Under Review
2022.10.7 Minor revision
2022.11.2 With Editor
2022.11.8 Accept

2022.8.18 Submitted
2022.8.19 With Editor
2022.8.28 Under Review
2022.10.7 Minor revision
2022.11.2 With Editor
2022.11.8 Accept

zren2 2022-11-11

07/18/2022 submission
10/04/2022 major revision
10/14/2022 resubmission
11/03/2022 rrc
11/10/2022 accept

07/18/2022 submission
10/04/2022 major revision
10/14/2022 resubmission
11/03/2022 rrc
11/10/2022 accept

cuiqian 2022-11-07

2022.04 submitted
2022.04 under review
2022.06 major revision
2022.07 submitted
2022.09 minor revision
2022.10 accept


2022.04 submitted
2022.04 under review
2022.06 major revision
2022.07 submitted
2022.09 minor revision
2022.10 accept

ujvegdd2 2022-10-28

Recommend switching to thin-walled structures. Oh no, it was desk rejected in just half a month. The reason given was that although the manuscript is within the scope of the journal, they decided not to accept it in order to balance the themes. It feels like there isn't any valuable reason.

BrainLJY 2022-10-28

2022-10-20 submitted to journal
2022-10-27 with editor
2022-10-31 under review
2022-11-02 under review
2022-11-27 under review
Requested transfer, effectively rejected

jiaojiaohekele 2022-10-25

2022.06 submitted
2022.07 under review
2022.08 minor revision
2022.09 submitted
2022.10 accept

Translated text:
2022.06 - Submitted
2022.07 - Under review
2022.08 - Minor revision
2022.09 - Submitted
2022.10 - Accepted

handong123 2022-10-25

2022.8.23 submitted
2022.8.25 with editor
2022.10.25 under review
It took two months for the submission, which is really incredible.

BrainLJY 2022-10-20

2022-10-20 Submitted to Journal

Translated: The submission was made to the Journal on October 20, 2022.

BrainLJY 2022-10-20

The composite material is a very good journal, but I heard that the review process has been slow recently. I hope to be able to get accepted.

BrainLJY 2022-10-20

Are you so fast? You were with the editor on the same day?!

BrainLJY 2022-10-20

Are you this fast? You were with the editor on the same day?

卷若天朝 2022-10-19

Hello, within 5 days after "差不多 accepetd", you can provide proof.

Roderick 2022-10-17

May I ask how long it usually takes to receive the Proof email after your paper goes online? I received mine on October 7th and it was online on the 13th. I would like to know approximately how long it takes from going online to receiving the Proof for proofreading. I haven't received the Proof email yet, so I wanted to ask you. Thank you!

Roderick 2022-10-17

May I ask how long it takes to receive the Proof email after your paper is submitted online?

tuanzi 2022-10-17

After 40 days of submission, it finally went for review.

ujvegdd2 2022-10-15

2022-10-15 submitted to journal
2022-10-15 with editor

The text is already in English and does not require translation.

Chang 2022-10-12

After my submission, it took nearly half a month with the editor, and then I continued to work with the editor for two months. After pressing for the manuscript, I resubmitted it to the editor and it was reviewed in two days.

Roderick 2022-10-12

After your paper is accepted, did you start receiving proof emails? I haven't received mine yet, it has been 5 days already.

yan~~ 2022-10-11

I also transferred from Composites Part B to CS on October 3rd. May I ask the original poster, how long does it usually take to submit for review after transferring with the editor?

Roderick 2022-10-11

I haven't received any message from Proof either.

Chang 2022-10-10

No progress yet.

Roderick 2022-10-10

Excuse me, has the proofreading of the paper I submitted for CS on October 7th started? I haven't received any updates yet.

Roderick 2022-10-08

Then politely send an email to the editor to explain the situation. In the submission system, there is a column for manuscript status, and on the far left there is a "Send E-mail" option. When clicked, it will display "Send Ad Hoc Email." In the drop-down menu, select the self-defined subject at the bottom, where the first two options are to request an extension for the modification deadline and an extension for the submission deadline, respectively. To find a template for writing incorrectly stated review comments, you can search on Baidu for more specific instructions.

卷若天朝 2022-10-08

2022-02-12 submitted to journal;
2022-02-14 with editor;
2022-05-19 with editor;
2022-05-19 under review;
2022-07-08 major revision;
2022-08-17 resubmitted to journal;
2022-10-07 accepted.


2022-02-12 submitted to journal;
2022-02-14 with editor;
2022-05-19 with editor;
2022-05-19 under review;
2022-07-08 major revision;
2022-08-17 resubmitted to journal;
2022-10-07 accepted.

卷若天朝 2022-10-08

2022-02-12 submitted to journal;
2022-05-20 with editor;
2022-05-19 under review;
2022-07-08 major revision;
2022-08-17 resubmitted to journal;
2022-10-07 accepted.

The text was submitted to the journal on February 12, 2022;
As of May 20, 2022, it is with the editor;
As of May 19, 2022, it is under review;
On July 8, 2022, a major revision was requested;
On August 17, 2022, it was resubmitted to the journal;
On October 7, 2022, it was accepted.

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