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卿卿梓金 2023-03-26

I did not see the RRC, comments were made directly.

雪大爷 2023-03-24

May I ask if you revised it quickly after the first review? It's been 5 days and it's still RRC... waiting.

小文厂老师 2023-03-22

2023.3.21投 (2023.3.21投) translated into English is "2023.3.21投 (2023.3.21投)". It appears to be a date and the term "投" is not clear without more context. The phrase "with editor" does not have a direct translation in this context.

卿卿梓金 2023-03-21

The first round of revisions gave me one month, then it stayed with the editor for another month before being submitted for review. It has been two weeks now and there is still no news. The first round of review also took a month with the editor before being reviewed for another month. I can understand the initial review taking time, but why is the second review so slow?

米村人 2023-03-20

1 and a half months, it is recommended to switch investments.

lffzyr 2023-03-19

The author submitted on 2023.03.09 and it still shows "Submitted to Journal" as of 03.19. I don't know why!
Did the submission succeed or not? Sent an ad hoc email to support@elsevier.com, but still haven't received a reply!
What is going on?

米村人 2023-03-18

Do you want to send it?

卿卿梓金 2023-03-03

It's good, really slow.

sduer 2023-02-24

Submitted in October 22, the review process took 3 months. Currently, the decision is in process. Hoping for a favorable outcome.

tuanzi 2023-02-22

I suspect that the two of us are the same editor.

Cosmos 2023-02-22

Two months of minor repairs, after the repairs, the editing and processing work is very fast!

handong123 2023-02-17

Rehire after 6 months of employment.

卿卿梓金 2023-02-17

The first review being slow can still be understood. Why is the second review still so slow? It has been two weeks and it is still in the hands of the editor. The editor has been changed as well.

卿卿梓金 2023-02-16

You are really fast. It took me a month to return for the second review, but this time it has been two weeks and it is still in the hands of the editor. It seems like they have changed editors as well.

科研赵 2023-02-14

with editor 40 days turned into decision in process, basically it is not looking good.

yifuzhiming 2023-02-11

The editor-in-chief handled it very quickly. The first review took twenty-seven days, with minor revisions. After submitting the revised version, it was accepted just two days later. The entire process took only thirty-five days. Thank you, editor-in-chief.

yifuzhiming 2023-02-11

Your article is probably either a derivative work, lacking innovation, or of mediocre quality. This is the rhythm in which the editor will reject it. As for articles with great innovation, the editor handles them quickly.

yifuzhiming 2023-02-11

The editor-in-chief handled it quickly. The first review took twenty-seven days, with minor revisions. After resubmission, it was accepted directly two days later. The entire process only took thirty-five days.

nickname 2023-02-11

The journal is good, but the speed is very slow, extremely slow. If you urgently need to use your paper, do not submit it.

探秘潜艇 2023-02-11

No news from the editor for half a month...

piyangyang 2023-01-20

To do micro-nanomechanics.

qinghuang 2023-01-19

The first SCI paper during my doctoral period, with three reviewers. This journal is highly recognized in the industry. It is ranked as a top journal in the field of mechanics, and is listed in the double Q1 category.

天天弟弟 2023-01-11

This journal has a great cost-performance ratio. The acceptance rate is very high within the first district. Personally, I feel that as long as you submit, you have a good chance of being accepted. The requirements in other aspects are not high either, and there are usually only one or two reviewers, and the review process is very fast. It is suitable for people who are short on graduation time and like to submit low-quality content.

tangbaopingp 2023-01-09

The magazine has high quality and is well recognized in the industry. It does not accept plagiarized works.

qinmoumou 2022-12-27

Three reviewers, two minor revisions, one major revision, and after the revisions were made, it was accepted in twelve days. The editor-in-chief's processing speed is relatively fast, with no delays or dragging.

handong123 2022-12-24

You've really gone by so fast in these four months.

jinqiqi 2022-12-24

The requirements for the "Double First-Class" initiative by the Chinese Academy of Sciences are becoming increasingly demanding. From my personal experience, it is crucial to write articles well, and of course, the most important thing is to have innovation.

BrainLJY 2022-12-04

It has been so long. Can I bother you to ask how you know there are three reviewers? The "under review" status of my submission has changed three times.

jsslsxyq 2022-12-02

2021.12.10 submitted
Three reviewers were assigned, but none of them reviewed it. The editor is looking for new reviewers.
2022.10.08. First revision required, the questions asked were not too difficult, took one month to make the revisions.
2022.11.29 Accept
The journal is a good one, but the review process is very slow. It is advised to be cautious if you are in a hurry to graduate.

卿卿梓金 2022-11-26

Is it normal to not submit for review for three weeks?

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