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Jiangyq 2023-06-12

Translated text into English:

Received on January 24, 2023,
Revised on May 18, 2023,
Accepted on June 5, 2023,
Available online on June 10, 2023.

奋斗的大菜鸡 2023-06-12

Do all authors need to confirm after submitting to this journal? After submission, the article remains in a "submitted to journal" status. Does anyone know what this situation is? Is the rejection process fast?

Mining 2023-06-12

Do all authors need to confirm after submitting to this journal? After submission, the article remains in the "Submitted to Journal" status. Does anyone know what this situation means?

wlxy 2023-05-30

Did you change the title and resubmit? Or did you answer the editor's questions and contact the editor?

xuweixuwei 2023-05-23

The processing speed is fast, and the chief editor is very good.

哈哈哈哈32123 2023-05-20

That is the overseas Christmas vacation, plus the processing speed is also average, two months is normal. This is just a personal opinion, there is no special requirement, please do not rush.

H000 2023-05-20

Excuse me, have you been rejected after dipping? I have been in this state for a week already.


I am also currently in this situation. Just be patient and wait. It has been a week in this state.

年轮 2023-05-19

Congratulations! I would like to ask, did it take you more than two months with the editor when you first submitted? Were there any reminders during that time?

哈哈哈哈32123 2023-05-18

22.12.20 Submitted
23.02.04 Under review
23.03.31 Minor revision
23.04.22 Revised
23.05.05 Under review
23.05.15 RRC (Reviewer's Recommendation for Changes)
23.05.17 Accepted
Very happy to be the top in the first article!

SGLJ 2023-05-17

May I ask if you have submitted for review?

SGLJ 2023-05-16

Has your with editor yielded any results?

mawilling 2023-05-16

The manuscript quality of this journal is very high, so it is worth submitting good results.


May I ask who is the editor?


As long as it's declined in the DIP, it's over, regardless of whether it has been submitted for review or not.

mawilling 2023-05-08

I previously submitted an article, but the editor rejected it directly after holding onto it for two months. It felt really bad. This time, I submitted again on May 5th, and on May 7th, it is "with editor." I am hoping for a good outcome.

dxxeva 2023-05-04

I am a minor revision on March 10th, 2023, revised on March 19th, 2023, received reviewer comments on April 22nd, 2023, minor revision again on May 5th, 2023 (the editor found a new reviewer), and revised again on May 12th, 2023. Continuing to wait~

J975J975 2023-05-04

22.12.20 Submission
23.02.04 Review sent
23.03.31 Minor revision
23.04.22 Revision made
23.05.05 Review sent

dpzhao 2023-04-26

This journal, 3.17 with editor, 4.26 with editor. Has it gone cold~

GuoCJ 2023-04-25

4.17 投 translates to "4.17 investment" in English.
4.21 with editor remains the same in both languages.

南疆锁鈅 2023-04-17

2022.10.07 submitted; 2022.11.06 under review; 2022.12.22, minor revisions, four reviewers; 2023.1.8 revised, 1.14 resubmitted, 3.5 second resubmission, no updates during this period, 4.1 review completed, finally accepted on 4.16. The revision time exceeded three months, indeed quite long.

tuanzi 2023-04-14

It really feels uncomfortable to be slow.

张锗 2023-04-13

Generally, when "under consideration" appears, there is a high probability of rejection. So on and so forth.

dpzhao 2023-04-13

I submitted it on the 21st, and it's been with the editor since April 13th. Is it cancelled~

zhangshengguo 2023-04-12

Me too, I am the same. We both submitted on the same day. I am still editing it now. Are you the editor from Italy?

卿卿梓金 2023-04-12

The overall feeling is that the difficulty is not very high, but the reviewer's questions must be taken seriously and cannot be avoided... The editing is really slow, too slow. The biggest problem is the slowness, which makes you feel uncomfortable.

LDT 2023-04-11

3.27 sub
3.28 with editor
4.4 with editor
4.10 with editor
What is this situation?

派大星先生与博士 2023-04-10

2022.9.17 Posted
2022.11.2 Repaired
2022.11.20 Received
2022.11.24 Available online

远方的天空 2023-04-09

required reviews completed 16 days ago and still no news

sduer 2023-04-08

It has been 6 months, and there are still no results. I hope to have good results soon.

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