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lm 2021-03-03

The review time mainly depends on the reviewer. I have just received an article and it will take about one and a half months to review.

声震蓝天 2021-03-03

2020.07.22 With editor
2020.07.30 Under Review
2020.8.30 Under Review
2020.11.15 Under Review
2020.11.28 Under Review
2020.12.29 Under Review
In December, a reminder was sent to inquire about the manuscript status, and the response received stated that only one reviewer had submitted their comments. Why is this journal so slow?! I'm in a hurry to graduate!!

zgpic001 2021-02-22

2020.12.3 submitted
2020.12.19 under review
2021.1.24 minor revision
2021.2.21 accepted
The review process was quite fast, with the initial review taking approximately one month~

Andy 2021-02-20

There were a total of three reviewers. The initial review process lasted for three months. Two reviewers recommended major revisions, while one reviewer recommended acceptance. After submitting the revision, it took an additional two months for the manuscript to be accepted.

You can find the accepted manuscript at https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compstruct.2021.113693.

Cage Sun 2021-02-05

Are you in materials or in structures?

Jie_judy 2021-02-03

2021/2/1 Repairs completed, waiting for updates.

南疆锁鈅 2021-01-13

2020.01.18 submission,
2020.03.03 under review,
2020.07.09 under review,
2020.08.02 under review,
2020.09.12 under review,
2020.11.18 minor revision,
2020.12.18 revision requested,
2021.1.5 Accepted. It has been a year since the submission, and the first review took ten months. It has been continuously under review, and even urging didn't help.

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