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小米电动车 2021-07-23

May I ask if this journal only accepts submissions in the field of composite materials? Does it also accept submissions on composite structures?

HKMP5 2021-07-16

Just asking about the status of your manuscript. This journal feels inconsistent, it took 6 months to review and accept a submission I made in December of the previous year. However, a submission I made last year was reviewed, revised, and accepted in just over a month. It has been almost 30 days since I submitted this year's manuscript and it is still "with editor"... Sigh, it's so slow.

碳碳谈谈 2021-07-14

I and you have submitted at the same time, and it is still under review until now. It is really too slow.

crisiter 2021-07-14

Posted on 2021.3.4
Reviewed after two weeks
Still under review until now
I give up

维数 2021-07-12

Continuously under review.

TT 2021-07-10

Excuse me, has it been sent for review now? Mine has been with the editor for more than ten days.

我是一只小小鸟 2021-07-09

The editor is pretty good. They provided feedback after one month of reviewing, and after making the revisions, it was reviewed for another month and finally accepted.

Y_W 2021-06-28

Submitted in June 2020, it took nearly a year for it to be returned for revisions in May 2021. I don't know how many times I reminded them in between, but it was useless. Fortunately, I didn't wait in vain. There were two reviewers who provided minor revisions with a total of six issues, which were easily addressed. It has been 20 days since the revisions were returned, and it is still "Under Review" until now...
From now on, I will definitely pay attention to the comments on LetPub before submitting.

今夕何夕 2021-06-24

Unknown after submission, the mentality of trying the first article.
6.14 Submitted
6.15 With Editor till now.

HUANYU 2021-06-13

Submitted on December 22, 2020.
Received the first round of revisions around April 10, 2021, with significant revisions.
Submitted again after modifications on May 19, 2021.
Accepted on June 12, 2021.
The editor-in-chief and reviewers were very nice. The first round of revisions was a bit slow, but subsequent communication was very timely.
The journal is excellent, a top-tier publication in its field.

Chang 2021-06-09

Finally, it is under review. I hope the result is good. ? ? ?

丑的巨想整容 2021-06-08

Submitted on February 18th, after three to four days with the editor, the status remained for over a month. Later, it changed to "under review". After twenty-seven to twenty-eight days, the review process ended and it converted to "required reviews completed". Four days later, major revisions were made (around April 27th) with two reviewers. The first reviewer had many comments, but overall the changes were considered good. It was returned on May 19th and two days later changed to "under review" again. On June 4th, "required reviews completed" was indicated and on June 8th, it was accepted.

SuperWayne 2021-06-08

It seems like anyone who makes composite materials can publish, because the volume of submissions is high and it is easy to flood with irrelevant content!

Yao eric 2021-05-25

5.12 Submitted;
5.24 Reject.

Unfortunately, try again.

云溪 2021-05-25

The editor is currently viewing.

Chang 2021-05-23

It has been one or two weeks since I submitted the CS (Computer Science) paper, and it is still "with editor." Yesterday, the status of "with editor" changed again. What's going on? I hope it can hold on until the external review. ? ?

泰山学人 2021-05-22

So slow, submitted on June 27th last year, and still under review until now. It's incredibly slow!

泰山学人 2021-04-17

My submission was also made on June 27th last year, and it is still under review. It's really slow!

SimonHan39 2021-04-15

I submitted it in November 2020, and it is still under review. Have you received the reviewer's comments yet?

吴·彦·祖 2021-04-14

Posted on June 29, 2020.

Still under review as of March 13, 2021.

It's too slow. I sent a reminder in January, and they said there were five reviewers reviewing it.

What do you guys think? Should we continue to wait?

瓜大瓜瓜 2021-04-13

Are you the Big Bull Group?

瓜大瓜瓜 2021-04-13

The manuscript was submitted on March 19th, and it was with the editor on March 28th. Until today, April 13th, it is still with the editor. Why are others so fast while mine always takes so long? The previous one took nearly ten months from start to finish. Another one took over eight months and ended with only one reviewer rejecting it.

CY 2021-04-08

2020.12.15 Submitted;
2020.12.16 With editor;
2020.12.17 Under review;
2021.01.19 Required Reviews Completed;
2021.01.22 Revise;
2021.03.21 With editor;
2021.03.22 Under review;
2021.03.24 Accept.

The manuscript handled by Dr. Antonio was processed very quickly. The review process took one month, with two minor revisions and one major revision (um, let's call it a medium revision). The suggested revisions were provided. The entire process, from submission to acceptance, took a little over three months, but it was mainly delayed due to the Lunar New Year and some other personal matters, not the fault of the editorial office.

The quality of the journal is good, with concise and efficient processes. I recommend everyone to submit their manuscripts. I wish CS (Computer Science) Journal continued success.

混凝土结构 2021-03-29

Hello, may I ask if this required review has been completed? How long does it take for your manuscript to have results? It has been over a week for me and it has been in this status. Thank you.

混凝土结构 2021-03-29

Submitted in December 2020, minor revisions made on January 24th, returned on March 22nd, under review on March 23rd, required reviews completed on March 23rd. The outcome is currently unknown.

yuanhuazzl 2021-03-16

Posted on February 24th, still "with editor" until now. Does anyone know how to urge the submission? Should I send an email or ask within the system platform? If sending an email, what is the email address? Thank you!

Jie_judy 2021-03-14

2021/3/14 accepted, it took 5 months from submission to acceptance, very happy!

世界的尽头 2021-03-14

I invested at the end of August and have not received any response until now. The timeframe has been constantly changing during this period. The most recent date given is December 16th, which is already 3 months ago.

fenfam 2021-03-08

First review for minor revisions, accept after the second review, and wait for the final decision for almost half a month. Everyone still needs to have confidence.
The first article was a bit excited, but we still need to remain calm and continue working.

伽罗瓦的春天 2021-03-07

The fast speed upstairs is probably because they work in a good company or have expertise in communication. Ordinary people would be exhausted by investing in this.

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