认证评论 - Chinese Optics Letters
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gggyyy 2022-02-20

No, you can directly use the Elsevier template in LaTeX. I didn't use the template directly; instead, I wrote the required content and converted it to PDF for submission without paying attention to the formatting.

好运相伴 2021-06-07

Posted on June 3, 2021
Received an email from the editor on June 6, stating that it is not suitable for this journal.
I am glad that the notification came quickly and did not waste my time.

好运相伴 2021-05-31

Can I ask if the LaTeX template you downloaded can run properly?

好运相伴 2021-05-31

Is this journal not suitable for someone like me who is an academic novice? The reviewers of Chinese Physics B suggested that I submit to Chinese Optics Letters or Applied Optics instead. I feel frustrated, it seems like it's not a good fit.

Fang Zhou 2021-04-27

20.4.27投 - Submitted on April 27th, 20XX.
20.5.1编辑拒 - Rejected by the editor on May 1st, 20XX.
理由是创新性不够 - The reason is lack of innovation.

水木年华吴 2021-03-09

Hello, may I ask where can I download this journal template? Are there any specific requirements for the format and length?

Japhia 2021-03-09

Due to the Chinese New Year holiday in between, there might be a slight delay, but overall it's still relatively fast. Just sharing. Submitted (2021-01-21), minor revision (2021-02-22), accepted (2021-03-09).

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