认证评论 - Chemosphere
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lilyLily 2023-07-25

Should we withdraw the manuscript in this situation?

Qiangting 2023-07-25

Recently, you big shots who have been accepted, please quickly send an email to ask the editor. Once you are removed, all the articles you have recently published will become invalid.

zhoudabao 2023-07-25

Being kicked out of SCIE should not happen. This is a very established journal, so the on-hold status should be lifted soon.

Qiangting 2023-07-25

Of course I am anxious, I definitely hope that nothing will happen. 400 8424 896 is the customer service phone number of Clarivate Analytics. After hearing the Chinese language, press 2 1 3 in order, and someone will explain to you. Everyone, please call and inquire.

哈哈哈1992 2023-07-25

"被 on hold了,暂时不会被检索了" translates to "Put on hold, temporarily not available for retrieval."

Qiangting 2023-07-25

There is also this example, where the journal is possibly conducting a self-examination and will retract previously non-compliant articles.

Qiangting 2023-07-25

The panicking brothers can take a look at this example: https://baijiahao.baidu.com/s?id=1762131958173069616&wfr=spider&for=pc

Pharon.lp 2023-07-24

Latest news, the Chemosphere journal is undergoing review by Clarivate Analytics. If it doesn't pass the review, it will be removed from SCIE. Wow, this is explosive news! It's probably because there are too many articles related to China and too many Chinese editors, which led to reports being filed. I also have a manuscript on there, so if it gets kicked out, it will be a waste.

bybybby 2023-07-24

Really laughed to death. It took me half a year to find reviewers, and I have reminded countless times only to be ignored. But today, after being put on hold, all the reviewers were found in just one day...

Y叶凡 2023-07-24

Add me on WeChat and let's chat a bit, feeling a bit anxious.

kkkkkker 2023-07-24

I hope the mark can be removed quickly.

Qiangting 2023-07-24

It is your manuscript number, which should be written in the reply letter.

宠儿呀 2023-07-24

Does anyone know what this means?
MS Number
Please include the Chemosphere code number in all your correspondence.

Y叶凡 2023-07-24

Still being audited, don't get excluded.

xiaowang0000 2023-07-24

Yes, do you know what the reason is? Also, when will it be taken off hold?

Qiangting 2023-07-24

I just checked, and Frontiers in Psychology was flagged in March, but it was relieved of this status after about a week. I think Chemosphere is a good journal, so there shouldn't be any worries.

哈哈哈1992 2023-07-24

I really can't believe it, why did it suddenly go on hold?

Qiangting 2023-07-24

Really cracked, in the process of editing, unexpectedly put on hold, I don't know if I should continue to make further changes.

黄文龙 2023-07-24

Why did it get put on hold?

骑着蚂蚁上高速 2023-07-24

Please don't be excluded, there are not many good journals in the field of environment. Chemosphere is really good, I don't understand why it's on hold.

骑着蚂蚁上高速 2023-07-24

Recently, I put you on hold for sending so many messages ?

太极桥 2023-07-24

I don't know why it's put on hold, sigh!

kkkkkker 2023-07-24

Could it be because I have been marked by WOS, and that's why it has slowed down~—~? My condition has also been going on for almost a month.

kkkkkker 2023-07-24

In the external audit, suddenly this magazine was put on hold. Is there hope for it to be released?

lilyLily 2023-07-24

It has been almost a month since the editor was assigned, despite constant reminders, there has been no progress. It is too slow.

Qiangting 2023-07-20

7.20 Major overhaul Two reviewers provided revisions and gave more than ten suggestions within a 40-day deadline.

nihaojvzipi 2023-07-15

I have also been submitting for over two months and still searching for reviewers. It's distressing.

杰先生 2023-07-12

This year, I had two articles in a row, and both went smoothly. The first article went through external review a month later, possibly coinciding with the Spring Festival. After the external review, it stayed in the hands of the editor for a month and a half before finally being accepted after revisions. The second article took only one month from submission to acceptance and only required minor revisions. It was accepted the day after it was sent back.

杰伦小孩 2023-07-12

Oh my, two months, this is too abstract.

丹1214 2023-07-12

Excuse me, has the status been updated?

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