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yixingaokeyan 2021-10-08

9.15 Submit for review - 10.8 Waiting for news.

yixingaokeyan 2021-09-16

Today the article is being reviewed, what great news! Perfect.

yixingaokeyan 2021-09-15

May I ask how you are doing, OP? I have also been submitting for more than ten days and I am still editing this status. I wonder if I can urge for the manuscript.

yixingaokeyan 2021-09-15

May I ask how you are doing, OP? I have been waiting for over ten days and there hasn't been any progress. Should I remind you to submit the manuscript?

yixingaokeyan 2021-09-15

May I ask how you are doing, OP? I have been submitting for more than ten days and still editing this status. I don't know if I can urge for the submission.

aaaa 2021-09-14

Mine too, have you got any results for yours? I'm anxious to graduate.

aaaa 2021-09-14

Submitted on August 30th, it has been almost a month and it is still "with editor". I would like to ask if everyone experiences such slowness? Should I remind them?

童啊童 2021-08-05

It took a total of two months, a bit slower than the comments.
Submitted to journal on 20210602
With editor on 20210602
Under review on 20210603
Minor revision on 20210803
Accepted on 20200805
First smooth paper, thanks to the Korean editor.

爱折腾的涵 2021-07-28

20210507 submitted to journal
20210507 with editor
20210508 under review
20210528 major revision
20210708 with editor
20210709 under review
20210714 under review
20210716 under review
20210720 required reviews completed
20210721 minor major
20210725 with editor
20210726 accept

First time submitting to this journal and the speed is really fast. There were 11 comments for the first major revision. The editor is David C Clary, a very professional editor, and the review process was super fast!

John117 2021-07-06

Oh, it's not easy.

百香果柠檬茶 2021-06-20

Originally, I wanted to submit my work quickly and graduate. After reading this journal, the comments below mentioned that the review process was fast, with acceptance within a month. Considering the time frame, I had several months left, so I thought it would be fine. Moreover, it was in the fourth district, so I submitted to this journal. However, the review process was not fast at all; it was full of obstacles. As a result, I am unable to graduate normally until today. The teacher said that the revised manuscript could have been submitted to the second district... My classmates who submitted to other journals, even those who submitted later than me, have already graduated. Perhaps the journal is about to be promoted, so the reviewers have higher requirements. In this situation, I can only blame myself for not choosing the right journal. If there are others who, like me, need to ensure graduation, they must consider it carefully.

百香果柠檬茶 2021-06-01

Actually, I feel like the editor forgot about my article. ?

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