认证评论 - Chemical Engineering Journal
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咋总重名 2021-03-31

Specifically here to scold this 1ninini, it's obvious that they have the mentality of a "phoenix man" or "phoenix woman", a typical refined egoist who has lived their whole life in conflict, feeling very insecure in their own life and can only prove their worth through superficial and meaningless research papers. Have you sold your soul for knowledge? I don't know which university has produced such garbage. I can see you have the potential to be a sheepdog in Australia.

范特霍夫 2021-03-30

Highly educated but low quality individuals, they cause so much harm.

JNUfeng 2021-03-29

2020 12 21 Submitted
2021 12 24 Under review
2021 01 29 Major revision
2021 03 02 Submitted (Letter delayed by one week)
2021 03 28 Required reviews completed
2021 03 29 Accepted

qq572020211 2021-03-28

Now there is an astonishingly large number of manuscripts. Is this the way to go like Ami?

echo1994wf 2021-03-26

I will contact the administrator to see if they can delete it. I find this person annoying and no one wants to argue with them.

等SCI等的快疯了 2021-03-25

Every time I want to check the status, I see these two arguing. Why doesn't the system administrator delete them? So what if they publish five articles in ACS Nano? Did your father live five more years or did your mother become five years younger? Look at your lack of ambition. If you have the ability, publish 500 articles, publish 5000 articles. You are nothing but academic garbage. Even in the research group, you are a despicable and useless dog. Don't even think that you are arrogant in the research group just because you have five articles in ACS Nano. It's laughable.

等SCI等的快疯了 2021-03-25

I feel the same way, it's uncomfortable.

rmcqh 2021-03-24

Hello, may I ask if the article has been accepted? I have also submitted recently, and my status is the same as yours.

WUHU~ 2021-03-24

It has been 5 days, anxiously waiting with the editor.

顺利的风铃 2021-03-24

After 3 days of submission, there will be results. Request to modify the language. After modifying the language, submit again to the editor. Instant rejection, saying it does not comply with the journal. Why not just reject it directly the first time? And requesting to reject it again after modifying the language. I don't understand.

cyzw 2021-03-22

Two weeks have passed without any results, I don't know when to expect them. It feels like the editing process for CFD direction is very slow.

echo1994wf 2021-03-21

How awesome are you? Can you please share your ORCID?

echo1994wf 2021-03-21

What else can I say? I can only wish that in your family's household registration, there is only you.

范特霍夫 2021-03-21

Does this person have any doubts about their identity as a Chinese?

未来是什么 2021-03-19

with editor, it has been a week and it has not been reviewed yet. May I ask how long it took for you, OP, to get it reviewed?

biosenser 2021-03-18

Looking at the comments, this journal seems good. At least the review process is fast. I hope to be accepted.

必中666 2021-03-16

The "required reviews completed" in the middle has changed several times, but the review process was fast. In total, it took just over ten days to complete the major revisions.

yizhibieryi 2021-03-15

I am also like this, asking the same question.

Prozac 2021-03-15

How long has your "Required Reviews Completed" status been lasting? Have the results been released yet?

懵逼树下懵逼果 2021-03-14

This~~~ is indeed a bit long. The second review and minor revisions should be done quickly. You can consider adapting and sending an email to urge the editor.

XXTT 2021-03-13

No, I am also doing the second review and minor edits. It's a bit strange that it is still under review.

echo1994wf 2021-03-13

This person ate shi? I'm just stating the facts, there's no need for you to spew nonsense here, it's ridiculous. At most, I'm just garbage in writing, but you are human garbage. It's just an article in ACS Nano, there's no need for you to exaggerate like this.

造化丹尊 2021-03-12

The article has been received for almost five months now, but no volume and issue number has been assigned yet. Have your issue been resolved?

懵逼树下懵逼果 2021-03-12

I am returning for the second time on the 21st, and it is a minor repair, so the feedback is relatively fast. If it is your first time returning for repair, at this time it is still under external review, so it should be considered normal.

penguin 2021-03-11

Talk about the information I just saw on a public account. The Chemical Engineering Journal (CEJ) has an impact factor of 12.85, ranking seventh among 1099 chemical engineering journals! This record is pretty impressive, right?

LeBron James 2021-03-11

Which editor did you choose?

echo1994wf 2021-03-11

First submitted to ACS Nano, but it was rejected after review. I had bad luck, and one of the reviewers was not professional. Then I made some changes and submitted to CEJ.

Submission date: December 21, 2020
First review completed: January 29, 2021 (major revision and minor revision)
Returned on March 1, 2021 (due to not making revisions during the Chinese New Year break, requested a one-month extension)
Accepted on March 11, 2021

XXTT 2021-03-11

Hello, I am also a resubmit on the 21st, and until now it is still under review. Does it mean it is still pending external review?

郭城睿 2021-03-11

May I ask how to set the font and line spacing? The lines and the automatically added line numbers do not correspond.

郭城睿 2021-03-11

May I ask how to set the font line number? My lines do not correspond with the ones automatically added by the system.

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