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penguin 2021-02-28

By the way, the Chinese Chemical Letters' impact factor has also reached 6.468. In a couple of years, this journal will also strive for inclusion in the first quartile.

penguin 2021-02-28

As of now, the current impact factor of CC is 5.98. It is almost certain that CC is unlikely to return to the top tier of chemistry journals because it has not shown much growth. Comparing it to other journals in the same chemistry category with similar impact factors, chemsuschem has 8.23, science china chemistry has 7.2, AC has 6.817, ACS macro letters has 6.74, the RSC's inorganic chemistry frontiers has an impact factor of 6.36, and the sub-journal communications chemistry, which is similar to CC in name, has an impact factor of 6.27. The journal of energy chemistry, which is also classified in the chemistry category, has an impact factor of 9.38. Currently, CC's development is not going well, and in a few years, these journals will likely pull away in terms of impact factor. Additionally, CC is not a domestic journal, and the Chinese Academy of Sciences is unlikely to prioritize it like they did with organic chemistry frontiers, which entered the top 5% of chemistry journals and reached the top tier. Therefore, personally, I believe CC is not suitable for investment.

阿童 2021-01-10

My second review has been almost a month already, and I don't know what has happened. Can the original poster please inform me if you have just submitted it for review?

洋@@@ 2021-01-10

May I ask if it is normal for the initial assessment to continue for four to five days after submission?

ST123 2021-01-08

May I ask, OP, can you inform us of the final result of your article? It has been almost 3 months for me, and I still don't have any results.

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