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东阳同学 2023-07-31

2023.07.31 16:00 Still with editor

gkjsl 2023-07-31

RSC deteriorates early, without the fate of ACS, don't imitate his illness.

东阳同学 2023-07-27

Apply for GC, transfer to CC.
With editor until 2023.06.24.
Still with editor.

zjt2013 2023-06-29

This "if" is too weak.

biubiubiu 2023-06-29

Many years ago, I won an article. I am commenting now because so many years have passed, and I really didn't expect this IF to stabilize and decline. Over there, ACS Energy/Materials Letters is a rising star, while over here, why can't we rise? Come on, CC!

来去匆匆也 2023-06-28

It's okay, just can't maintain the impact factor.

zhuyuchan 2023-06-28

Will the price drop at the end of the year? Can we keep Zone 2?

JS-UH 2023-06-28

Is CC going to be killed by the national publication wave? It's IF4.9. Unbelievable.

Wangwant 2023-06-06

5.27 submitted
6.2 with editor
6.5 in peer review
6.6 Reviewer 1 completed
6.20 Reviewer 2 completed
6.21 Minor revisions
6.26 RI (Revised Manuscript) submitted
6.27 Accepted
It's progressing quickly, but we're uncertain about the reputation of this journal. People still haven't recognized it. The impact factor is expected to drop to 4.8, which is quite unfortunate.

llhlnn 2023-03-14

It should be a conflict of opinions between the first two reviewers, or a contradiction between the first two reviewers and the editor. Another reviewer should be sought.

llhlnn 2023-03-14

A total of three submissions were made, the first one was transferred from green chemistry.

byakuya 2023-03-04

It is unlikely that CC will reach 5 this year, and the development of these journals, including RSC, is not very good (although we cannot judge based on impact factor, the decline in CC is significant every year).

It's not that the quality of the articles mentioned above is not high, but the editors prefer to see who the corresponding author is. If the editor is not familiar, they won't send it for review.

When I was a doctoral student, I used to submit articles to CC for review, possibly because it was related to well-known figures in the industry.

Now that I am independent, I have submitted articles to RSC journals many times, but without exception, none of them were sent for review (the reason being that the work is not influential, those who understand, understand the level of articles in these RSC journals). These articles ended up being accepted by other top-tier journals.

I'm only sharing my personal experience, but I won't submit to them again in the future.

Adv mater 2023-01-15

Being fooled into commenting by a pop-up window, ha, CC is becoming more and more corrupted. After all, it used to be a well-established brand, right?

loyita88 2022-11-13

Hello, may I ask if shortening the length is based on Word or the PDF file he provided?

Gloria__ 2022-09-12

Posted on April 23, 2022, because the total PDF exceeded 4 pages, the editor returned it for modification within 4 pages;
Received the review comments on May 16, 2022, all minor revisions;
Returned the review comments on May 29, 2022, with a reminder email from the editorial office on May 27, 2022, but I did not reply to that email and promptly returned the review comments;
Accepted on May 31, 2022.
I feel that both the editor and the reviewers are very efficient, and I am fortunate to have encountered such excellent and fast editors and reviewers.

dhtnumber1 2022-09-08

I agree with what you mentioned about Amy Prieto, this editor is really great! She has won 5 CCs, and she personally edited two or three of them, she is very nice!

LUCK小陈 2022-07-08

Hello, I would like to ask which editor you chose when submitting your contribution?

LUCK小陈 2022-07-08

I would like to ask, recently I am preparing to submit an article to the CC magazine. I found that for the direction of catalytic degradation of toxic gases, should I choose the editor-in-chief or the associate editor? I don't quite understand it for my first submission, so I would like to ask for advice. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

123木头人z 2022-07-06

Hello, what happened to your article in the end?

123木头人z 2022-07-03

I submitted an article in June and have received one reviewer's comments so far. Wish me good luck.

xuefenfei 2022-06-13

Two reviewers, one minor revision, one rejection. The reason for rejection is lack of innovation, and the editor suggests submitting to Dalton Trans. Hoping for a positive outcome.

xuefenfei 2022-06-13

2022.5.25 Checking submission and files
2022.5.25 Initial assessment
2022.5.25 With editor
2022.5.26 In peer review
2022.6.10 Rejected

2022.5.25 Checking submission and files
2022.5.25 Initial assessment
2022.5.25 With editor
2022.5.26 In peer review
2022.6.10 Rejected

阿寻 2022-06-06

Chem Commun finally got accepted after three submissions. In July of the 21st year, the first submission encountered Vice Editor Penny Brothers, who took over twenty days to send it for review. After urging for the manuscript, it was quickly sent for review. However, it was ultimately rejected after major revisions.

In April of the 22nd year, the second submission was rejected by Editor-in-Chief Richard Kelly, as there was a similar material already published online in Chem Commun on the same day. They suggested transferring the submission to RSC Adv.

Finally, in May of the 22nd year, the third submission was successful. Within 24 hours of submission on Tuesday, two reviewers agreed to review it. The review comments were returned within a week, which required major revisions. Vice Editor Amy Prieto was kind enough to accept the revised manuscript a week later. From submission to online publication, the entire process took a total of 20 days.

木头人1993 2022-05-18

ChemComm is really fast. It completed the first two processes on the day of submission and reached the editor's hands. It was sent for review the next day and received comments very quickly. Unfortunately, it lacked novelty and both reviewers did not recommend it for publication in ChemComm. The editor suggested transferring it to Dalton Trans. and the transfer was agreed on the same day. After some minor revisions, it was sent back to Dalton Trans. the next day. RSC is efficient in pursuing efficiency.
0503 Submitted
0504 With Editor
0505 In peer review
0516 Rejected
Transfer to DT

D.M 2022-05-13

The speed is really fast, from submission to acceptance within one month.
4.12 submitted
4.26 major revision
5.3 R1 submitted
5.13 accept

Kreveng 2022-05-11

However, CC is a natural index journal, and its recognition is still okay. It's just a pity that the impact factor cannot rise, falling to the second zone according to the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

一片黄叶 2022-05-03

The impact factor for this year is approximately 5.9-6.1. Other journals have been consistently increasing, while CC is gradually declining.

queershanren 2022-04-29

2022/3/3 Submitted
2022/3/4 In peer review
2022/3/15 Major revision
2022/4/18 R1 Submitted
2022/4/26 Major revision
2022/4/27 R2 Submitted
2022/4/28 Accept
The first review process was fast, with one major revision and one minor revision. Adding data delayed the process by one month, but overall it was fast. The reviewers were rigorous and requested a significant amount of data to be included in the ESI.

Freedow 2022-03-02

I would like to ask, can the article on biomarkers for the diagnosis of metabolic diseases be submitted to this journal?

Freedow 2022-03-02

Hello, may I ask if it is possible to submit an article on the diagnosis of biomarkers for metabolic diseases to this journal?

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