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ywongmath 2022-03-01

Hello, it has been five days since I submitted my manuscript, and it is still listed as "Submitted to Journal". Additionally, when I submitted, I sent confirmation emails to all the co-authors except myself. I am the first author and corresponding author. Is it the same process when you submit your manuscript?

Veronica123 2022-02-16

2022.02.16 Return for major revisions. An evaluator provided 8 comments, which are fair and constructive.

科研小青年嘿嘿 2021-12-02

November 30th Accept

SDE-PDE 2021-11-30

If there is no review feedback for 4-5 months, the manuscript should be withdrawn. First of all, it can be determined that you rarely submit articles. Secondly, apart from OA journals, you cannot find many journals to submit to. I submitted to other journals and received first-round feedback after 1.5 years and acceptance after 2 years for one article. Another article has been without review feedback for 1 year and 7 months, and another has also been without review feedback for 11 months. Do you want to withdraw the manuscript after only 4-5 months? I think this journal is relatively fast in terms of speed compared to the ones I have submitted to.

Veronica123 2021-11-28

Submitted in July, the review process was fast, but the most recent update was in September, and it has been continuously under review. At the end of October, I sent an email asking about the status, and they responded saying, "Recently, it's been slow and difficult, but once the reviewers reply, it will be returned immediately." Now another month has passed, and the status is still from September. I am considering whether to withdraw it. Sigh, it's just too slow.

贺兰山下放羊的 2021-11-08

6.17 Submission
8.17 Minor revision
8.30 Revised
10.23 Minor revision (change picture)
10.30 Revised
11.08 Accepted
Overall, the process was very fast, and the reviewers were professional. I am very grateful to the journal, and finally, I can graduate.

SDE-PDE 2021-11-05

The magazine is improving and hopes to reduce the number of articles published each year. Now the Impact Factor (IF) has reached 5.9. Please do not submit homework-style articles, as they will not be reviewed. However, we also hope to further enhance the review threshold.

科研小青年嘿嘿 2021-10-11

Posted on August 9, 2021, received revision comments on September 17. Discovered two reviewers, the first reviewer's comment was "please see the attached comments," but there were no attached comments. I made the necessary changes based on the second reviewer's comments. Submitted the revised manuscript on October 2. The editor mentioned that I didn't respond to the first reviewer's comments. Now I have emailed the editor to inquire if there were any attached comments, but the editor has not replied yet.

一之濑夜 2021-09-30

9.16 Revised draft submitted
9.16 Submitted to the editor
9.16 Editor invited
9.22 Under review
9.24 Required reviews completed
9.30 Accepted
This article is the most comprehensive one I have ever done during my Ph.D. Although it took a long time, it was successfully accepted. I hope the submission process is helpful to everyone.

violetcxx 2021-09-25

Received the job offer last night, it took exactly 3 months from submission to acceptance, very fast speed.

科研小青年嘿嘿 2021-09-22

Of course, how to receive the second review is not the same.

violetcxx 2021-09-18

How long did it take for the original poster to be accepted after the revision? My submission has been under review since the rework, does it mean it has been sent for a second review?

violetcxx 2021-09-18

May I ask how long did it take for you to receive the result after returning for repair? Mine is currently under review after returning, is it in the second review? I am a little worried.

一之濑夜 2021-09-10

Received the decision on August 9th. Two reviewers had six questions. The editor did not specify whether it was major or minor revisions. My boss told me it should be considered as minor revisions, but one of the reviewer's questions was quite sharp.

Replying to the previous comment, I submitted four papers this year, two were rejected, one got accepted but needs revisions. Hoping for a good outcome.

Also, regarding your question about better journals, this journal is a good choice for nonlinear comprehensive research due to its decent impact factor and ranking. It is cost-effective for students with graduation requirements and for those seeking professional titles. As I am more inclined towards applied physics, it is much harder to publish in physics journals in the top tier, such as biochemistry, materials science, or even computer science. The usual top-tier publications like APL or PR Applied are only in the second tier. If you want to choose a better nonlinear science journal, it depends on your specific research area and requirements. If you want to publish in a highly reputable nonlinear comprehensive journal, Chaos and PRE are good choices. If you want to publish in a top-tier journal in mathematics, there are some nonlinear mathematics journals available. Of course, there are also top-tier journals in mechanics and nonlinear control systems.

科研小青年嘿嘿 2021-09-10

May I ask if there are any better journals than this, dear host?

科研小青年嘿嘿 2021-09-10

Have you recently submitted three articles? I saw that you submitted one on April 15th, one on May 19th, and one on July 20th.

一之濑夜 2021-09-08

9.08 Required Reviews Completed
There have been several changes in status from "under review" in between, and I have not received a decision yet.
This is the longest time I have waited for a CSF review. Perhaps the reviewers for the relevant topic are currently busy and they haven't been able to find enough reviewers. I hope for a positive outcome.

科研小青年嘿嘿 2021-09-08

Did the original poster win?

一之濑夜 2021-08-21

8.21 Rejection
The review process was quite fast, with two reviewers. One suggested minor revisions while the other rejected the submission.
The rejection reviewer had high demands. This work was based on the standards of several related works already published on nc. However, the rejection reviewer's comments required even more testing than what was mentioned in nc. Unfortunately, I have no choice but to make additional changes and submit elsewhere.

cxc123 2021-08-13

It is becoming increasingly difficult. After a month and a half, the review comments were received. The reviewers only had minor issues, but the associate editor gave a lot of modification suggestions, requiring significant revisions. There was a two-month period for making the changes, and after more than a month, the editor accepted them directly.

学术圈菜鸟 2021-08-10

The quality of the journal is relatively high, and the review speed is acceptable. The reviewers' opinions are also very fair.

一之濑夜 2021-07-29

2021.07.29 Under Review

一之濑夜 2021-07-28

2021.07.20 Submission
2021.07.23 With editor
2021.07.28 Editor invited
2021.07.28 With Editor
I submitted a paper for a small project of my doctoral thesis. It's embarrassing to admit that it was previously rejected by PR Applied. However, the impact factor of CSF continues to rise, and there may be a small increase next year. This may be due to the significant increase in submissions over the past two years, with an unchanged acceptance rate (23%-24%). As a result, the number of submissions has increased, and the new rules for calculating the impact factor by the Web of Science this year favor multiple articles. The second reason is that we have received quite a few hot articles in the past two years (related to COVID-19 and mathematics and physics). I hope that CSF can attract more submissions and improve the quality of manuscripts with the opportunity of an increase in impact factor. I will share any updates regarding this submission and hope it can help fellow students who are planning to submit their work.

学术圈菜鸟 2021-07-19

One month for the first review comments, a total of 3 reviewers, more than 20 comments, the comments are very fair, returned on July 8th, under review on the 12th, currently waiting.

一之濑夜 2021-07-07

2021.07.05 Required Reviews Completed
2021.07.07 minor revision
Because it was just a small modification, such as changing the reference format and an adjective in a sentence, I was able to return the same day.
2021.07.07 with editor
2021.07.07 editor invited
2021.07.07 with editor
2021.07.07 accept
With this, my second submission to CSF has been accepted. The quality of my work has improved significantly compared to the last time, which is satisfying as a doctoral student.
I hope this information is helpful to others.

一之濑夜 2021-07-04

My own situation currently has two reviewers, I hope it is helpful to you.

qinsun 2021-07-03

2 reviewers?

qinsun 2021-07-03

How many reviewers, please?

Dr. Wang Guo 2021-06-25

3.21 Submission
6.23 Acceptance
Modified once

一之濑夜 2021-06-24

2021.06.21 Return from major repairs with editor
2021.06.23 Editor invited
2021.06.24 Under review

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