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leeroket 2023-03-12

Excuse me, has it been submitted for review? I have been with editor for 5 days too.

leeroket 2023-03-12

It has been 5 days with the editor.

leeroket 2023-03-08

2023.3.7 submitted to journal
2023.3.8 with editor

JoJooo 2023-03-07

The first article went smoothly, but the second one was rejected... Of course, it was my fault. There were too many grammar errors.

科研小青年嘿嘿 2023-03-04

There will be good results.

初入数学界的小学生 2023-03-03

Posted on January 29th, Under Review on February 14th, Under Review on March 1st. Hoping for good results.

啊! 2023-03-03

Oops, I was rejected. They said my topic wasn't suitable. I won't submit to this journal anymore. Good luck to you.

科研小青年嘿嘿 2023-03-02

Upstairs buddy, any progress on the manuscript? It's too slow...

啊! 2023-02-27

I have been with Editor for 5 days.

科研小青年嘿嘿 2023-02-27

Is there any recent submission? It's very difficult to win recently.

Zzzz@ 2023-02-19

May I ask if your thesis has been indexed?

miaohuihui 2023-02-10

Submitted to the journal on February 3rd, editor invited on February 9th. The process was fast, as the editor notified the rejection on the same evening. The reason given was that the article and the journal's theme were not well aligned (it only loosely relates). The editor suggested transferring the submission to two open access journals under Elsevier. However, after examining the publication fees, I decided to submit to another journal instead.

y3 2023-02-10

The recent submission system of this journal has canceled the selection of editorial board members. Previously, authors could choose their own editorial board members, but recently, it was found that the option to choose editorial board members has been removed for submissions.

淙淙柔水 2023-01-14

Unfortunately, we cannot consider publishing.

As you know, the impact factor of chaos, solitons, and fractals (CSF) has significantly increased in the past few years. Now, we receive far more papers than we can publish, which means we have to reject a considerable proportion of manuscripts without sending them to their referees, potentially redirecting them elsewhere without delay.

This decision is made by the editorial staff, even if the articles are well-written and technically correct, there is no strong reason to publish them in CSF. Considerations at this stage include the general interest of the paper to our readers, novelty, and the scientific advancements it offers (please refer to the new aims and scope as well as acceptance criteria).

云深初壹 2023-01-02

Hello, may I ask how to see how many reviewers are reviewing?

wpp0519 2022-12-06

The review process was fast, and the journal has a high impact factor. It took a total of 3 months to be accepted.

09.03 submit
10.23 revise received a review with about 3 comments. The reviewer's questions were all very professional, and it was clear that they had carefully read my paper. The editor provided a 3-week deadline for revisions.
11.07 resubmit
11.14 under review
12.05 accept (the reviewer agreed with my revisions)

黎风 2022-09-30

It has been one and a half months since the first review. There are two reviewers, and one of them completed the review half a month ago, while the other one has been silent the whole time. I'm speechless.

JoJooo 2022-09-25

The complete process is as follows:

7.21 - Submit
7.28 - With editor
8.18 - Under review
9.2 - Revise
9.20 - Submit
9.24 - Accept

JoJooo 2022-09-24

7.21 Submission
9.2 Revision, three reviewers
9.20 Submission
9.24 Acceptance

黎风 2022-09-13

Hello, may I trouble you to ask how long it took for this journal to receive articles from reviewers and complete the review process?

黎风 2022-09-05

It has been half a month since "Review invitations accepted" was displayed on the track. I wonder if it can be reviewed within a month or not.

JoJooo 2022-08-06

May I ask, it has been 8 days with the editor and there has been no progress, will it be rejected?

一之濑夜 2022-07-24

I am the corresponding author of this article myself, and I remember not receiving a confirmation email. After all, the submission was approved by me. In the past, when I was not the corresponding author, I used to receive confirmation emails, but whether I click on it or not doesn't really matter. Previously, I clicked on it just to be able to track the status, but since the second half of last year, even if I confirm beyond being the corresponding author, I can no longer view it, so it doesn't matter anymore. As for your current status being "submitted to journal," it is very normal. Based on my experience, CSF (Computer Science Forum) is a journal that has a relatively quick review process, but the initial submission can be slow. It is normal to wait for 10 days to two weeks for the initial review, and the longest I have waited was one month. You may have to wait several days to see it transferred from the journal to the editor-in-chief, and then from the editor-in-chief to the associate editor.

JoJooo 2022-07-24

Hello, may I ask if the corresponding author has received the confirmation email? I have confirmed with the two non-corresponding authors. We submitted on July 21st, and it is still "submitted to journal" as of now.

JoJooo 2022-07-24

Hello, may I ask if the corresponding author at that time did not receive the confirmation email? I received confirmation emails from two non-corresponding authors. Is this sufficient?

chaos_ 2022-07-19

The first review took over a month and resulted in major revisions. After over a month, the second review yielded minor revisions. The submission was received on the same day and is currently awaiting proofreading.

一之濑夜 2022-07-15

It is suggested to refer to the article information on the journal's homepage before making any statements. Based on my own experience, sometimes it took me nearly a month to get published after acceptance, while other times it only took around 10 days.

feiyu1 2022-07-14

How long after receiving can it be published?

科研小青年嘿嘿 2022-07-13

My draft has just been retrieved. You can send an email to inquire about the manuscript information.

zhazhade 2022-07-07

Have you searched for it? I am from issue 158, and more than 60 articles from the same period have been searched. Am I being accidentally excluded from the search?

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