认证评论 - CATENA
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chenaaa 2021-12-03

Which editor are you referring to? I want to avoid.

Gaven 2021-12-02

May I ask if your results are out?

奎阁高香 2021-11-30


Posted on August 24, 2021
Decision in Process on November 28, 2021
Wishing you good luck.

小李子000 2021-11-29

投 means "submit" or "apply".
under review means "being reviewed" or "under consideration".
CATENA is the name of a person, company, or entity.
很慢 means "very slow".

So, the translation of the given text is:
"Submitted on September 16th, under review since October 18th. CATENA is very slow."

遥感人 2021-11-27

I can only say that the editor of this journal is very irresponsible. I submitted the article on February 1st, and it was under review repeatedly. It wasn't until November 27th that I received the first round of review comments, which resulted in rejection. This is the longest review time I have experienced in my research career. Is it necessary for the review process to take this long? Even if they reject the article, they didn't even mention or address the issue of a 10-month review period. This attitude is truly speechless.

Ann_22 2021-11-25

May I ask how long ago were you assigned the last editor?

Hydro-Forever 2021-10-31

6.28 - Submitted to journal
7.8 - Review invitation and under review
8.6 - Required reviews completed
8.25 - Decisions in process
8.29 - Moderate revision
9.13 - Submitted to journal
9.14 - Editor assigned
9.23 - Review invitation and under review
10.15 - Required reviews completed
10.24 - Decision in process
10.29 - Accept

Overall, Catena's editorial handling was fast, and the expert opinions were fair.

迷失自我的青椒 2021-10-28

The whole process was quite tortuous. I encountered an American editor who seemed a bit emotional. After three months, I received feedback and had to make major revisions. After sending it back, the feedback changed again, and I still had to make major revisions. Currently, I have made the revisions and it has been sent for external review again. This is the rhythm of not giving up on me until I am completely defeated.
Dear experts, do I still have hope? Who can endure three rounds of external review, sigh.

SBSctd 2021-10-23

Submission, two revisions accepted, totaling more than 70 days, the editorial department's processing speed is very fast.

阿里山paris 2021-10-21

Approximately one month after submission, the review comments were received. There were two reviewers, and their comments were quite detailed. The editor requested a moderate revision and provided a two-month period for the revisions. After the revisions were made, the paper was accepted in approximately 10 days. Overall, it was a relatively quick process.

lanpangzi 2021-10-08

Hello, I have also encountered such a problem. When I was making modifications, I also deleted the image. Will this have any impact? Will this lead to rejection? After reading your comments, I got really worried.

没有名字_无名 2021-10-01

Don't tell which damn editor, negative review!

muyou 2021-09-30

Can't hold it in anymore. Encountered an anti-China editor who directly said that there is a political issue with the South China Sea on my Chinese map, and rejected my submission. Originally, I wanted to submit to a different journal, but my advisor insisted on making the changes according to the editor's requirements. As a Chinese person, it is impossible for me to delete the South China Sea from the map. Anyway, it's just a sampling distribution point, so I simply deleted the map and listed the latitude and longitude + provinces in the supplementary materials. After resubmitting, it was rejected for not fitting within the scope of the journal (this reason is ridiculous because many articles in my field are submitted to this journal!). This delayed the process for over a month. In any case, be cautious about including a Chinese map in your article!

muyou 2021-09-30

I also encountered the exact same problem, this editor is toxic.

Geolimk 2021-09-26

I submitted a manuscript a couple of days ago and just received an email. The editor directly rejected it and also said the same thing as you, that there is no need to include the South China Sea in my map of China. I won't submit to this journal anymore!

laala 2021-09-20

The translation of the text is: "Just like your situation, the submission has been six months now. In the middle, there was one instance where required reviews were completed, but no feedback was given, and it went under review again. Now it has turned into 'reviewer invited,' and I'm not sure what the situation is. Can I request a prompt for the submission?"

laala 2021-09-20

The situation is the same as yours. The submission has been under review for six months now. During the process, there was one instance where the required reviews were completed, but no feedback was provided, and it went back to being under review. Now it has changed to "reviewer invited," and I'm not sure what this means. Is it possible to request an update on the submission?

奎阁高香 2021-09-15

How is your article going now? I have submitted it for 20 days already, and it is still in the "Editor assigned" status. I am feeling very frustrated.

小笨羊 2021-09-06

May I ask which editor it is? Please try to avoid submitting in the future.

shiwenxuan 2021-09-05

Does this journal require a page fee to be paid?

shiwenxuan 2021-09-05

Does catena require a layout fee to be paid?

shiwenxuan 2021-09-05

Does this journal charge a publication fee?

豆子 2021-09-03

I declined the first submission on the same day because the reason given was that my map of China included the nine-dash line and the southern Tibet region. The editor mentioned that they are a scientific journal and do not want to involve political factors. However, I found many articles in their journal's other geographical fields that included the nine-dash line. Therefore, I strongly suspect that a certain editor is extremely unfriendly towards China. I made revisions and resubmitted the paper, and it is currently under review.

MG123 2021-09-02

May I ask how your article is doing? I also submitted mine in March, but there has been no update so far.

MG123 2021-09-02

Submitted in mid-March, the editing process was fast, and it reached the "Under Review" status. During this period, the dates were changed multiple times. However, in mid-June, it changed to "Reviewer(s) invited," which means they are likely looking for new reviewers. Until now, the status has not changed. It has been almost 6 months since submission. Can I ask the editor for an update in this situation? Will it be rejected?

lanpangzi 2021-08-31

Why can only the corresponding author check now? I remember that my classmates used to be able to check it themselves.

llxaky 2021-08-27

Well, just wait patiently. It took me over a year to get my first article accepted in this journal, and it took a total of one and a half years to be indexed. The second article was quick, but overall, this journal is still quite slow. Good journals in the field of soil are generally slow.

极端干旱 2021-08-23

Since 2019, Catena has been flooded with a large number of Chinese comments after being upgraded from Tier 2 (Geosciences) to Tier 1 (Agriculture and Forestry). We hope to maintain our reputation.

Chen 2021-08-22

The journal is so slow, eagerly waiting, everyone, let's keep it up.

wuchao342626 2021-08-10

2020-9-15 Submitted
2020-9-19 High repetition rate, rejected and resubmitted
2020-10-3 Submitted
2020-10-20 Under Review
2020-12-20 Major revision
2021-3-14 Revised
2021-3-25 Under Review
2021-5-12 Minor revision
2021-7-9 Revised
2021-7-14 Under Review
2021-8-9 Accepted
Overall, I feel that the submission and review process has been much faster compared to before. It mainly depends on whether the research topic aligns with the journal's scope. The topic of this article is more in line with the journal's focus compared to my previous submissions, so the experience of submitting this time has been much better.

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