认证评论 - CATENA
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sq970318/ 2023-05-12

Why hasn't my editor changed even though it's been a month? Elsevier says there is a backlog of manuscripts.

辣条哥 2023-05-12

2023.05.03 submitted
2023.05.04 editor assigned
2023.05.05 reviewer invited, invited 4 reviewers
2023.05.10 Under Review, no one accepted the review, the editor invited another reviewer and provided a track link
2023.05.12 Still Under Review, still no one accepted the review. If there are still no reviewers next week, I plan to contact the customer service of Elsevier and ask them to help me recommend reviewers to the editor.

辣条哥 2023-05-12

I suggest you recommend a few reviewers to the editor.

dfbsjfwkbf 2023-04-22

Hello, may I ask what the result is?

学术小学生~ 2023-04-17

2022.12.17 Submit to a journal
2022.12.20 editor assigned
2022.12.22 reviews invited
2022.12.24 under review
2023.1.29 required reviews completed
2023.2.2 major revision
2023.3.2 revision submitted
2023.3.13 under review
2023.3.26 required reviews completed
2023.4.1 minor revision
2023.4.7 revision submitted
2023.4.11 editor assigned
2023.4.17 accept
Three reviewers, reviewers 1 and 3 are more friendly, reviewer 2 raises questions about the research methods, but does not reject it. Reviewer 1 of the second review provides some suggestions on English writing, reviewer 3 has no comments, reviewer 2 finds the results inconsistent with common sense. The editor asks for revisions based on the comments of reviewer 1 and also tries to answer the questions raised by reviewer 2. The above submission experience is provided for your reference. Good luck to all of you with your submissions!

enableGIS 2023-04-11

6 months is a bit too long. You can send a letter to inquire about the situation (usually, Elsevier's editors receive and reply to letters). If you want to directly contact the editor, you usually need to search for their name on the website (usually, the editor-in-chief or managing editor is a well-known scientist in the industry), and then send them a private message (him/her) directly.

Suo Nanji 2023-04-07

It has been 6 months under review, and today it has turned into an invitation for reviewers. I want to ask if this situation is normal.

六一儿童杰 2023-03-30

It has been over two months and the reviewers have been invited again.

辣条哥 2023-03-29

Thank you, Boss. In the field of soil, I also think Catena is better.

calrel 2023-03-20

Excuse me, have you ever encountered a situation where the PDF is continuously building when submitting a revised draft? After waiting for an hour, it will go back to the previous step and require resubmission. The deadline is approaching, and I don't know what to do...

calrel 2023-03-20

May I ask if you have encountered the situation where the PDF is continuously building when submitting a revised draft? You wait for an hour and then it goes back to the previous step, requiring re-submission...

东半球浓眉哥 2023-03-16

Hello experts, is the field of geochemistry a good choice?

木子叔叔 2023-03-15

Submitted on February 19th.
Under review since March 7th.

鱼香肉丝吴小白 2023-03-14

Have you finished reviewing it now?

sdct 2023-03-07

Okay, thank you.

冲冲冲1231978 2023-03-07

Brother, I suggest you find the editor-in-chief to write an arbitration letter of complaint. Such matters cannot be tolerated.

sdct 2023-03-07

2023/2/21 Submitted to journal
2023/3/3 Rejected
Reason for rejection:
In addition, Figure 1 (contour map) indicates the southern Chinese sea as Chinese territory. This addition to the figure has nothing to do with the contents of the paper and is merely added as a political statement. This issue is disputed in international law, diplomacy, and politics.
See also the publisher's note:
Taffi, M., 2019. Publisher's note. Catena 172, 883.

Editor-in-chief: Markus Egli

六一儿童杰 2023-03-05

05 Mar 2023 Reviewer(s) invited

Translation: On March 5, 2023, Reviewer(s) invited.

王wenqing 2023-02-19

Posted on November 30, 2022
Revised comments returned on January 6, 2023 (Medium revision)
Submitted revised version on January 19, 2023
Revised comments on January 23, 2023 (Minor revision)
Submitted revised version on January 25, 2023
Received on January 27, 2023

冲冲冲1231978 2023-02-15

JOH is more like a comprehensive journal, whereas Catena is stronger in the field of agricultural studies, particularly in soil science. Catena is better in this area.

辣条哥 2023-02-15

What about the exchange rate between Joh and Total?

oceanography 2023-02-15

Sure, JOH definitely! Moreover, Catena is a first-tier university that originated from the Department of Earth Sciences and expanded to include Agriculture and Forestry. Generally speaking, the value of a degree in Agriculture and Forestry from a first-tier university is relatively low.

辣条哥 2023-02-15

Which one is better, Catena or Journal of Hydrology?

enableGIS 2023-02-14

Submitted in September 2022, accepted in February 2023, after 6 months of review, finally accepted with minor revisions. Overall, it is remarkable that a top-tier journal in Zone 1 can have such a fast acceptance speed. In addition, the review speed is closely related to the editor's workload. In my case, the editor seems to be quite busy and not very familiar with the field, so it took a considerable amount of time to invite reviewers. Therefore, luck also plays a part. Wishing everyone good luck in submitting to this journal.

calrel 2023-02-12

2022.8.13 Post
2023.2.12 Required Reviews Completed
I have been constantly switching between reviewing and finding reviewers. Currently, I am waiting for the final results. If you are in a hurry to graduate, please don't submit...

大魔王1747 2023-02-12

Still under review, I give up. It has been half a year since submission.

六一儿童杰 2023-02-10

09 Feb 2023 Under Review translates to:
February 9th, 2023, Under Review

小白a 2023-02-02

May I ask what is your current state now?

涛涛505 2023-02-02

Submission Experience:
2023.01.05 Submission
2023.01.27 Reviewers Invited

六一儿童杰 2023-01-29

25 Jan 2023 - submitted
27 Jan 2023 - Editor assigned
29 Jan 2023 - Editor assigned

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