认证评论 - Heliyon
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Zinstant 2022-05-23

Just be patient and wait, it won't affect anything.

zzz橘子 2022-05-23

I am also in this submitted status. Could you please let me know if your question has been resolved?

Zinstant 2022-05-23

Update status: One reviewer has completed the review.
Reviews completed: 1
Review invitations accepted: 2+
Review invitations sent: 2+

泉鱼 2022-05-23

2022/5/20 track the status: After opening the email link, it displays "2 experts' external review completed" and the status changes to "review complete".

2022/5/22 track the status: After opening the email link, the number of experts for review has changed from 2 to 2+, and the status has changed back to "under review".

爱划水的小天使 2022-05-21

It feels like yours is quite fast, but mine still hasn't had any peer reviewers accept the invitation for review.

Zinstant 2022-05-21

I have never rushed, this may have something to do with editing.

Z.A.Liu 2022-05-21

Hello, I feel that the submission process was relatively quick for you. I would like to inquire if you have ever reminded or urged for the submission in the middle?

没有蛀牙 2022-05-21

Posted on April 22nd, still with editor on May 21st, efficiency is very low, speed is very slow.

Jie 2022-05-19

Why haven't I received any emails after a month of being under review?

在路上 2022-05-19

I am recommended by other magazines and transferred to this one. After submission, only the corresponding author received a confirmation email, while others did not. Does this affect anything? It has been a week since submission, and it has been in the "submitted to journal" status without "with editor." Does this have anything to do with not receiving a confirmation email like others?

在路上 2022-05-19

After submission, only the corresponding author received a confirmation email, while the others did not. Does this have any impact? It has been a week since submission, and it is still in the "submitted to journal" status without being "with editor". Does this have anything to do with not receiving a confirmation email like others? Thank you~~

泉鱼 2022-05-19

Supplementary status:
On 2022/5/19, when you open the email link to track the status, it shows "Two experts have completed the review."

Zinstant 2022-05-18

Update status
May 17, 2022 Under Review
Sent a tracking email, currently under review by two reviewers, in the second round of review.

Z.A.Liu 2022-05-17

It's really slow. It's been almost a month since I submitted the revised manuscript, but it is still in the "revision submitted to journal" status.

Zinstant 2022-05-17

The status has not changed, the date has been updated.

泉鱼 2022-05-16

Supplemental status:
May 15, 2022: Track the status. After opening the email link, it shows "1 expert has completed the review."

He Haihao 2022-05-16

What is the acceptance rate of this journal? I switched to it. Is it better to switch? It's only May, but my paper's number is already close to 8000.

Zinstant 2022-05-14

It's hard to say. We can only hope that JCR will give us some face. Hahaha.

努力发paper呀 2022-05-14

Can this journal be listed in the JCR Zone 1 this year?

Zinstant 2022-05-12

Update the status of the revised manuscript.

Zinstant 2022-05-09

The feedback on the major revision was received on March 30, with nearly 40 suggestions from four reviewers. 40 days were given to make the revisions.
The revised version was submitted on April 30 and the status remains as "Revision Submitted to Journal" until now.

1254694854346 2022-05-08

It's too slow. The reviewers are also dragging their feet. It's been nearly two months now and the review hasn't been completed yet. Is it effective to send emails to urge them?

Zinstant 2022-05-07

They are currently lacking editors, so it's estimated that the wait will be quite long. I don't know what field you're in, but if you're in a hurry, you can consider submitting elsewhere. However, don't submit to Elsevier. The homepage of Sciencedirect has already changed to the flag of WKL, so it's highly likely that submissions from Chinese people will be ignored.

Zinstant 2022-05-07

Wait, I have been waiting for a month, and now it is still in the process of being returned for repair.

爱划水的小天使 2022-05-07

Does your "under review" status have an updated date?

爱划水的小天使 2022-05-07

Today, I updated my status again, but it is still under review. Sigh.

泉鱼 2022-05-04

I submitted it on March 26th, and it was also recommended and transferred from another journal. Up until today, it is still under review. This journal has a large number of transferred submissions, so the review process is expected to take a while.

香豆素 2022-05-04

2022/4/7 Submitted to this journal
2022/4/14 with editor
2022/4/14 under review
2022/5/4 Status updated to still under review
It is indeed a bit slow, I don't know how much longer I have to wait. I wonder if entering the under review stage means there is a higher possibility of acceptance, because my previous submission was directly rejected. Waiting like this is making me anxious.

巴拉巴拉小魔仙 2022-05-03

It has been a month in the editor's hands, and still no news.

He Haihao 2022-05-03

Hello, I also transferred over and I want to ask if it's normal that it has been almost a week in the editor's hands.

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