认证评论 - Heliyon
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Zinstant 2022-06-24

It has been 20 days and still no movement.

IdaWang 2022-06-23

Hello, I was also recommended this journal after being rejected, but I noticed that this journal is not listed in JCR and it is not SCI either. Where did you see the impact factor for June? I am hesitating whether to transfer my submission.

GeoCarto 2022-06-19

Have you encountered five reviewers?
Submitted around April 10th, received the review about a week later, and on April 30th, received a "Track the status of your submission to Heliyon" notification. Then, there were several revisions made during the review process, and on May 20th, a decision was made for major revisions. The crucial part is that there were five reviewers, quite nerve-racking! Today, I made the revisions!

XIMEN 2022-06-15

Submitted in mid-January, notified of minor revisions in mid-April, formatting changes by the end of May, and accepted in early June, it took nearly 5 months. The editing speed was fine, but there was a delay of over a month for the minor revisions due to the impact of the epidemic.

爱划水的小天使 2022-06-14

The text translates to:

Reviews completed: 0
Review invitations accepted: 0
Review invitations sent: 2+
It is displayed like this, it's difficult. The time has been updated several times, but the status has remained unchanged.

Z.A. 2022-06-11

Update status:
2022.06.10 Acceptance in principle (editorial requirement to modify some formatting)
2022.06.10 Revision Submitted to Journal

泉鱼 2022-06-10

Update status:
2022/6/8 major revision Three reviewers provided some comments and gave a month and a half for revisions. The comments were very specific and did not include any groundbreaking suggestions such as supplementary experiments or questioning the methods. They mainly focused on the writing style, requesting modifications to the review and the discussion on why this method was chosen. Very grateful! Now it's time to work harder on the revisions!

在路上 2022-06-07

reviews completed: 1
review invitations accepted: 1
review invitations sent: 2+

爱划水的小天使 2022-06-07

Can I ask what is your number? Thank you.

Z.A. 2022-06-07

Update post status:
2022.06.06 Decision in Process

Z.A. 2022-06-05

Update tracking status (but system is still Under review)
Track status:
Reviews completed: 2
Review invitations accepted: 2
Review invitations sent: 2

Zinstant 2022-06-05

Update post system status
Jun 04, 2022 Decision in Process

zhuxiezhen 2022-06-05

Original text: 楼主,难道没有审稿人接受邀请也会在under review状态下吗?
Translation: OP, does it mean that even if there are no reviewers accepting the invitation, the status will still be "under review"?

Z.A. 2022-06-03

Personally, I don't think urging for the manuscript will have much effect, because it's not just you who is slow, it's a common occurrence. This journal already has a relatively high number of transferred submissions that were not directly submitted. Additionally, the journal is lacking in editors, so the processing time is inevitably long. Under normal circumstances, it takes about six months to a year from submission to acceptance, although there are rare cases where it is faster. As for whether to transfer to another journal, it depends on your needs. If you are not in a hurry to publish, you can wait for the reviewer's comments (even if the comments come back, the processing time afterwards is still very long). If you are in a hurry to publish or graduate as a student, I don't recommend this journal because the processing time is really long.

爱划水的小天使 2022-06-03

I have already submitted it for almost two months. The Status Date has been updated several times in between, but the Current Status has always been under review. I have sent an email to inquire about the tracking information, but the reviewer has not accepted the invitation for review yet. The invitation I sent was 2+. Has anyone else encountered this situation? I am considering whether to send a reminder email or withdraw the submission and choose a different journal. I wonder if any experts have any better suggestions.

南汐 2022-06-02

2021.11.7 Submission
2022.5.28 Accepted
The process was really tough. First, it was slow, very slow. After submission, it took only two or three days for the review, but it took two months to receive the comments from the reviewers. All three reviewers were quite positive. We had 21 days to revise and resubmit. Then, it took another month for the editor to send it for external review, another month for the review, and another month for the editor's decision... Eventually, the editor found two more reviewers. We continued to revise and respond, and this time it was faster. In principle, acceptance was granted three days later. This journal has very strict requirements on duplicate content and will inform you which articles you are duplicating.

As for the submission suggestions, there is no need to include attachments or colored figures. The editor said everything is in electronic format, and the length of the article doesn't matter.

zhuxiezhen 2022-06-01

2022-5-27 Subject to J
2022-6-1 Under R

zhuxiezhen 2022-06-01

Replying to the original poster again, I understand what you mean now. You're saying that the reviewer has important contributions in this field. I misunderstood earlier, what you said is correct.

zhuxiezhen 2022-06-01

If an article cites recommended reviewers, wouldn't that be a conflict of interest? Although this approach is common, it should not serve as a basis for expedited review; on the contrary, it raises suspicions of manipulating the peer review process.
Not trying to argue, just simply want to discuss what factors may influence an editor's choice of reviewers.

Z.A. 2022-05-31

Update status:
2022.05.27 With editor
2022.05.31 Under review (second review)
2022.06.02 Under review

Track status:
Reviews completed: 1
Review invitations accepted: 2
Review invitations sent: 2

Charlotte 2022-05-31

Translated text: "From the transfer from Micro Path, it was submitted on 5.25, and on 5.26, the email requirement was modified to include the author's name or institutional email. The current status is still submitted to the journal."

Z.A. 2022-05-31

This is not certain. If the reviewer you recommend is one of your references, the likelihood is greater.

zhuxiezhen 2022-05-31

Is it because there was no search for reviewers?

zhuxiezhen 2022-05-30

Excuse me, is it with the editor now?

zhuxiezhen 2022-05-30

Will it send to the recommended reviewers?

Z.A. 2022-05-29

The above time is continuous, with no updates in between, indicating that the status has not changed.

zhuxiezhen 2022-05-28

How long does it take from submission to "with editor"?

Z.A. 2022-05-28

Update status:
2022.05.27 With editor

黑大帅ok 2022-05-24

This does not affect.

Zinstant 2022-05-24

Tracking status update for the manuscript
Status: Review Complete
Reviews completed: 2
Review invitations accepted: 2+
Review invitations sent: 2+

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