认证评论 - ACS Applied Nano Materials
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Mengxh 2023-04-21

2023.01.11 Submission
01.18 With editor
02.17 Revision, 4 reviewers, 1 rejection, 2 major revisions, 1 minor revision, major revision suggested by editor
Applied for extension once in between (need to seek official polishing from recommended ACS)
03.26 Revised
03.28 Re-revised, some minor formatting issues
03.31 Accepted
Thank you very much to the editor for the high efficiency.

投稿中 2023-04-18

2023-3-3-submitted to the journal
3-8-in peer review
3-28-major revision
4-13-submitted revision to the journal
4-14-in peer review
Four reviewers, two major revisions, two minor revisions, the editor (Dongling Ma) requested major revisions within 21 days, additional experiments were needed, the submission was slightly late, overall, the efficiency of the editor and reviewers was quite high!

冬至 2023-04-14

There is no requirement to use their links for polishing, it's just that some reviewers suggested polishing your article. The editor may suggest using their links in response to your feedback, but it's not mandatory. I had my article polished by another organization (because our research group often uses their services), and in the end, I also accepted it. Don't let certain comments mislead you.

颜如玉 2023-04-12

Just because the recommended link was not used for proofreading, the rejection was obvious in the name of money.

刘思楠 2023-04-11

I am also this editor. After a round of peer review and minor revisions, the article will be published. The editor recommends using their suggestions to polish it up with their links. If there is no choice, it will be rejected afterwards.

帅气大学渣 2023-04-02

Hahaha, I transferred from Zone 3 to Zone 2 in the opposite direction and made a big profit, haha! ?

Qzy111 2023-03-29

Did you submit it for review after the repair?

sijigongzi 2023-03-28

Are you there? I also received the notification this morning. Have you received the notice about signing the copyright agreement?

lzh 2023-03-28

I made a mistake in writing, it should be received on 3.28, which is already very fast.
ACS does not have a manuscript tracking function, so I cannot see the real-time detailed information of the review process. If I haven't received a rejection letter in about a week, it means it has been under review.

lzh 2023-03-28

2.11 Transferred from JPC, 2.14 assigned to the editor, 3.9 received review comments from four reviewers, the editor also provided many suggestions on format and title abstract modifications, 3.24 revised, 3.25 accepted. Fast speed, the editor is very serious and responsible.

一只胖橘猫 2023-03-20

1.26 submitted
1.28 with editor
2.27 major revision required (4 reviewers: 2 major revision + 2 minor revision)
3.15 revision submitted
3.20 accepted

The manuscript handling is very efficient, and the editor is responsible and diligent. I wish ACS ANM even greater success in the future!

Faarewell 2023-03-14

1. Submitted on December 12th.
2. Revised on December 7th (major revisions were requested, as well as minor revisions), and given 21 days for modifications. Due to the long duration of the experiment, an extension for submission was requested.
3. Returned for revision on December 7th.
Accepted on December 10th.

The suggestions provided by the editor and reviewers were very meaningful. They seemed to be very friendly towards Chinese researchers, and their response time for messages was prompt. This is my first SCI paper in my life, and I am grateful to the editor and reviewers.

MIK3Z 2023-03-02

I also encountered this editor who insisted on tampering with the language. I received it on February 21st after they made their own revisions.

这名字886 2023-02-28

May I ask if there is any news? How long has the second trial been?

乌龟在飞 2023-02-27

The text translates to: "Assigned to the same editor, but Zhao has been ignoring it all along, feeling exhausted..."

福大命大 2023-02-25

The previous submission to ACS AMI was rejected, and all the comments from the previous review must be addressed before submitting to this journal again.
Submitted on February 1st.
Received review comments on February 20th: 2 major revisions and 2 minor revisions.

诚诚不是成成 2023-02-23

I don't think we can reach 8 o'clock this year, most likely it will be a little past 7. Currently, the time difference between "if" and "nanoscale" is almost negligible. If "nanoscale" can reach 8 o'clock this year, then "if" might also be able to, but at the moment, it seems both are uncertain.

dukaix 2023-02-23

Thank you to zhaoyanli for editing, the journal has a very good user experience.

夏娜 2023-02-23

It looks like it has been about 1 and a half months since the transfer.

福大命大 2023-02-21

It's still very fast.

jiajia1207 2023-02-17

Waiting to graduate, don't be too anxious. The editor is Yanli Zhao, who appears to be a Chinese professor. Another wasted day.

蝽羹 2023-02-13

May I ask if this journal charges a page fee?

Leo 2023-02-06

Received in over a month, the speed is very fast, and the editor is serious and responsible.

(∩_∩) 2023-02-05

A pleasant submission experience. In addition to the reviewers' comments, the editor also provided some very constructive suggestions from the perspective of academic paper writing. After making the revisions, the article indeed reads much more beautifully.

To be honest, I didn't expect such a small journal to have such responsible editors. Just for this reason, I have high hopes for this journal! In the future, I will prioritize submitting my work to journals of the same caliber.

YC_seu 2023-01-30

According to the estimation based on the real-time impact factor, it should be around 8 this year, with a possible slight deviation of a few decimal points.

YC_seu 2023-01-30

Many members of its editorial committee are also editors for top journals such as ACS Nano and ACS Energy Letters. I suppose its own positioning will not be too bad.

NSC publisher 2023-01-29

Can the impact factor reach 8 or above this year?

MIK3Z 2023-01-26

By the way, I also wanted to ask you a question. Did your editor ask you to do English proofreading back then?

MIK3Z 2023-01-26

Okay, okay, thank you.

小諶 2023-01-25

It should require the agreement of all three reviewers. If a reviewer completes the first round of review and the paper does not pass, it needs to be revised again for the second round of review. In my case, after the first round of review, one reviewer still had issues, so I had to go through another round of review.

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