认证评论 - Frontiers in Environmental Science
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chenchen96 2022-10-24

I would like to ask, the editor invited a total of 3 reviewers, two of whom provided comments and accepted the revisions. However, one reviewer has already exceeded the deadline and is still pending. In this situation, will the editor still wait for the opinion of the third reviewer?

混迹于实务与学术的假博士 2022-10-23

Yes, please reply directly and then upload the annotated revised manuscript.

肚子咕噜噜 2022-10-23

Hello, I would like to ask, when submitting comments for repair, do I need to reply with the reviewer's opinions and my modified content in the comments? Or is it sufficient to reply with the modifications made and mark them in the re-uploaded document?

混迹于实务与学术的假博士 2022-10-23

The manuscript has been submitted, and both reviewers have agreed. However, at this time, the journal's assistant editor is no longer available. We have waited for more than ten days without any updates. Everyone is wondering what's going on.

混迹于实务与学术的假博士 2022-10-23

A lot of page fees are charged, the page fee of this journal is too expensive.

Lilya01 2022-10-20

The process of submitting papers this year was not very smooth, but fortunately, they were all accepted in the end.
The first submission only received a response from one reviewer, so additional reviewers were invited later, resulting in a slightly longer review period. However, the journal's editorial team responded quickly. Once the journal received the reviewer's feedback, they immediately notified the authors, allowing them to start revising before the revision system was opened, greatly reducing the revision time.
Submitted on August 13, 2022.
Assigned to an editor on August 16, 2022.
Sent for review on August 17, 2022.
Received the second round of reviewer's comments on October 8, 2022.
Revision system opened on October 10, 2022, with a deadline of October 17, 2022 (only one week for two minor revisions).
Submitted the revised manuscript on October 13, 2022 (as there were not many changes required, since the first reviewer's comments were received after two weeks of review).
Accepted on October 20, 2022 (after the review by the reviewers, handling editor, and final review by the editor-in-chief).
Publication fee: 3225 USD.

小咖 2022-09-23

9.4 Submission
9.5 Initial Validation
9.6 Assigned to Editor and Entered Independent Review
9.15 Email notification that the interactive review has been activated, which means the modification phase. Two reviewers provided their opinions mainly focusing on the relevance between the conclusion and the data, the scientificity of data analysis, and language editing, etc. Positive opinions accounted for 70% and negative opinions accounted for 30%. The reviewers' comments were fair. Thumbs up to the journal! ?
9.23 Resubmission (Delayed the submission by one day. The editorial department requested submission by 9.22, but due to time constraints, it was postponed by a day. During this time, the journal sent a reminder email.)
Currently waiting for the results. Will update in a timely manner!! So far, the progress has been fast. The journal team has already accepted three papers this year. It is very formal, with a transparent process, and the impact factor has exceeded 5! It's worth celebrating, and it is expected to increase next year. Currently, there are still some alternative topics being prepared for submission. If anyone wants to consult the details, feel free to add me~~~

夏天 2022-09-07

6.25 Submission
7.29 Accepted after two rounds of revisions
9.06 Published

Mayday-5 2022-08-26

Hello, may I ask if the editor did not provide any comments to me, should I just resubmit the manuscript or should I also reply to the comments?

LeeNC 2022-08-17

7.1 submitted to journal
7.17 minor revisions
7.24 resubmitted
8.16 accepted


7.1 - Submitted to the journal
7.17 - Minor revisions
7.24 - Resubmitted
8.16 - Accepted

sleep_123_ss 2022-08-10

It's been more than two months since the draft. It will directly help with grammar revisions.

源来是洲董 2022-08-09

The layout fee is $2450.

木土儿 2022-08-06

Excuse me, sir, what type of article from ABCD did you send, and how much is the layout fee?

源来是洲董 2022-07-29

I came to fulfill my vow. Submitted on July 6th, it took one week for review. Received feedback on July 20th, and accepted on July 26th. I hope this magazine will continue to improve, and I look forward to coming back again in the future if there is another opportunity.

今天Accepted了吗 2022-07-17

Hello, may I ask how long it takes to receive the proofreading after the acceptance of your submission? Will the proofreading of this publication also help in correcting grammar and linguistic errors?

sisi922 2022-07-17

The journal is conscientious and responsible, the reviewers' opinions are pertinent, and the proofreading is done very carefully. The whole manuscript was proofread, and some language errors were also corrected. Interactive editing and timely response to questions.

lucyzhang 2022-06-14

Hello, may I ask if all three reviewers' opinions have returned and if the editor rejected the manuscript? According to my system, two reviewers' opinions have returned, one disagreed and one agreed, and the third one is still reviewing. The editor directly opened the reply channel...

zzk. 2022-06-13

Do basic research papers charge publication fees?

其Q 2022-06-09

1. Time Cycle: It took 1 and a half months from the completion of submission to receiving three review comments (one rejection, two major revisions, and the journal ultimately rejected the submission).

2. Overall Quality: The journal's overall quality is above average. The two reviewers who reviewed the submission were very professional, and the suggestions provided by the reviewer who rejected the submission were reasonable. It is true that there were a few important issues that were not clearly addressed. The suggestions from the reviewer for major revisions were also difficult to implement. It seems that the journal has high expectations for the quality of the paper. I have always believed that my manuscript is still good, considering the amount of effort I put into it.

3. Suggestions: When submitting to this journal, it is important to improve the quality of the paper. The journal seems to focus on methods, significance, and innovation. Being rejected is not necessarily a bad thing, as it provided several good suggestions for revision. By addressing these suggestions, the quality of the paper can be further improved.

小新 2022-06-07

The speed of journal review is fine, and the quality of the journal is quite good. The editors are conscientious and responsible, and the two reviewers are very professional, providing many valuable suggestions for revisions.

文文文文 2022-06-03

Classmate, how is your progress currently?

TENCAT 2022-03-08

Due to the recent need to quickly submit an article, I chose this FR journal. Overall, the journal is acceptable, but the quality of the reviewers is really worrying. For an article on value assessment, they insist on describing laws and regulations, and even adding descriptions related to agricultural cultivation. What's even more incomprehensible is that most of the articles cited from the first zone of ESI are criticized for being too regionally focused, and they want me to cite more articles from MDPI that align with international standards. I can't believe it. By the end of the revisions, the article felt like a mess. If my student wrote like that, I would definitely scold them. I strongly suggest improving the quality of the reviewers. If it weren't for the need for speed, I would have probably confronted the reviewers directly (they don't even seem to be as competent as my students).

qxzzl 2021-12-28

27 Dec 2021 Article accepted for publication.
24 Dec 2021 Review of Review Editor 1 finalized.
20 Dec 2021 Review of Review Editor 2 finalized.
18 Dec 2021 Submitting Author re-submitted manuscript.
You posted new comments.
06 Dec 2021 Review Editor 2 posted new comments.
28 Nov 2021 Submitting Author re-submitted manuscript.
You posted new comments.
You posted new comments.
10 Nov 2021 Interactive review forum activated.
26 Sep 2021 Submitting Author submitted manuscript.

27th December 2021: Article accepted for publication.
24th December 2021: Review by Review Editor 1 finalized.
20th December 2021: Review by Review Editor 2 finalized.
18th December 2021: Submitting Author re-submitted manuscript.
You posted new comments.
6th December 2021: Review Editor 2 posted new comments.
28th November 2021: Submitting Author re-submitted manuscript.
You posted new comments.
You posted new comments.
10th November 2021: Interactive review forum activated.
26th September 2021: Submitting Author submitted manuscript.

爱浓醇 2021-10-31

Super fast speed, the feedback for revisions from external reviewers is returned within half a month. There are two reviewers, to be honest, the journal's requirements are relatively low. This journal publishes various special issues extensively, and the quality of most articles is relatively low. The open access publication fee is also particularly expensive, it feels similar to MDPI's level.

wolf5666 2021-10-13

About one week later, it will be proofreading.

Dr.Yangm 2021-10-09

May I ask how long it took to proofread?

wolf5666 2021-09-20

Date Updates
20 Sep 2021 Article accepted for publication.
17 Sep 2021 Corresponding Author re-submitted manuscript.
30 Aug 2021 Associate Editor posted new comments in the Editor tab.
14 Aug 2021 Review of Review Editor 1 finalized.
05 Aug 2021 Review of Review Editor 2 finalized.
Corresponding Author re-submitted manuscript.
You posted new comments.
26 Jun 2021 Interactive review forum activated.
08 Jun 2021 Corresponding Author submitted manuscript.

静以致远 2021-09-12

Frontiers in Environmental Science, IF 4.581. Journal submission Industrial Wastewater Special Issue: https://www.frontiersin.org/research-topics/25111/advanced-technologies-for-industrial-wastewater-reclamation. The editing process is quite fast, and articles are published online in less than two months.

不学无墅 2021-08-12

Hello, because I have previously submitted to other journals where I received emails requiring me to click on a confirmation link, for this journal, after submitting, I only received a successful submission email without a similar confirmation link. I would like to ask if this journal requires co-authors' confirmation after submission.

leileileia 2021-07-21

Hiring after modification. It's not too difficult, and multiple interactive modifications are possible.

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