认证评论 - Small Methods
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桂圆山楂 2021-12-29

10.22 submitted
11.22 rejected - One reviewer rejected the submission, while another reviewer suggested making revisions and resubmitting (with 14 questions for modification). A third reviewer posed 6 questions but considered the paper acceptable, recommending revisions before resubmission (major revisions).
12.12 re-submitted - Conducted additional experiments, made modifications, and answered questions, taking 20 days. The response reached a word count of 6000 words. Despite the reviewers' sharp questions, they were indeed pinpointing crucial aspects and showed expertise.
12.29 accepted.
Overall, the review process was fast. The paper submitted was not a review article but a research article. The reviewers were professional and their questions were on point. It is important to be willing to invest time in making revisions based on the reviewers' feedback. Best wishes to everyone for speedy acceptance of their submissions.

昆仑有雪 2021-12-23

2021.10.29 Submission;
2021.12.20 First review comments returned, two minor revisions and one direct acceptance;
2021.12.22 Modifications submitted in the morning, accepted in the afternoon.
The first review took a long time, but the efficiency of handling by the editor is very high. For your reference, I wish everyone a smooth acceptance of their submissions.

小哲000 2021-12-22

Did your brain get waterlogged? The quality of the "small methods" article is far superior to many domestic journals, most of which are rejected AM journals. You are just a fool who shows off domestic journals.

小哲000 2021-12-22

The classification of Chinese Academy of Sciences is a joke.

Photoelectron 2021-12-22

The Small method is assigned to the Materials Department, and it's strange if the rating doesn't decrease. The Materials Department is heavily biased, how can you say that domestic journals are stupid? Don't always treat submitting papers as an investment, just do research honestly.

小哲000 2021-12-21

Domestic journals engage in disgusting competition, they are all in the same category! They suppress excellent foreign journals, stupid domestic journals, haha.

manhuafeixue 2021-11-30

Still no results.

small cabbage 2021-11-24

Hey bro, any news? I've also been under condition all this time.

桂圆山楂 2021-11-11

Guys, it has been 20 days and there is still no movement from my end.

manhuafeixue 2021-11-06

I have submitted for a month, without any response.

manhuafeixue 2021-11-06

How is the article?

Hani1020 2021-11-03

My suggestion is to transfer from AFM to SM. I'm considering whether to transfer or not, and I don't know how fast the review process of this journal is.

hl4270 2021-11-02

OP, do you have any news now? I just submitted an article, it's been almost 2 weeks, I don't know if the rejection will come soon or not...

hudalong 2021-09-07

Currently, in order to control high impact factor (IF), reviewers are more inclined to invite experts in the industry to review; research papers, only a small amount; be cautious when submitting!!!

hudalong 2021-09-07

Has your time changed or not? Or has time changed, but your state hasn't?

hudalong 2021-09-07

What happened to the promised "very fast"? Moving at a tortoise's pace? I have already sent a withdrawal letter to the editor!! What else can this magazine achieve besides reviews to obtain a high IF?

hudalong 2021-09-07

submission 10 days, is it still the same date as the initial submission, and under consideration status,??? Did the editor take a vacation??? or give birth to a baby???

Luck-YHL 2021-09-04

I also check the status every day. Isn't this magazine supposed to be fast?

本站唯一昵称 2021-09-02

It has been exactly two months, and it has been under consideration all this time. A few days ago, I sent a reminder letter asking about the progress, but they didn't say anything except to continue waiting. Why has it become so slow now? Checking the status every day is frustrating.

Luck-YHL 2021-09-01

It has been two months since submission and it is still under consideration.

爱科研的萌犸象 2021-08-24

How long does the review process usually take behind the scenes? Or is it the normal review cycle for small methods?

小哲数学 2021-06-20

The submission to AM has been rejected by the editor. The editor suggested submitting to Small Methods instead, and will make necessary revisions. Wishing Small Methods a successful development.


After the manuscript was submitted to AEM, it was rejected by the reviewers. The editor suggested submitting it to SM. After review, it was returned for minor revisions, which were accepted. The efficiency was good, and I hope the journal will be well operated in the future.

penguin 2021-03-10

A considerable proportion of the comprehensive overview has reached almost half. By limiting the publication volume, the proportion of comprehensive overviews is increased in order to boost the impact factor. However, as the publication volume increases, the impact factor will decrease to some extent.

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