认证评论 - Mathematics
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一只努力的熊猫 2021-04-01

Received the job offer email today~~~
The whole process was quite fast,
Submitted on 2020.03.17
Received first-round comments on 2020.03.24, one accepted directly and two minor revisions suggested
Returned the revised manuscript on 2020.03.26 noon, pending editor decision in the afternoon
Received the acceptance email in the afternoon on 2020.04.01, it seems like the editor-in-chief made the decision directly without the reviewers' opinions.

一只努力的熊猫 2021-03-30

It has been 5 days since the first minor revision and it is still pending editor decision. I am feeling anxious and hoping everything goes smoothly. Once it is accepted, I will come back to supplement the entire submission process.

tuo 2021-03-14

This journal has been warned by the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and there is a high risk of being expelled. Please proceed with caution!!!!

ssn 2021-01-15

Excuse me, is it a template rejection?

小肉圆 2021-01-07

Hello, I am planning to submit to this journal. Can you please share your experience with the submission process? Thank you.

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