认证评论 - Mathematics
注: 认证评论选取于全球各个学术评论平台和社交媒体。

MS.Robert 2022-09-02

Hello, may I ask if there is an "under review" stage, or does it go directly from "pending" to "modification"?

MS.Robert 2022-09-02

Hello, may I ask if there is an "under review" stage, or does it go directly from "pending" to "modification"?

张锦 2022-08-21

Previously, most of the journal review submissions took two or even more months, but this journal is relatively fast. The reviewers' comments are pertinent, and the editors' attitude towards translation is friendly.

ldMarilyn 2022-08-11

Hello, may I ask if there is a UR stage?

Shubai666 2022-07-03

6.12 submit - This means that something was submitted on June 12th.
6.20 major revision - This indicates that a significant revision was made on June 20th.
6.21 re-submit - This implies that something was resubmitted on June 21st.
6.27 accept - This signifies that something was accepted on June 27th.

lyj-LP 2022-06-11

2022.06.10 submission
Recording the time

DrPilgrim001 2022-06-03

I have also been pending review for a long time... It has been 9 days now... Other submissions to MDPI were quickly assigned to a junior editor for the under review stage... Is this because of slow processing or is it because there is no under review stage?

caroline2351 2022-06-01

Same question, is this journal not "Under review"? It has always been "pending review".

Tariq 2022-05-20

The status of this journal is not "under review", it has been "pending review" until the reviewer's comments come back.

xfkang 2022-05-19

Hello! What do you think of your manuscript review comments? How many days did it take from submission to receiving the review comments? Thank you.

yyd 2022-05-16

The first review comment has come back.

yyd 2022-05-12

Is there still a chance if there is no rejection within a week?

5.28 | 4 reviewers | Major revision

6.07 | Uploaded revised manuscript |

6.08 | One reviewer gave a reply | The result is not good

6.09 | Received an acceptance email, the teacher will deduct the publication fee tomorrow | Finally, I managed to fulfill my dream of publishing before the end of my four-year undergraduate studies

6.11 | Online now

suyang 2022-05-09

Did you mean "兄弟是撒时候投的,投的是特刊吗"?

Ustinian_Lwd 2022-04-28

The review comments of the journal are really fast!

Livia_Li 2022-04-14

January 2021 Warning: If it is not on the warning list now, is it considered as Zone 2 or Zone 4?

Livia_Li 2022-04-14

May I ask if this journal requires payment?

RMoon 2022-02-08

January 8th - Submission
January 23rd - Major revisions based on feedback from three reviewers
February 3rd - Revised manuscript returned
February 8th - Accepted

来稿已拒 2022-01-20

Be cautious when investing. Those who are anxious to graduate can relax a bit. It will soon be time for high alerts. Keep going!

tub 2021-12-31

How long does it usually take for pending review?

qinsun 2021-12-01

How long does it take to retrieve after publication? It has been more than two months since publication and it has not been retrieved yet. I am waiting until the end of the year to calculate the workload.

精雕玉琢1 2021-11-27

Me too, I was rejected in 3 days.

csu550 2021-11-26

However, this speed is also very acceptable. It allows people to immediately know the result, which is better than being rejected after three months of effort.

csu550 2021-11-26

After two days of applying, I was instantly rejected. It hurts. It's also not easy to express.

RonalJi 2021-10-21

Submitted in early July
Received major revisions on August 30th, with a total of 3 reviewers.
Received minor revisions on September 20th after making revisions.
Accepted at the end of September.

qinsun 2021-07-12

Can the layout fee of this magazine be discounted?

豆芽菜 2021-05-28

Submission: 15 April 2021
Minor revision: 4 May 2021
Major revision: 6 May 2021
Acceptance: 7 May 2021
Total time: 22 days

shiqingzhang 2021-05-25

Submitted on February 15th.
Received major revisions in April.
Finally accepted on May 6th.

被论文折磨的小萌新 2021-05-24

Quite fast, it took a whole month from submission to acceptance.

源博雅 2021-04-09

I feel the same way, it's too uncomfortable.

源博雅 2021-04-09

直接两天被拒 translates to "directly rejected within two days" in English.

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