认证评论 - Mathematics
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VvvvV66 2023-01-18

Now it has changed to Zone 3 again...

VvvvV66 2023-01-18

Pending Review generally has a high probability of being rejected if it exceeds three days.

VvvvV66 2023-01-18

Over the past month and a half, there have been many editorial comments.

VvvvV66 2023-01-18

Is the person downstairs a professional hacker? Why didn't I know? Everyone who has submitted said there are quite a lot of review comments, and it's not easy to pass.

Albert 2023-01-14

Everyone knows that this is a waterlogged magazine, so don't bother washing it.

分形维数与分数阶微积分 2023-01-13

Four reviewers, one major revision, one minor revision. The reviewers were fast and provided very fair suggestions! One of the reviewers might have had a personal grudge against me, but the other three reviewers gave positive comments and recommended acceptance or minor revisions. However, this particular reviewer insisted on rejecting the paper and criticized it harshly, claiming that the language, topic, methodology, and conclusions of my paper were all inadequate and absurd! Furthermore, the reviewer intentionally provided difficult suggestions that made it impossible for me to make changes, even after two rounds of revisions... Fortunately, the editor did not adopt his opinion and accepted the paper directly.

Submission process:
Received: May 12, 2022
Accepted: June 18, 2022
Published: June 21, 2022

凛若弦 2023-01-05

Received: 12 December 2022 / Revised: 28 December 2022 / Accepted: 31 December 2022 / Published: 5 January 2023


Received: 12th December 2022
Revised: 28th December 2022
Accepted: 31st December 2022
Published: 5th January 2023

Davison 2022-12-02

Yes, after confirming the APC information.

Davison 2022-12-02

Yes, it will be "Under Review" in a couple of days.

Davison 2022-12-02

Your ideas do not represent everyone, only those who have voted have the right to speak. In general, this journal is not easy; it requires a certain level of innovation to submit, otherwise it will definitely be rejected.

Lovemath 2022-11-18

Do you not feel guilty when you say these words?

liqiang 2022-10-13

Hello, just wanted to ask, is there no "under review" process for mathematics? Does the system go directly from "pending review" to "revision"?

liqiang 2022-10-13

Is there no under review process for this?

W.M.J 2022-10-12

I seem to have skipped the pending review process, but now I have paid and stuck here online, and it has been offline for a long time. I'm crying.

Davison 2022-10-12

One of the well-known international journals in the field of mathematics, with an increasing impact factor, poses a certain level of difficulty.

Davison 2022-10-12

There are a total of three reviewers, one major revision and two minor revisions, and after completing the revisions, the paper will be accepted. Due to personal reasons, the payment delay has caused some time delay.

jasdnld 2022-10-12

Algorithm bias, traditional engineering disciplines can also contribute to some interdisciplinary application areas. The journal covers a wide range of topics.

jasdnld 2022-10-12

Don't underestimate it, after all, it's a second-tier journal, and it is considered authoritative in the field of mathematics.

jasdnld 2022-10-12

The speed is decent. It used to be in the first district for the past few years, but now it has dropped to the second district.

liqiang 2022-10-12

Is it under review? Or should I directly provide feedback on the pengding review?

liqiang 2022-10-12

Hello, may I ask if there is an "under review" status? Or should I directly provide modification suggestions based on the "pending review" status?

liqiang 2022-10-12

Hello, may I ask if it is under review? Or should I directly provide feedback on the pending review?

liqiang 2022-10-12

May I ask if it is "under review"? Or should I directly provide feedback on the "pending review"?

liqiang 2022-10-12

Is there a pending review step?

tub 2022-10-11

If the pending review takes a long time, there is a high probability that it will be rejected.

liqiang 2022-10-10

Is there no pending review process?

liqiang 2022-10-10

Which step is for confirming the information? Why has it been pending review for half a month after submission?

W.M.J 2022-10-08

Experience sharing of submission: The journal's processing speed is very fast.
9.6 | Uploading manuscript
9.6 | Confirming information
9.16 | Confirming information
9.18 | 4 reviewers, major revision
9.28 | Uploading revised manuscript
10.1 | Acceptance confirmed

yiyiyiyiyier 2022-09-14

Hello, may I ask how to recommend a reviewer? I have followed the requirements and written accordingly, but it keeps reminding me to enter a valid email address. I'm really frustrated with this website, it's such a garbage website.

KEYANCAICAI 2022-09-14

Yes, I will give feedback in about two to three weeks.

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