认证评论 - Structures
注: 认证评论选取于全球各个学术评论平台和社交媒体。

Roderick 2023-05-25

I may have submitted it just when the editor was logging into the journal system. They had some time to handle the manuscript, so they casually sent it to 4 reviewers for review. However, only 1 reviewer accepted the invitation, and the other 3 have not responded yet.

sunlihua123 2023-05-24

Why is the investment I made last week still in the first stage?

Roderick 2023-05-23

2023, May 23rd, Submitted to Journal.
2023, May 23rd, With editor.
2023, May 23rd, Under review.

大依旧 2023-05-23

I submitted that article, with 7 reviewers and over 60 suggestions.

ranchho 2023-05-23

Brother, please add me as a friend.

onetheodore 2023-05-22

Just finished criticizing and a decision was made immediately. The editor-in-chief of New Zealand is 4 hours ahead of Beijing time. Major revisions, 5 reviewers, 37 comments, I'm going crazy.

onetheodore 2023-05-22

I have already completed 5 reviewers, brother. The chat customer service told me that the editor requires the reviewers to finish by the end of the month. I should wait for the sixth reviewer to make a decision. A total of 22 reviewers have been invited, and it has been two and a half months. All I can say is that the speed is not as fast as the brothers below said, at least not entirely. We must be prepared for a long-term battle.

wanghuang 2023-05-22

Brothers, it's not that I'm slow, but it has been 7 days with the editor and 16 days since submission, and the review hasn't started yet. Baby is feeling aggrieved.

bi-ye-ba 2023-05-16

What state are you in now?

leogua 2023-05-16

Delivered on March 3rd;
Currently March 9th, with editor.

&冬季 2023-05-16

It is related to your research direction, and many people may not be familiar with it.

&冬季 2023-05-16

It's related to your research direction.

bi-ye-ba 2023-05-16

It has been a month, and there is still no reviewer to accept the manuscript. The review invitations sent are 2+, but there have been 0 acceptances. The reviewing process is not as fast as expected.

wanghuang 2023-05-16

I am on the seventh day, with the editor already. It seems like the editor in chief is in charge of my article. Hopefully, it will turn out to be powerful.

onetheodore 2023-05-15

I also feel unhappy. I have been reviewing for over two months, and the first trial has not been concluded yet. Now, three people have submitted their opinions, but a decision still hasn't been made. I don't understand why some decisions are made when there are only two people with opinions downstairs. It seems to be related to which editor is involved.

wanghuang 2023-05-15

Brothers, I have read many comments saying that the efficiency is fast and the editors are great, so I submitted it. It has been 6 days, but it is still "submit" without any response.

我爱北京 2023-05-08

Brother, how long did it take for your reviewer to return with their review comments?

&冬季 2023-05-08

Invite 2+, accept 2+; Two reviewers provided feedback, there are not many issues, all of them are minor problems, and the editor made minor revisions.

我爱北京 2023-05-08

Hello, how many reviewers do you have? I have currently invited 14 reviewers, but only one has agreed to review.

&冬季 2023-05-07

2023.03.19 submitted;
2023.03.20 with editor;
2023.03.22 under review;
2023.04.29 minor revision;
2023.05.04 revision submitted;
2023.05.04 accept.

The responsible editor of the Structures journal is excellent, efficient, and does not procrastinate. Wishing her continued success in her work!

onetheodore 2023-04-28

Brother, how many reviewers do you have?

amire 2023-04-27

2023.01.01 (Submitted to journal)
2023.01.10 (With editor)
2023.01.11 (Under review)
2023.02.09 (Major revision)
2023.03.22 (Revised submission)
2023.03.23 (Under review)
2023.04.18 (Accepted)
The editor's handling efficiency is very high. Best wishes for the continued success of the journal!

SCI100 2023-04-27

3 first reviews, 1 accepted, 1 major revision, 1 rejected. The editor decided on a major revision. 2 second reviews, both reviewers decided on a major revision. 2 third reviews, both reviewers suggested minor revisions.

onetheodore 2023-04-26

Brother, how many reviewers do you have?

漫漫科研路1997 2023-04-25

Invite 2+ reviewers and accept 2 reviews.

SCI100 2023-04-25

2022.11.11 (Submit to journal) - Submit to the journal on November 11, 2022.
2022.12.14 (Major Revision) - Major revision due on December 14, 2022.
2023.03.04 (Revised Submission) - Revised submission on March 4, 2023.
2023.04.07 (Major Revision) - Major revision due on April 7, 2023.
2023.04.18 (Revised Submission, 2 hours later, Under Review) - Revised submission on April 18, 2023, under review 2 hours later.
2023.04.23 (Minor Revision) - Minor revision due on April 23, 2023.
2023.04.24 (Revised Submission) - Revised submission on April 24, 2023.
2023.04.25 (Accept) - Accepted on April 25, 2023.

onetheodore 2023-04-25

Brother, how many reviewers do you have? It's so fast.

漫漫科研路1997 2023-04-24

The overall speed of the journal is fast, and the editing process is also fast. The submission will be reviewed on the same day it is submitted. The submission record is as follows:
2.14 Submission
4.4 Major revision
4.12 Submission of revised manuscript
4.22 Acceptance
Wishing everyone a smooth submission!

Aahhhh 2023-04-21

2023.04.12 Submit to journal
2023.04.19 with editor
2023.04.20 under review


2023.04.12 Submitted to journal
2023.04.19 With editor
2023.04.20 Under review

&冬季 2023-04-17

In this situation, the editor should either consult a third person or simply disregard their opinion if they feel that person is ill. That's it.

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