认证评论 - Materials Today Communications
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Water 2023-03-15

The approximate timeline is as follows: it took two and a half months from submission to acceptance. The reviewers' comments were organized, with the first round consisting of 30+ revisions and the second round consisting of 10+ revisions. The reviewers were very meticulous in editing the paper, and I am extremely grateful. I hope Materials Today Communication continues to improve!

2023.01.03 submitted to journal
2023.01.06 with editor
2023.01.15 with editor
2023.01.23 required reviewers completed
2023.02.07 revision submitted to journal
2023.02.10 with editor
2023.02.12 under review
2023.02.21 revise
2023.02.28 revision submitted to journal
2023.03.07 under review
2023.03.14 accept

Hard Work 2023-03-15

3.14 with editor
The date is updated but the status is not updated.

执着的信念 2023-03-14

It has been half a month with the editor.

Hard Work 2023-03-13

3.13 avec éditeur translates to "3.13 with editor" in English.

Hard Work 2023-03-13

JAC transfer投

执着的信念 2023-03-11

Mine is still in the hands of the editor.

香水金鱼 2023-03-10

My work is still being edited, hoping it can be done faster.

香水金鱼 2023-03-10

Still with editor

yzj165 2023-03-10

It has been 20 days, and it's still in the editor's hands.

归墟 2023-02-07

2021.1.28 Transfer
2021.2.26 Under review
2021 3.21 Suggested to supplement experiments and resubmit
2021 6.26 Resubmitted
2021 7.12 Accepted
2021 7.14 Online

I transferred my submission from MD to this journal, which took a long time. After one month, I sent an email to urge the review process. However, the review speed was still quite fast, basically matching the average review speed of 3.3 weeks mentioned on the homepage. There were two reviewers, one provided simple comments mainly on grammar errors and requested additional references. The other reviewer had a very high level and pointed out several weak points in the evidence presented in the article, suggesting to supplement experiments to support the viewpoints before resubmitting. The submission process was quite challenging, and it seems that the review standards of this journal are not low. The required workload can be compared to articles in the top-tier journals. I spent a lot of time on conducting additional experiments. I would suggest those considering submitting here to try other top-tier journals first.

裴耀文 2023-02-04

Hello, how can I see how many reviewers have accepted my article for review? It has been almost three months since the first review, and the "under review" status has changed several times, but there has been no progress.

smudgeone 2023-02-02

May I ask how long it will take to transfer to the editing department? It has been many days since I submitted, but I need to graduate. I'm really worried.

1点点 2023-01-17

Submission on June 30, 2022.
Six months of review, minor revision once.
Online on January 14, 2023.
It was a difficult process, but fortunately, the outcome is acceptable.

忽忽沛幺 2023-01-05

11.2 After being rejected by other journals, submit directly.
11.26 Reviewing process completed, three minor revisions.
12.13 Resubmission.
12.23 Accepted.
12.31 Online.

changlijun0814@163.com 2022-12-21

12.21 Online

changlijun0814@163.com 2022-12-20

12.20 Accept

王彤 2022-12-07

Can I find your article on PubMed?

xiaohuihui3 2022-12-04

Posted on September 12th;
(with editor for about 1 month; sent for review once in between, returned for further review with editor a few days later; sent for review again Under Review a few days later;)
Received acceptance notification on November 22nd;
Proofreading on November 23rd;
Published online on November 24th.

changlijun0814@163.com 2022-11-29

11.26 Rework
11.27 Return
11.29 with editor

changlijun0814@163.com 2022-11-23

11.21 RRC and other results

changlijun0814@163.com 2022-11-21

11.16 Two received the second review, one has been processed and is waiting for the other reviewer to finish processing, and then the result will be available.

州桥明月 2022-11-20

9.26 Received
10.29 Repaired
11.14 Accepted
In between, there were actually about two minor repairs. The editor and reviewers were very professional, and the journal allowed for progress tracking. The editing efficiency was very high. Thank you again, Professor Jalali. There are many editors for this journal. After the initial review by the chief editor or assistant, it will be assigned to editors with relevant backgrounds, which is very professional.

1点点 2022-11-15

It has been five months and there has been no movement. I'm about to collapse.

changlijun0814@163.com 2022-11-14

The text "11.14 with editor" is already in English and does not require translation.

changlijun0814@163.com 2022-11-10

11.08 Return, waiting for journal processing.

changlijun0814@163.com 2022-11-07

11.7 Revise

changlijun0814@163.com 2022-11-05

11.5 2+完成 translates to "11.5 2+ completion" in English.

changlijun0814@163.com 2022-11-04

Waiting for the third reviewer, annoyed.

Mende 2022-11-01

Is this place open source? Do I need to pay for the layout?

changlijun0814@163.com 2022-10-31

10.31Required Reviews Completed

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