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坐在街头看文献 2022-03-03

The speed is really slow, with the editor for over a month without any progress...

aaaaccceeeee 2022-02-26

Share the progress.
Submitted on October 26, 2021.
With editor on November 12, 2021.
Sent for review on November 19, with subsequent changes four or five times. It may have been repeatedly rejected and had to find new reviewers. Finally, the date was fixed on November 26, and the review process finally began.
Received reviewer's comments on December 12, 2021. One reviewer provided major revisions with seven suggestions, each requiring significant modifications. They also requested additional experiments (although I ultimately declined this suggestion, stating that conducting the experiments would not enhance the article's main theme, but the feedback was valuable and could be considered for future research, etc.).
Resubmitted on January 26, 2022.
Asked to submit a clean version without any tracked changes on February 6, 2022.
Accepted on February 19, 2022, without any further modifications. It was a pleasant surprise.

Wan18 2022-02-16

Okay, thank you, boss. I'm not in a hurry with this paper, so it doesn't matter if it's slow. It seems like everyone's submission experiences are quite slow.

lanchodailylife 2022-02-16

Previously, I gave a recommendation for transfer submission and requested it to be processed within one month. At that time, it was directly rejected, so I wanted to try another journal. Later, when I registered and submitted my paper through the MTC submission system, there was an option for transfer submission information (seems to be optional), and I filled in JAC (the journal recommended for transfer).

lanchodailylife 2022-02-16

You can directly submit, a cover letter is required, and a graphical abstract must be provided.

Wan18 2022-02-16

I was rejected when I applied to another place, and there was no suggestion to transfer to MTC. I want to give it a try, but I don't know if I can apply directly.

Wan18 2022-02-16

Excuse me, did you register and submit your contributions directly on the journal's website, or did you use a transfer submission link?

lanchodailylife 2022-02-16

During my doctoral period, my first paper was about the application of neural networks in lightweight alloys. It did not have any fancy representation, and the workload may have been more than usual. I will share the status of the paper: I initially submitted it to JAC (received advice to transfer), JMP, and AMSE, but they all rejected it, stating that it did not meet their target audience. In frustration, I submitted it to China Foundry. Later, both my advisor and I felt a bit regretful. Fortunately, the editor asked me to supplement a conflict of interest statement and provided suggestions for resubmission. I promptly withdrew the paper and submitted it to MTC. It was submitted on December 25th (remember to write a cover letter when submitting). The editing process started on January 12th, and there was another round of editing on January 14th. It was sent for review on January 15th and received reviewer comments on January 19th (one reviewer with seven questions). Due to the inconvenience of working from home during the winter break, I revised the paper on February 14th and received acceptance on February 15th (before that, I read comments saying that a clean version was required, so I specifically included both a marked version and a clean version when preparing the revised manuscript). Looking back, the entire process from submission to acceptance took over 50 days, which was quite fast. I am very grateful to Editor Houlong Zhuang for the speedy processing and hope that the journal will continue to improve.

Wan18 2022-02-16

Excuse me, can this journal only be transferred for submission? I saw a direct submission interface on the official website.

坐在街头看文献 2022-02-08

Excuse me, everyone, how is the current speed of this journal? Generally, how long does it take for the editor to submit it for review?

yrg 2022-02-02

Hello, have you submitted for review yet? Mine has been almost a month and it's still with the editor. Is it necessary to send a follow-up letter for the manuscript?

#89757 2022-01-31

Slow beyond imagination. It was transferred here on December 10, 2021 and has been with the editor for a month. I sent a reminder once in the middle, and received a reply asking for patience. On January 20, 2022, they replied saying that they saw it was transferred here and asked for a response to the reviewer's comments and a revised version with markings. I submitted it on the same day. On January 23, 2022, they replied again saying they also need an unmarked version. After submitting it, there has been no news until today, and it has remained in the status of "Revision Submitted to Journal".

yrg 2022-01-26

It has been a week, and I haven't reached the editor yet. Still waiting for processing.

li118 2022-01-26

Posted on July 26th, revised on October 26th, revised again on December 27th, and accepted on January 25th, 2022. The process was not fast, the editor was busy, but the review was thorough and professional. Hoping for an impact factor of 4 this year.

CC必中 2022-01-26

I have been editing for over a month, but there hasn't been any progress. What is your status? I am anxious to graduate, ahhh.

zoushengyn 2022-01-17

Me too, after submitting the revised draft for 10 days, it was returned to me, saying that I needed to provide a clean version without annotations.

hamentao 2022-01-17

This journal is like a fighter jet in the trash.
Every time, they say the language of the paper is not good, the formatting is not good, and everything else is not good after one month.

德才志远 2022-01-08

This journal does not require a layout fee, but the editing process is extremely slow.

HHHHHH123... 2022-01-07

I also want to ask, do you know?

Te111 2022-01-01

I want to ask, is this journal fee-based?

市民1 2021-12-24

To celebrate Christmas, do we need to remind each other?

MOSQQQQ 2021-12-23

From submission to acceptance, it takes 3 months. There is one revision during this period. After acceptance, it takes around 3 days to be published online, with the proof completed.

YYICME 2021-12-23

It has been a month already, still with the editor. Will it be rejected in the end? That would be a waste of one month waiting! Seeking help, what should I do? Should I continue waiting?

YYICME 2021-12-21

The editing speed is amazing!!! I'm in a hurry.

YYICME 2021-12-21

It has been 4 weeks since submission, still with editor. Can I send a reminder?

萤火虫h 2021-12-20

I am too, I submitted on 12.06 and it is still "With Editor" now.

DK 2021-12-20

What about now? I have also been with the editor for three weeks and there has been no progress.

文君 2021-12-08

Submitted for 3 months, most of the time was in the hands of the editor. There were four reviewers, one of whom did not recommend publication, while three recommended publication after revisions. Two weeks passed between the end of the review process and the final rejection by the editor. The speed was really unusually slow.

市民7 2021-12-08

From submission to acceptance, it took a little over a month and a half. Quite fast.

gxqlp 2021-12-07

It has been three weeks since I submitted, and it has been "with editor" the whole time. I have read comments before saying that the processing speed after submission is relatively slow, and now I believe it. I hope to enter the next reviewing stage soon.

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