认证评论 - ACS Omega
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爱睡觉的臭居居. 2022-10-07

May I ask how much is the layout fee now?

cbq 2022-10-07

Hello, may I ask what files need to be uploaded after the first trial modification is completed?

cheer up 2022-10-07

How do I make a payment and how do I transfer funds?

cbq 2022-10-07

May I ask, what do I need to submit after completing the first round of revisions? The original draft and the revised draft?

cbq 2022-10-07

May I ask, what do I need to submit after the first revision? The original draft and the revised draft, right?

cbq 2022-10-07

On October 6th, the first trial feedback came back with opinions from three reviewers: one minor revision, one major revision, and one recommendation against publication. There were a total of 29 opinions given, and three weeks were given for revisions. Let's make the necessary improvements and good luck to ourselves.

爱睡觉的臭居居. 2022-10-05

As of now, the first instance trial has not yet concluded. The progress of our work in the field of biominerals may be slower?

cbq 2022-10-04

Has the first instance verdict not yet come back?

爱睡觉的臭居居. 2022-10-04

Translate the following text into English:
9.7: IC transfer
9.9: with editor
9.12: in peer review
I want to ask if the publication fee has increased?

cbq 2022-10-02

Can I see the specific information of the external review in this journal?

cbq 2022-10-02

I'm not sure about the details, but this is also my first time submitting to this journal, and it is still under external review.

cupkdb 2022-10-01

Hello, may I ask if the layout fee is 1685 or 1250? Will I receive a payment email after signing the publishing agreement?

cupkdb 2022-10-01

Hello, may I ask if the layout fee is 1685 or 1250? Will I receive a payment email after signing the publishing agreement?

cupkdb 2022-10-01

Hello, may I ask if the page fee is 1685 or 1250? Will I receive a payment email after signing the publishing agreement?

jinming 2022-09-30

The official website shows a layout fee of $1625? Did it increase?

zh01 2022-09-29

My past two days have also been peer review.

cbq 2022-09-26

I discovered that she is currently in peer review in the past 2 days.

开心小学生 2022-09-26

The second review is taking so long. Can I ask which editor you were assigned to?

zmig 2022-09-26


7.1 Submission
Received feedback for revisions in mid-July, with major and minor edits.
Submitted revised manuscript on August 1st.
Accepted in mid-September.

cbq 2022-09-17

"My application has also been under review."

cbq 2022-09-17

September 12 submitted, September 13 associate editor assigned, good luck.

zh01 2022-09-15

Translate the following text into English: "9th September, submit Energy & fuel; on the 11th, transfer and submit this one, now it's still under review. How long does it usually take to be reviewed?"

过桥 2022-08-31

APC and the subsequent proofreading work have been completed together.

19850329 2022-08-29

How long after being published online will the page numbers be available?

melody 2022-08-26

The first submission was made to ACS Applied Polymer Materials. It is recommended to transfer the submission to ACS Omega as the review process is still very fast, with a publication fee of $1250.

melody 2022-08-26

2022.4.1 submitted
4.2 with editor
4.19 major revision
5.3 revision submitted
5.20 minor revision
5.20 revision submitted
under review
5.31 accepted
6.3 copyright, payment
6.10 proof
6.24 proof (reason unknown)
6.27 online
7.12 page numbering

过桥 2022-08-26

Can I ask everyone, what does it mean if I only receive a payment link email after acceptance and not a email with the journal publication agreement link?

HongQ 2022-08-26

Hello, may I ask if your layout fee is 1250? Isn't it 1680 now?

天空天空 2022-08-25

I paid 1250, thinking that I made a mistake, afraid that I would have to make a supplementary payment later!

xiao, 2022-08-24

I am 1250 dollars.

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