认证评论 - Journal of Water Process Engineering
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哦哦哦哦哦 2021-11-06

中间修改两次,提问严谨 translates to "Revised twice, with rigorous inquiry."

怎可忘初心 2021-10-29

The direction of sewage treatment is biased towards engineering applications. The speed is really fast, with feedback and revisions received within about 2 months, and repair suggestions given within around 20 days. The articles that are novel and innovative are generally well received, making for a pleasant submission experience. The impact factor is impressive, and I hope everyone can also have a smooth experience!

独树一帜 2021-07-02

2021.4.17 submitted to the journal
2021.4.28 under review
2021.5.29 major revision
2021.6.28 revised manuscript
2021.7.1 accept

The editor is very efficient, with a fast response time. It took only 2-3 days to be assigned to an editor, and within a week, it was under review. The review process took about a month, and once the revisions were made, the submission process was also quite fast, with a completion time of 2-3 days. The manuscript was directly accepted. The reviewers provided constructive comments that greatly improved the article. Additionally, the journal has a high impact factor, with respective values of 3.465 and 5.485 for 2019 and 2020, indicating a significant increase of 2.02. The journal also shows significant interest in engineering research, making it worth submitting to. I wish the journal continued success.

judy121212 2021-03-01

2020.12.28 submitted to the journal
2020.12.28 under review
2021.1.26 major revision
2021.2.24 revised manuscript
2021.2.26 accept

The editor and reviewers were very supportive. I wish the journal continued success.

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