认证评论 - Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments
注: 认证评论选取于全球各个学术评论平台和社交媒体。

cyf 2021-06-14

It has been a week since my submission to the journal, how about you?

cyf 2021-06-14

Reply to "假老练": It has been a week since I submitted to the journal. How about you?

假老练 2021-06-01

This journal requires plagiarism check, and a high duplication rate will result in direct rejection. However, I still haven't figured out why the duplication rate of my own written content is high, as the journal does not provide duplication rate results. In addition, all participating authors need to confirm via email. Let's be cautious before submitting.

心想事成 2021-06-01

Over time, you can urge it. I urged twice before submitting for review. The editor's attitude was quite good.

心想事成 2021-06-01

Email sent to SETA editor.

小翔起飞 2021-05-27

Hello, may I ask where did you send the manuscript reminder? Did you send it through the "send mail" function in the submission system or directly email the editor-in-chief through the journal's homepage?

zhonglike92 2021-05-27

Hello, may I ask where you are sending the reminder from? Is it through the "send mail" option in the submission system, or directly emailing the editor-in-chief from the journal's homepage? Thank you.

稻花香 2021-05-24

After commenting, it cannot be deleted. Ah, that's not good.

389612468@qq.com 2021-05-24

How long does it take to receive a response after withdrawing a submission? And how long until I can submit again?

389612468@qq.com 2021-05-24

I am also very curious about this question, how long does it take for S to journal?

假老练 2021-05-21

May I ask how long the "Submitted to Journal" status lasted? My co-authors have already confirmed, but it has remained in this status.

假老练 2021-05-21

May I ask how long did the status "Submitted to Journal" last at that time?

KIKI1125 2021-05-13

The impact factor is going to exceed 5, and the number of published articles has also increased.

心想事成 2021-05-13

I have been with the editor for a month. I have reminded them once, and the review process is still relatively fast.

Grubby 2021-04-20

submitted to journal has been going on for almost two months now, can't stand it anymore, going to directly apply for withdrawal of the submission. ?

deanandrew 2021-04-06

I have not dealt with it for 20 days yet.

必中中 2021-04-05

May I ask if forgetting to confirm the cooperation author's email will affect the submission? Why is it still submitted to the journal after a month? I hope to receive an answer, thank you very much.

必中中 2021-04-05

May I ask if forgetting to confirm the collaborative author's email will affect the submission? Why is it still "submitted to journal" after a month? Thank you very much.

心想事成 2021-03-15

During the epidemic, it stayed in the editor's hands for a month, and received major revision comments a month after submission. After completing the major revisions, minor revisions were given in about 14 days, and then it was accepted. Overall, the efficiency of the journal editor is quite high, and it is also a 2nd tier journal. Personally, I feel that the cost-effectiveness is relatively high.

Savitar 2021-02-20

May I ask if this journal charges a page fee?

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