认证评论 - Additive Manufacturing
注: 认证评论选取于全球各个学术评论平台和社交媒体。

小可爱-1990 2021-03-21

Trash journals, as long as it is a Chinese submission, the processing speed is extremely slow. After waiting for 6 months, the first round of review hasn't even finished yet. I took the initiative to withdraw my submission because I am in a hurry to graduate. Please be cautious when submitting.

小玮大论文 2021-03-18

It has been 19 days since submission, and the status is still "submitted to journal". I hope for a good outcome. Has anyone had a long submission time before? Let's exchange experiences.

巨窝 2021-03-17

I have published two papers in 2019 and 2021. In 2019, I submitted a paper to Nature Communications, but it was rejected and then I submitted it here, and it was accepted with simple revisions. In 2021, this paper was directly rejected twice and had to be resubmitted. The reviewers were very responsible and made significant changes to the paper (the entire paper was completely transformed). Now it is showing as accepted.

Currently, the real-time impact factor on Sanger Assistant is 10.6, and it is expected to increase to 10 (although this may not be accurate).

Overall, this journal is not limited to water materials, as some papers focus on innovative strategies. It is required that the research be highly relevant to additive manufacturing.

In conclusion, I recommend this journal because there are no publication fees or fees for color figures. Compared to some journals that charge $500 per color figure, this is very reasonable.

lythu 2021-03-13

Hurry up, just submitted for review.

wushi133 2021-03-13

Have you sent emails to remind the original poster?

wushi133 2021-03-13

Has the OP submitted for review?
I have been waiting for nearly 20 days and still haven't received any news. It is still in the "submitted to Journal" status.

ad-1993 2021-03-04

Everyone can share their submission experience together.

good-good 2021-03-02

As long as it's not too easy, it will be reviewed.

good-good 2021-03-02

Recently, the speed has become so slow that it's unbearable. It takes at least a month for a submission to a journal, and with the editor, it takes at least three weeks. Those who are in a hurry to graduate should not submit anything now, as it can drive a person crazy with impatience.

lythu 2021-03-01

January 24th submission. It is still with the editor now, it's too slow. Endlessly delayed.

So1arAy 2021-03-01

Translate the following text into English: "Jan 8 submit. Feb 24 Editor reject. The editor can really delay, I won't submit again in the future."

秋姐姐 2021-01-26

Posted on September 8th, received review comments on November 20th from four reviewers. The comments were very insightful. After one month of revisions, the article was resubmitted and accepted. Although it was assigned to the second tier of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, it has great potential for development. The real-time impact factor has exceeded ten in 2020. We encourage everyone to submit their work with depth and follow the suggestions.

海纳百川川百纳 2021-01-14

I submitted it on December 20, 2020, and until now, January 14, 2020, it is still submitted to the journal. So slow!

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