认证评论 - Additive Manufacturing
注: 认证评论选取于全球各个学术评论平台和社交媒体。

lethe1997 2022-10-11

The status date of "under review" has changed twice, bro, do you know what's going on?

lethe1997 2022-10-11

Does anyone know why the status date of this journal under review has changed twice?

lethe1997 2022-10-11

2022.08.30 submitted to journal
2022.09.02 with editor
2022.09.07 under review
2022.09.15 under review
2022.10.10 under review

2022.08.30 submitted to journal
2022.09.02 with editor
2022.09.07 under review
2022.09.15 under review
2022.10.10 under review

SFAACEDVG 2022-09-28

Is this journal currently charging a fee?

科研狗子222 2022-09-20

9.19被拒 translates to "Rejected on 9.19" in English.

buaa赵立冬 2022-09-18

June 13 - Submit to journal
June 21 - With editor
June 30 - Under review
July 17 - Under review
August 27 - Revision
September 9 - Revision submitted
September 18 - Accept

Thank you, editor Wei! The process was fast, and three reviewers provided many professional suggestions for the article. The article improved significantly after the modifications! I hope the journal continues to thrive!

科研狗子222 2022-09-13

The text "9.13 with editor" is already in English. It does not require translation.

buaa赵立冬 2022-09-13

Comment #62, they are probably referring to Advanced Materials. It seems like they mistakenly criticized the wrong journal. They are jokingly referring to it as "AM," which is the abbreviation for Advanced Materials, and making fun of the situation.

科研狗子222 2022-09-11

8.31 submit to journal: Submit to journal on August 31.
9.6 with editor: Meet with editor on September 6.
内心慌得一匹: Feeling extremely anxious

云溪 2022-09-08

Thank you for the blessings~
In addition, if the submission is suggested to be redirected, it can be modified and resubmitted, but the hope for this is very slim, unless you argue with the editor.

edtaaaa 2022-09-07

There is only one H.L. Wei in the list of journal editors, and there is no editor from BJ University. The editor's list can be found on the official website, so why are you making such comments??

潇洒哥 2022-09-07

The text "Sep 6 reject" is already in English and does not require translation.

熊哥 2022-09-06

Submission experience
9.1 submitted to journal
9.3 with editor

潇洒哥 2022-09-04

The text is already in English.

会飞的小猪233 2022-08-24

Hello, I would like to ask if there is still a chance to resubmit the article to AM after it has been recommended to be transferred to another journal and revised according to the reviewers' opinions?

buaa赵立冬 2022-08-07

Congratulations! Basking in the joy!

云溪 2022-08-06

Dear all, best regards!

云溪 2022-08-04

22/08/02 required Reviews Completed - The required reviews have been completed on August 2nd, 2022.
22/07/11 submission - The submission was made on July 11th, 2022.
22/05/23 major revision - A major revision was made on May 23rd, 2022.

sciencesisi 2022-08-02

I was also rejected in less than a week, and the reason was the same as yours. They mentioned a few polite words in the beginning, talking about strong scientific nature and such, but the reason for rejection was that it was not innovative enough. I roughly understand it as not being relevant to the journal's content. They prefer articles related to the field of technology or very new materials.

sciencesisi 2022-08-02

I have tried once but didn't succeed. I don't know what types of articles this journal accepts. Which school in Beijing did you mention? I'm really curious to know.

jiawuming 2022-07-10

Hello, can you send me the content of your reply to the delayed email for reference?

BAOGEGE 2022-06-24

Classmate, what is your specialization in civil engineering? Would you be available to communicate with me?

期待好结果 2022-06-20

After submitting, I received a rejection from the editor after one month, with the reason being: "I regret to inform you that the level of English throughout your manuscript does not meet the standard of the journal. We now only consider publication-ready manuscripts as requested by our reviewers." Although my English is not excellent, two professors had edited my article. Both of them have spent 10 years abroad, with one publishing in Nature Materials and the other in Cell. The revised article should not have had issues with the English proficiency. The professors have never been rejected for this reason before, and they were also surprised. They suggested that I find someone to proofread and make changes, but the proofreading made almost no difference. It feels like a waste of money, equivalent to buying a language certificate. I believe that the reason given was just an excuse.

Tanghehe 2022-06-08

With the editor inactive for a month.

会飞的小猪233 2022-05-22

Has the "under review" status changed before the required reviews were completed?

云溪 2022-05-22

22/05/22 Required Reviews Completed

Translation: The required reviews were completed on 22/05/22.

会飞的辰鱼 2022-05-18

My submission has been under review for two months, and still no news. The recent review process seems to be a bit slow. ??

云溪 2022-05-17

The review comments have not yet come back, and I have only submitted it for review for 18 days.

会飞的小猪233 2022-05-17

Did you receive the comments from the review? Is it usually an average of one month?

云溪 2022-05-13

Brother, is it because the research group or the teacher is not well-known? Why is the submission process so difficult?

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