认证评论 - Additive Manufacturing
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Taylor26 2022-11-12

The paper was submitted at the end of May and went through two revisions. The second revision only had one reviewer's comments remaining (the other three had accepted it). After submission, it took the reviewer more than a month to complete the review. Today, it was discovered that the editor sent out several more review invitations, which suggests that the last reviewer may have decided to reject the paper. Therefore, the editor has submitted it for review again.

小七的日常 2022-11-12

It is stated that a reviewer has submitted a review report to the system. If there are two to three revisions, it means that the review reports have been gradually returned, and your paper is about to enter the editorial decision phase. The first review result is also considered the most important decision.

KEWPIE 2022-11-12

Do you know why the date of "under review" will change, my friend?

KEWPIE 2022-11-12

2022.11.4 - under review
11.12 - under review

yyyhhh 2022-11-09

Hello, does this journal have templates?

青春无悔666 2022-11-08

It has been more than 20 days with the editor, is it normal?

君子傲 2022-11-08

11.02 rrc, still rrc today, this journal is too slow and disappointing.

lethe1997 2022-11-07

2022.11.07 revise

lethe1997 2022-11-06

How long have you been? I have been in RRC state since October 25th until now, and I'm so anxious.

lethe1997 2022-11-06

What date did the OP vote?

5511 2022-11-05

No, and the reminder letter is not replied by the editor, but by the assistant. They just checked the status briefly. So, I feel like reminding probably won't be of much use.

君子傲 2022-11-04

How long does this status last?

yyyhhh 2022-11-02

Hello, I would like to ask if this journal has a template.

5511 2022-11-01

Really grateful, the under review date has changed 4 times. I sent a reminder letter to the editor, saying that it's taking so long because they couldn't find a reviewer. It's really frustrating...

lethe1997 2022-10-26

2022.10.25 required review completed.

5511 2022-10-22

Almost, it seems like I've been under review for 20 days.

handong123 2022-10-19

submitted for 12 days
with editor for 12 days
under review for 24 days
Overall, accepted after two months
Submission feels good.

yang1122 2022-10-17

I have changed, the last time was on July 9th. Asked the editor, he said the process is normal.

yang1122 2022-10-17

It has been four months since the first trial, and there is still no news.

5511 2022-10-16

These three times are changes that occur once a month...
Our research group had previously submitted to this journal, and it was sent back for revision in just over a month...
This is really dragging me down.

5511 2022-10-16

I have changed three times already.

随风潜入夜-2 2022-10-16

Normal, it has changed four times before. After the editing operation is checked, the date will change. The first review cycle for this journal is three to four months.

5511 2022-10-16

Submitted on July 14th, still under review on October 16th. The dates of being under review have changed three times during this period. Does anyone know what's going on? Why is the speed of this journal getting slower and slower...

5511 2022-10-16

I am too. I submitted on July 14th, and it has been under review until now. I don't know why the process is so slow. These days, I am still debating whether to send an email to the editor to inquire.

SFAACEDVG 2022-10-16

It has been half a month with the editor, is this normal?

lethe1997 2022-10-12

Has your status date changed?

yang1122 2022-10-11

I have been waiting for four months, and the first trial result has not been announced yet.

yang1122 2022-10-11

May 30th submission
June 17th under review
October 10th still under review
After contacting the editor, they said it's in normal status. Is the journal usually this slow?

lethe1997 2022-10-11

Under the "under review" status, the date has been changed twice. Do you know what's going on, brother?

lethe1997 2022-10-11

The status date has changed twice, bro, do you know what's going on? Under review.

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