认证评论 - Additive Manufacturing
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月亮987 2023-04-18

This is a professional journal. Some proprietary terms cannot be defined by oneself, such as vat photopolymerization (instead of using DLP). Furthermore, if the formatting does not meet the requirements, it will be rejected by the technical editor. This is solely a formatting issue and has nothing to do with the originality of your article. Once the necessary modifications are made according to the requirements, it can be submitted to the editor for a final decision.

wsl_st 2023-04-17

35 days under review

wind0w 2023-04-13

I would like to ask a question, why is my submission always automatically rejected? Can anyone who has submitted to this journal offer any suggestions?
Your article has been rejected by our front-end processing office (not the Editor-in-Chief or Associate Editors). This is because it did not pass one or more of the front-end article checks.
Please thoroughly review your manuscript for these issues and other criteria outlined in the Guide for Authors.
This is already the second rejection, and I really don't know the reason. They never clearly explain which specific reasons led to the rejection.
The title of my article does not use any abbreviations, and all abbreviations in the abstract have their full forms. The formatting of the article follows the required single-column layout, and I did not copy paragraphs from others' articles.
Professors, could you please analyze the common reasons for rejection? Thank you very much!

风起兮 2023-04-13

Hasn't it been submitted for review with the editor for so long?

Wang Haohuan 2023-04-11

The translation of "2023. 4.11 with editor" into English is "April 11, 2023 with editor."

wsl_st 2023-04-09

It has been a month, and the editor has still not dealt with it.

5511 2023-04-07

Posted on July 14th of the 22nd year, received on April 7th of the 23rd year. The process was agonizing, fortunately, I won...

5511 2023-04-07

Submitted on July 14th last year, accepted on April 5th this year... This journal really took a toll on me.

delll 2023-04-06

May I ask why the time for "with editor" will be updated? 3/31 with editor, 4/5 with editor.

wfzd 2023-04-04

The following text has a relatively high recognition in the field of additive manufacturing. It requires a high level of expertise in professional knowledge. However, the speed of editing and review process is indeed quite long. But the editors and reviewers are very responsible and have raised some detailed questions, which is quite responsible.

Time with editor is about 15 days.
Under review for 2 months.
Revised for 20 days and resubmitted the revision.
With editor for 15 days, editor submitted for review.
Under review for 1 month.

之江er 2023-04-04

3.20 Submission
3.27 with editor
3.29 with editor
·······No further updates until now, is the editing process slow recently?

鲤鱼王desu 2023-03-31

The reviewer understands my direction very well, and all the questions I wanted to avoid were discovered.

鲤鱼王desu 2023-03-31

3.14 submitted to journal
3.20 with editor
3.25 under review
3.30 reject
Finally rejected. 233.

Wang Haohuan 2023-03-30

may 29 2023 with editor

wsl_st 2023-03-29

May I ask when your manuscript will begin to be edited?

Wang Haohuan 2023-03-29

May 23, 2023 Submitted
May 29, 2023 Status unchanged

No initial review has started after 7 days of editing, not much evaluation.

wlklyq 2023-02-17

2023.02.17 with editor: What's going on here???

wlklyq 2023-02-08

2023.01.28 - Submitted to journal
02.03 - With editor

KEWPIE 2023-02-02

2023.1.30 accept translates to "accept on January 30, 2023" in English.

小小怪将军 2023-01-28

Jan 28, 2023 Submitted to Journal

一只呆呆鸟 2023-01-02

December 27, 2022, accepted.

KEWPIE 2022-12-25

How long does it take to receive feedback after submitting the revised manuscript to this journal? 59.

KEWPIE 2022-12-25

12.2 revision: This refers to the process of reviewing or making changes to a document, project, or any other work. It implies that there have been previous revisions before this one.

12.22 revision submit: This suggests that the revision mentioned previously (12.2 revision) is now ready to be submitted or turned in for evaluation or approval.

billions1943 2022-12-23

In response to the comment above, I might have expressed myself incorrectly. Most of the members in his team are from a certain university in Beijing, and he himself is an editor of this journal. He shared a statement regarding his paper: One of the authors of this article is part of the Editorial Board of the journal. To avoid potential conflicts of interest... will not have any access to confidential information related to the editorial process of this article.

I won't mention which editor specifically, but from 2019 to 2022, there have been many papers. I have to admit that some of them are indeed innovative, but there are also some that have major flaws, which made me drop my jaw in disbelief after reading them.

一只呆呆鸟 2022-12-08

1. Received
Submitted in early July 2021
First round of revision in mid-August 2021. Both reviewers' comments were positive. In addition, the editor may have found the two opinions to be simple, so he added many suggestions himself.
Second round of revision in mid-September 2021. Both reviewers agreed to accept the paper, but the editor did not let me off easily. He focused on the EBSD issue from the first round and asked me to add TEM testing. In the first round, I wrote a long response and cited references, explaining why I refused to add TEM experiments. Unfortunately, there was no other option but to urgently conduct the additional tests.
End of September 2021. Completed the additional tests with TEM. Sent for revision.
Accepted on October 1, 2021.

2. Submitted, unknown status
Submitted on October 12, 2022.
Under review since October 25, 2022.
Three opinions during the revision process on November 23, 2022. One recommended acceptance, one minor revision, and one major revision. The reviewers were very meticulous, as if they were using a magnifying glass to find issues. They are indeed experts in the field and have a good understanding of technical details. They also discovered many technical problems that I had not noticed.
Revision submitted on December 6, 2022.
No new updates at the moment.

lsh-hust 2022-12-08

Personally, I believe that the focus of this journal is on promoting technological innovation and improving material performance. It is important to highlight the characteristics of one's own articles, and after submission, one can only hope for the best. Overall, the cost-effectiveness is very high, and there is no discrimination against Chinese individuals or institutions.

KEWPIE 2022-11-29

How long is the approximate duration of the first trial cycle?

君子傲 2022-11-24

2022.06.05 submission
2022.11.16 minor revision
2022.11.24 hired

5511 2022-11-22

The comments' replies seem to be incorrect. The date change is because the editor reviewed your manuscript. Previously, my submission date changed 4 times, once every month.

buaa赵立冬 2022-11-21

Don't worry, it could be a new reviewer accepting the review or the reviewer returning their comments. The date will likely change for "under review".

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