认证评论 - Advanced Materials Technologies
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amesol 2021-12-15

The published articles are mostly rejections and transfers, such as AM, AFM, Small, etc. After all, most of them are good articles, and their impact factor is rapidly increasing year by year. Compared to pure theoretical ideas, they tend to lean towards engineering applications. The influence is increasing year by year, and it is expected to catch up with journals such as Acta Mater and ACS Appl Mater Interfaces in the near future. I wonder when we can truly enter the gate of the first tier.

zhanxi 2021-11-26

All Wiley journals are like this, ...

pEon 2021-11-24

The first suggestion and major renovation both took one month. The unreasonable point is that there is only one status, "under consideration," so patience is required to wait.

zhanxi 2021-11-16

11.15 接收 translates to "11.15 Received" in English.

Goahead 2021-11-04

2021.07.21 Submission
(Reply to the previous question of transfer投)
2021.09.16 Major revision
2021.10.20 Resubmission
2021.10.28 Minor revision
2021.11.01 Resubmission
2021.11.4 Acceptance

Goahead 2021-11-04

small switching

zhanxi 2021-10-30

10.30 Rework

今天要开组会 2021-10-24

April has been published/has been released.

zhanxi 2021-10-23

10.22 Renovation was only given 10 days.
Three reviewers, one minor revision, one major revision, and one rejection.

zhanxi 2021-10-16

9.29: Transferred from AFM
Currently waiting for news
Hoping for a good outcome

Jackson_M 2021-10-04


一区top* 2021-09-06

Will the submission date of this journal change, may I ask?

投啥中啥123 2021-08-18

4.17 submit - Submitted on April 17th
5.10 major revision (deadline 5.22) - Major revision requested on May 10th (deadline May 22nd)
5.18 Revisions Submission - Revisions submitted on May 18th
6.7 minor revision (deadline 6.12) - Minor revision requested on June 7th (deadline June 12th)
6.8 Revisions Submission - Revisions submitted on June 8th
6.8 当晚 accept - Accepted on the evening of June 8th
From submission to acceptance in less than two months, the efficiency is quite high, considering the switch from AOM.

zccvt 2021-07-28

My transfer from AFM is still under consideration for 35 days and I do not know how much longer it will take.

nannan11 2021-07-26

Has it been more than 10 days since submission? The status has been unchanged and under consideration all this time. Do you need to inquire about it?

amesol 2021-07-06

New sub-journal of advanced materials engineering applications
Growing rapidly
Latest impact factor 7.848
Looking forward to entering Zone 1 TOP soon

飞翔的小鱼 2021-06-09

Hello, may I ask if this magazine has a fee?

Zz524 2021-03-23

Hello! Is there any other status between "under consideration" and "revise"? Currently, my submission has been under consideration since the beginning.

Smile-伟 2021-03-22

2020.12.07 Submitted under consideration
2021.02.19 Revised
Submitted three days later
2021.03.03 Accepted
The reviewer is very professional, and the quality of the article is high. The Impact Factor is estimated to be close to 7 this year.

烧味拼盘 2021-03-20

2020.02.03 Submit
2020.02.22 Proposed revisions
2020.02.27 Submit after revisions
2020.03.03 Accepted

啾啾海子 2021-03-09

"Under consideration" means that it is under review, and the speed is quite fast: it only took 11 days from submission to receiving the first edition of the review comments.

Better me 2021-03-03

May I ask how is your result now? I have been under consideration for a month.

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