认证评论 - Journal of Materials Research and Technology-JMR&T
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审稿人快给我审稿 2023-03-24

3.21 Submitted to Journal, until now there has been no response from the editor, does it mean it has been sent?

qqqqqu 2023-03-23

Thank you for the encouragement from the commenter above. After two major revisions, it was accepted. I submitted it on October 25th last year and received acceptance on March 21st this year, which took almost 5 months. I encountered a meticulous reviewer, which prolonged the process. However, the final outcome was positive.

qqqqqu 2023-03-23

Thank you for the encouragement. After two major revisions, it was accepted. I submitted it on October 25th last year and it was accepted on March 21st this year. I encountered a meticulous reviewer, so the process took quite a long time, but the final outcome was good.

qqqqqu 2023-03-23

Received second review comments in one month.

7415 2023-03-22

It's good to make improvements when there is nothing else to do. The editor has also made a lot of effort in order to accept your article.

爱科研的boy 2023-03-22

How long does it take to receive the second repair after submitting the first repair?

qqqqqu 2023-03-20

"The second time is still a major repair. Is it a danger signal?"

MatthewMa 2023-03-19

Thank you both, I estimate that we will receive the review comments next week. Thank you.

kaka问心 2023-03-18

LetPub, sorry, I made a mistake.

kaka问心 2023-03-18

I am also very grateful to LepPub for providing a platform that allows me to learn a lot of valuable experience from the comments of senior predecessors!!!

kaka问心 2023-03-18

Editors are very efficient, and Elsevier's customer service is excellent!
Submitted on February 24, 2023.
Sent for review on February 26, 2023.
Major revisions on March 7, 2023.
Returned on March 10, 2023.
Accepted on March 11, 2023.
Proofreading on March 17, 2023.
Thank you very much for the efficient handling by the journal editors, and also for the submission suggestions and careful answers from Elsevier's customer service.
Advice for everyone: be sure to modify the article's page count, references, illustrations, type, etc. according to the submission guidelines.

慕子清 2023-03-17

2022.08, submission
During the review period, there were many changes in dates, but no progress was made.
2023.01, returned for major revisions.
Early 2023.02, returned for revisions.
Mid-March 2023, accepted.

ERIC_CHEN 2023-03-13

The system has been continuously building PDF ERROR after submission. What's the situation? This system requires the submission to be made through the corresponding author's account.

NWPU007 2023-03-13

My reviewers are two people.

MatthewMa 2023-03-09

Ask colleagues for advice! In the "Under Review" stage, does the date (Status Date) change every time feedback is received from a reviewer? Approximately how many reviewers are there? I have no experience with the first submission~

旋律txp 2023-02-25

2022.12.5 Submitted
2023.1.16 Reviewed and returned
2023.2.2 Resubmitted
2023.2.24 Accepted

kbo 2023-02-24

The title is Ms./Mr./Dr./Prof., and the header is the address section that you filled in.

SONG 99 2023-02-22

The current submission fee is USD1300.

SONG 99 2023-02-22

My 20 days for review.

投稿中 2023-02-21

Just asking, when this journal finally chooses open source for submission, how should we fill in the Title when filling in the invoice information address? My understanding is that it refers to the invoice header, but there is a restriction on the number of characters to be filled in. How did everyone fill it in?

韩来慧 2023-02-20

Has your article been accepted?

Kobebryant 2023-02-20

Hello, do I need to pay a fee? Are there no free options?

cailiaoo 2023-02-19

Feb 08, 2023 Submitted to Journal
Feb 09, 2023 With Editor
Until now With Editor
It has been ten days and it still hasn't been sent for review, is it not acceptable?

Wangzheyou 2023-02-16

It is estimated that arbitration has been involved.

Wangzheyou 2023-02-10

Excuse me, do the reviewers of this journal need to complete the review within 14 days?

y伊伊 2023-02-10

It is estimated that we need to use the external network to access. We couldn't access it before, but now we use an accelerator to access it through the external network.

Superman 2023-02-10

That is the issue you searched for, you should search for the full name of the journal - JOURNAL OF MATERIALS RESEARCH AND TECHNOLOGY - JMR&T, which indexed 1869 articles in 2022.

Wangzheyou 2023-02-09

How many reviewers do you have in total, please?

SONG 99 2023-02-09

With Editor has been more than a week, is it always this slow recently?

Rephen 2023-02-09

It seems that there are only 25 publications retrieved from the web of science. However, by searching through paper titles, other articles besides the 25 from 2022 can also be found. I'm not sure what the reason is. It should be a comprehensive search.

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