认证评论 - Journal of Materials Research and Technology-JMR&T
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hukey 2021-03-15

I have submitted it for a week, but there is no news. Wasn't it said that this magazine is quick?

木易HIT 2021-03-15

Is this magazine super slow? It's been 10 days since I submitted my contribution and it's still in the submission process.

hukey 2021-03-06

Hello, may I ask what is your specialization in civil engineering?

跑得快 2021-03-04

2019.11.18 submitted
2019.11.26 under review
2020.10.08 revise
2020.10.15 revision submitted4.5
2020.10.16 with editor
2020.10.26 under review
2021.03.04 under review ...
First review took over 10 months, with several reminders in between. The editor seemed speechless but patient.
Second review has been going on for over 4 months now, and I can't push them anymore. I don't want to deal with it anymore. Even articles submitted a year later have come back.
I occasionally visit this website and when I see people complaining, I feel obligated to console you.

喵喵 2021-03-03

2020.7.30 submitted
2020.10.27 under review

Still under review until now, it has been over 7 months since submission. I have sent three reminders during this period, hoping to expedite the process. However, there is still no response. I am reluctant to withdraw the submission now as it has delayed my graduation and job prospects significantly.

木易HIT 2021-03-02

May I ask if the writing should not exceed 10 pages, excluding images?

木燚 2021-02-27

What content should be included in a discount letter, and are there any templates?

朱程鹏 2021-02-22

11.18 submitted
12.12 under review
12.14 under review
02.03 minor revise
02.10 revision submitted
02.13 accept
The editor is Dr. Muur. (I feel that this editor handles these manuscripts on Saturdays) Thank you very much, R&A shows that $1100 is being contacted with Elsevier to apply for a 50% discount. Will share more updates later.

惹不起的SCI 2021-02-21

Email: support_chinese@elsevier.com, apply for the discount through this email. You can write in Chinese.

SCI球球了 2021-02-16

Excuse me, how can I contact customer service to apply for a discount? When I submitted my contribution, I selected China as the region, and it also displayed $1000 USD.

小白路过 2021-02-05

My editor has also been with me for two weeks. It's been really slow. I heard that some editors in this magazine are fast, while others are really slow. It's just a matter of luck which one you encounter.

惹不起的SCI 2021-02-05

In the China region, you can apply for a 50% discount. Please contact customer service to apply for the discount.

退堂鼓高手 2021-02-04

The direction of 3D printed titanium alloy surface treatment is being done.
Submitted on November 1, 2020.
Significant revisions made on December 24, 2020.
Further major revisions made after rework on January 4, 2021.
Received second round of revisions on January 13, 2021.
Accepted on January 24, 2021.

科研-小白 2021-02-02

Submitted in September 2020, it has been under review until now, and I really don't understand the change in dates.

LiquidDVD 2021-01-28

This is my first submission to JMRT, but it is the journal with the highest efficiency that I have submitted to. I submitted on December 30, 2020, and it was sent for review on January 4, 2021. I received the feedback on January 25, 2021, which required minor revisions. There were two reviewers, and a total of four comments were given. I made the revisions within two days and submitted on January 27, 2021. It was accepted on the same day. The whole process took 30 days. I am very grateful to Lawrence Murr, Ph.D, the editor, for his efficient work.

hehehao 2021-01-19

After frequent changes in the review date, the manuscript was given minor revisions after three months of review. I don't know what the editor was doing, but luckily the outcome is good.

E骆骆 2021-01-18

Under Review for a week now, the date hasn't changed, getting anxious.

逍遥小猪猪 2021-01-09

The speed is okay. Submit with the editor. 1 month.

时针追着分针 2021-01-08

The progress is extremely slow, it has been over a month and the external review has not been done yet.

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