认证评论 - Science China-Materials
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synthetic worker 2021-12-22

Yeah, it's still the same gas in District 1. In the neighboring Science China Chemistry, I can also see you raging in impotence, giving yourself crazy thumbs-up and still wanting face? Others will provide their own opinions and suggestions regarding domestic journals, and will control the quality of the articles in their comments, attracting high-quality foreign manuscripts. Remember not to blindly worship the Impact Factor, etc. It's just you, a jumping clown, going around with a strange and malicious tongue, like a shrew cursing in the street.

polymer125 2021-12-21

Give you 100 likes.

小哲000 2021-12-21

Stupid domestically produced journals have acquired the top ranking, engaging in unethical competition and suppressing outstanding foreign journals. Those who have connections can submit to domestically produced journals.

本站唯一昵称 2021-10-26

I hope the journal can expand its influence a bit. The SC series still needs to develop and accumulate. I hope it will get better and better.

Riley1994 2021-10-26

Submitted on August 30th, major revision on September 27th; minor revision after 2 days of resubmission; minor revision again after 3 days of resubmission. The editor sent an email requesting to adjust the format according to the guide for authors. Accepted on October 21st.

Riley1994 2021-10-07

How long will it take to accept after major revision and resubmission, as all four reviewers have agreed to accept it?

Riley1994 2021-10-07

Did the reviewer review your revised submission? How long does it take to receive it after revision?

Riley1994 2021-10-07

Has the "Awaiting Reviewer Invitation" status been assigned after the repair? How long after submitting the modification will it be received?

fangditto 2021-09-30

Wang Guilin is an editor at the China Science Publishing & Media Ltd., responsible for the establishment and editing work of Science China Materials, not a teacher.

fangditto 2021-09-24

After receiving it, the editor will send an email with a list of preparations needed.

学术小学生 2021-09-20

Hello, will there be any changes in the review process for this journal?

20163947 2021-09-13

Hello, may I ask where did you find the Copyright Transfer Form when you submitted your manuscript? We have been searching for it but cannot find it.

fangditto 2021-09-07

I submitted an article to AM but it was rejected. In a rush to graduate, I submitted it to this domestic magazine. I feel that the work I did on it is good, so I will revise and improve it before submitting it to a top journal. I hope that domestic magazines will continue to improve and do well.

多nuli 2021-08-24

Does this journal require publication fees?

laj 2021-08-16

Quickly sent for review, and given two weeks for review comments. After revision, it is accepted directly.

小文 2021-07-08

Hello, can I ask about the status of my submission? How long does it usually take to reach the editor?

letpub_2020 2021-07-02

The latest Impact Factor is 8.273, showing remarkable progress. I wish the domestic journal SCMs continued success!

BMGer 2021-04-19

It has been a week since I submitted to this journal, and it is still in the status of "EO Pick and Assign Manuscript". Hearing you say this, it seems quite uncertain. I think I should start looking for another option.

jiafeimao123 2021-04-19

Brother, being rejected instantly is a fortunate thing. I have been submitting for two weeks already. It seems that this teacher is busy with other matters and doesn't have time to review my manuscript.

卡尔李旭特 2021-01-21

It seems that Wang Guilin is from the College of Civil Engineering at a prestigious institution.

echo1994wf 2021-01-21

Planning to try submitting to domestic journals, this article considers itself to be pretty good. Based on past experience, it shouldn't be a problem for a journal with a rating of around 8 points. I submitted it to SCMs, but they rejected it within two hours of their working time, even before it reached the editor-in-chief. It was a staff member (seems to be that EO: Wang Gulin, couldn't find any academic information about this person) who rejected it. I have submitted articles before and been rejected, but this is the first time I have encountered such a rejection. It really opened my eyes. It's up to everyone to decide whether it's okay to submit to such domestic journals or to be cautious.

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