认证评论 - IEEE Internet of Things Journal
注: 认证评论选取于全球各个学术评论平台和社交媒体。

wxx1115 2023-02-02

Is there a page requirement for submissions? The official website only mentioned that there will be a fee for submissions exceeding 8 pages.

X-man666 2023-01-31

The email of employment was sent by the former editor-in-chief.

Capricornus 2023-01-28

Still no change, have you changed? The journal's editor has been replaced, I wonder if it will have any impact~

卢包包 2023-01-21

May I ask what state you are in now? I also changed from uppercase UR to lowercase UR for almost a day and then changed it back to uppercase UR.

bigbigpang 2023-01-18

What is the status of "Under review"?

jing 2023-01-14

After resubmitting the rejection, it seems that I have changed two reviewers.

宇宙系浪漫 2023-01-12

May I ask if the rejected submission will be resubmitted to the same reviewer?

宇宙系浪漫 2023-01-12

Is it the same reviewer after the rejection and resubmission?

宇宙系浪漫 2023-01-12

May I ask if the same reviewer will handle the revised submission or if there will be a different reviewer assigned?

漂移online 2023-01-12

2022.9.6 submit - Submitted on September 6, 2022
2022.11.12 major revision - Major revision on November 12, 2022
2022.12.04 revised - Revised on December 4, 2022
2022.0109 accept - Accepted on January 9, 2022
The first review took two months, and the paper was directly accepted after major revisions. The opinions of the two reviewers were constructive, and the responses were addressed point by point. The reply letter referenced nearly 30 additional citations. However, the key factor was the high quality of the article, as quality is the ultimate criterion. It is hoped that the journal will continue to improve.

Joie 2023-01-11

It takes half a month to wait.

JackXiao 2023-01-07

First instance, 2 months; total of 3 months.

JackXiao 2023-01-07

Revised the paper for 3 years, rejected by IJCAI (abstract rejected), JBHI (first review rejected), KBS (second review rejected). The whole process feels like it could be written into 3 papers. Thank you IoTJ, and all the best!
2022.10.07: Created and submitted
2022.10.08: Under major review
2022.10.30: Under major review with minor revisions
2022.11.13: Under major review
2022.11.13: Awaiting decision
2022.12.09: Major revision
2022.12.29: Revision submitted
2022.12.29: Under major review with minor revisions
2023.01.01: Under major review
2023.01.03: Awaiting decision
2023.01.04: Accepted

david_Xu 2023-01-05

Last year, there were two major revisions. Today, I found out that the Editor-in-Chief (EiC) has been changed. I wonder if this will have a significant impact on the results...

TeMie 2023-01-04

It will not affect the review process, I also couldn't see the revision letter before.

TeMie 2023-01-04

2022.09.27 submitted
2022.09.29 under review
2022.12.01 awaiting decision
2022.12.08 major revision
2022.12.23 revised
2022.12.24 under review
2023.01.01 accept

Translated into English:

2022.09.27 submitted
2022.09.29 under review
2022.12.01 awaiting decision
2022.12.08 major revision
2022.12.23 revised
2022.12.24 under review
2023.01.01 accept

论文王 2023-01-03

Dear predecessors, may I ask if I need to manually combine the revision letter and the revised version of the paper when submitting the modifications? Why can't I see my revision letter when I click on "view submission" after submitting? Will it affect the reviewers' review?

hj0125 2022-12-31

May I ask how many reviewers there are?

bitwqzyf 2022-12-28

The timeline for manuscript submission shared by everyone on LetPub has indeed been of great help to me. Here is the timeline for my paper, for everyone's reference:

2022.4.15 Submit
2022.5.1 Under review (大U小r)
2022.8.25 Awaiting Decision
2022.8.31 Reject (revise and resubmit)
2022.11.15 Resubmit
2022.11.21 Under review (大U小r)
2022.12.05 Awaiting Decision
2022.12.09 Minor Revision
2022.12.13 Under review (大U小r)
2022.12.20 Awaiting Decision
2022.12.28 Accept

Wishing everyone a wonderful outcome!

TobeMaster 2022-12-24

A very good top journal in the 1st district of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, with three anonymous reviewers who asked very professional questions. It took more than ten months from the initial submission to final acceptance, with multiple revisions. The timeline is as follows, for reference only:

2022-02-15: Submitted
2022-04-27: Reject (revise and resubmit)
2022-07-03: Resubmitted
2022-07-25: Minor Revision
2022-08-01: Revised
2022-08-11: Major Revision
2022-09-08: Revised
2022-10-26: Minor Revision
2022-11-08: Revised
2022-11-23: Major Revision
2022-12-16: Revised
2022-12-21: Accept

SherTuring 2022-12-20

2022-11-11 submitted ------ 2022-12-19 under review (upper)
2022-12-20 under review (lower)


The text is indicating a timeline of a process. It states that something was submitted on November 11, 2022, and as of December 19, 2022, it is currently under review in the upper level. On December 20, 2022, it is still under review, but this time in the lower level.

SherTuring 2022-12-20

2022-11-11 submitted ------ 2022-12-19 Under Review (Upper)

2022-12-20 Under Review (lower)

It took over a month to submit for external review QAQ.

jing 2022-12-17

2021-12-03 Submitted
2022-02-26 Reject (Revise and Resubmit)
2022-06-22 Resubmitted
2022-09-01 Major Revision
2022-09-28 Revised
2022-10-09 Minor Revision
2022-10-27 Revised
2022-11-09 Awaiting Decision
2022-11-11 Minor Revision
2022-12-01 Revised
2022-12-16 Accept

miyi201 2022-12-14

Have you been rejected by the editor?

Capricornus 2022-12-13

2022.12.13 Big U Big R

Geodesy_Jeffrey 2022-12-11

09-12, 2022 Accept

SherTuring 2022-12-10

Has been under review for a month and still remains as "Under Review" in capital letters. Does this mean it has not been externally reviewed yet? Should I follow up on this situation?

好好学习天天向上~~~ 2022-12-09

Steady top in the first zone of the Chinese Academy of Sciences!

好好学习天天向上~~~ 2022-12-09

Currently, the IEEE Internet of Things Journal is recommended by the Communication Society, Electronics Society, Computer Society, Tsinghua University, and other organizations. We hope that the journal will continue to improve!

好好学习天天向上~~~ 2022-12-09

The first review and the second review usually take about two and a half months each, and each revision takes about three weeks.
The reviewers' comments are strict and professional, and each response is very serious, usually about twenty pages long. These comments are very helpful in improving the paper.

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