认证评论 - IEEE Internet of Things Journal
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Dr.hhh 2021-10-30

May I ask how much is the review fee and layout fee?

Lostviews 2021-10-29

I estimate that you were rejected :D

小小不懂 2021-10-26

Did you receive a warning from you?

linqi 2021-10-22

Feels like the volume of posts has increased, and overall reputation will decline.

加菲老猫 2021-10-08

It has been over three months since we started the major renovation, exceeding the time for the first review.

乘风破浪lds 2021-10-04

Posted in early February
Rejected and resubmitted in mid-April
Returned in early July
Major revision in late August
Returned in early September
Accepted in early October
AD time is uncertain, 2-20 days

zhangtianxia 2021-10-01

The speed is slightly longer compared to before, but it seems that the main reason is that the time under review in the editorial department is longer. The opinions of the three reviewers are valuable, and they truly understand the work done in the article, which greatly improves the quality of the article. It is still very worthwhile to submit to this journal.
Submitted in early April
Rejected and resubmitted in early June
Revised in July
Accepted and published in September.

hxy 2021-09-27

IoT (Internet of Things) has experienced a noticeable decrease in the speed of manuscript review since the beginning of this year. I would like to share my submission experience:

October 12, 2020: Submitted manuscript
November 22, 2020: First review result - Rejected with an invitation to resubmit, allowed 3 months for revisions
January 14, 2021: Resubmitted
June 25, 2021: Second review result - Minor revisions, allowed 3 weeks for revisions
July 8, 2021: Submitted revised manuscript
September 25, 2021: Accepted!

Considering the significant decrease in review speed since the beginning of this year, I would not recommend submitting to this journal if there is an urgent need to graduate based on the publication of the paper.

sdpy 2021-09-25

Why is it so fast? I'm envious. I submitted earlier than you, but I'm still waiting for the result of the second review.

Tock 2021-09-23

2021.05.07: submit
2021.07.14: major
2021.07.22: revision
2021.09.14: accept

sdpy 2021-09-23

Help, it has been three months since I submitted the major repair, and the status has never changed. It's in lowercase "ur". I have no idea when the result will come out, and it feels like I can't wait any longer.

sdpy 2021-09-15

AD estimate should be completed in about half a month, at most three weeks. I have been submitting my major repairs for two and a half months, but the status hasn't changed. Sigh.

Tock 2021-09-14

After more than a month, the major repair submission has changed to "awaiting decision," and it has been awaiting decision for over half a month now. How long did it take for you all to receive the decision after being in the "awaiting decision" status?

LDP 2021-09-13

I submitted it on August 20th, and it is the same as your status.

Superb 2021-09-13

2021.9.13 Under Review (two capitalized words); continue waiting.

Superb 2021-09-12

2021.8.12 Submission under review (lowercase)
2021.9.1 Under Review (both uppercase)
2021.9.12 Under review (lowercase 'r')

Superb 2021-09-12

My current status is "Under review". A few days ago, I saw that "R" changed to "r". What does this mean? Is it in the process of being reviewed?

Superb 2021-09-12

I have been applying for a month now, and it is currently under review.

Tock 2021-09-12

How long will it take for you to have news? I have been waiting for 15 days already.

sdpy 2021-09-04

Why is the second review so fast? My submission has been over two months and there hasn't been any changes yet.

zhangzhang 2021-09-01

2021.02.18: Submit
2021.05.15: Reject (revise and resubmit)
2021.06.04: Resubmit
2021.07.12: Major
2021.07.14: Revision
2021.08.27: Accept

zhangzhang 2021-08-23

I've already had ADHD for over two weeks~

xixixiguaguagua 2021-08-20

2021.08.20 inspection, changed to two uppercase "Under Review".

fly希里 2021-08-17

16-Jan-2021 Submission
15-May-2021 Minor Revision
21-May-2021 Submission
14-Aug-2021 Accept

xixixiguaguagua 2021-08-09

2021.07.15投稿 Under Review - Posted on July 15, 2021, under review
2021.08.09 Under review - Under review as of August 9, 2021
等待中 - Waiting

简简单单518 2021-08-09

Has the result come out yet? I'm also waiting for a decision. It's been a week and I still haven't received any news.

会飞的咸鱼123 2021-08-05

Has the result come out now?

叽叽歪歪s 2021-08-03

It has been a week and there is still no news.

会飞的咸鱼456 2021-08-03

Well, all I can do is wait. It's just that I've seen some comments saying that Xiaoxiu's issue was resolved quickly. I've been waiting for a decision for a week now, and I'm starting to feel a bit anxious.

jxgsd 2021-08-03

Will this journal editor reject it directly?

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