认证评论 - IEEE Internet of Things Journal
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nuaa_mk 2022-03-10

October 2021 submission;
January 2022 major revisions returned;
February 2, 2022 modification submitted;
February 26, 2022 accepted.

beverly_lee 2022-03-08

Many people, after being rejected, start spreading rumors. Those who spread rumors should focus on their academic pursuits. Being a top journal in the field of Internet of Things (IoT), it is only natural that it attracts attention and criticism.

聪明的米哈伊 2022-03-06

The Chinese Academy of Sciences has never issued an IEEE Journal of Things (JoT) warning; this rumor is baseless!

蒜姜葱 2022-03-05

Submission: 2021.1.28
First major revision: 2021.7.21; Returned revised manuscript: 2021.8.31
Second major revision: 2022.1.4; Returned revised manuscript: 2022.1.31
Accepted: 2022.2.26
There were two reviewers, very rigorous, with one of them being very meticulous. The first major revision dealt with one reviewer, and the second major revision finally satisfied the other reviewer. Overall, this journal is decent, but the review speed is not comparable to before.

哈哈儿2021 2022-03-04

Because the website automatically converts uppercase and lowercase letters, the link above cannot be opened. You can check the article on the Kexueyan official account.

哈哈儿2021 2022-03-02

Research Cat has issued a statement: Yesterday, the editor specifically called CITIC Securities to verify, and CITIC Securities stated: No 2021 warning journal has been published! Therefore, it can be said that the so-called CITIC Securities warning journal is unreliable!

xusita 2022-02-25

The problem with the Center for Information and Systems (CIS) lies in its failure to publicly release this list and directly coordinate with the technology department of universities. This way, they can avoid providing any standards and let the university's technology department handle the implementation.

发刊太难 2022-02-25

It's really shocking. Just finished working so hard, sent it out, and now you're telling me there's an alert? Is it because there are many Chinese people that there's an alert? Shouldn't nature, cell, and even Nanjing University, which spends money on advertisements, also be alerted? Speechless.

IoT粉丝 2022-02-25

Just got the difficult acceptance notification from the third review of IEEE IoT J, and then saw the news online that it was listed in the so-called Zhongxin Pre-Warning Journal. I searched online for a phone number and Zhongxin said that this list was only for internal release to various universities, and it is not authoritative and cannot be released to the public. But now that everyone knows about it, others will only focus on the journals, which makes it difficult for us to evaluate the hard work we put into revising and submitting papers in the academic community. The phone number is 010-58882552, everyone can call and report the actual situation.

手游吃鸡大师 2022-02-25

May I ask which prestigious school you attended that puts IoTJ on the watchlist or blacklist? I have never heard of such a statement even at Tsinghua University's Department of Electronics. Is it a case of a small temple creating a big fuss?

汪定 2022-02-25

Many academicians strongly support the No.1 journal in the field of Internet of Things, which is also the main reason for its high impact factor.

周全 2022-02-25

Attention everyone: This so-called warning is issued by a counterfeit organization called "Zhongxin Institute." This organization is purely for the purpose of seeking attention by creating such a "list," and it is not the "International Journal Warning List" published by the China Science and Technology Information Center. The latter is the authoritative list, while the former is just a clown.

我是一个潜水党来看各路神仙 2022-02-23

14-Sep-2021 submit - Submit on September 14, 2021.
16-Dec-2021 revision - Revision on December 16, 2021.
13-Jan-2022 submit the response and revised paper - Submit the response and revised paper on January 13, 2022.
06-Feb-2022 accept-decision - Acceptance decision on February 6, 2022.

聪明的米哈伊 2022-02-12

Reply [Zeolous_Citizen]: It is best to follow the template, as the IEEE template requires adding an author biography with a photo.

Zealous_Citizen 2022-02-10

Do I need to add an author introduction with an image after quoting in the first draft?

草莓和柠檬 2022-02-09

Doing a good job is the key.

草莓和柠檬 2022-02-09

Recently, the review process has indeed been a bit long.

shanyang166 2022-02-08

Currently, the only institution found to have published a warning list containing IoTJ is the "Chinese Academy of Sciences Institute of Scientific Information." However, the authority of this institution and the credibility of this list are seriously questioned. Journals such as Sensors, Electronics, and PLOS One have not been included in the warning, but IoTJ has been. It doesn't seem fair...

haoyuwang2021 2022-02-07

The first review was quick, and there was a major revision. The feedback from the three reviewers was quite professional. After more than a month of revisions, minor revisions were suggested in the past two months. IoT is a multidisciplinary research field, so the quality of articles can vary, but overall it is acceptable. There are many experts in the field and emphasis is placed on innovation (the theoretical aspect is relatively weaker compared to traditional journals).

聪明的米哈伊 2022-02-04

The warning list from the China Institute of Scientific and Technical Information is very problematic. How can Optics Communications in the field of optics be included in the warning list? Everyone in the field of optics knows that OC is a well-established and classic journal. It is not open access. In 2018, the Nobel Prize-winning achievement in "high-intensity ultra-short optical pulses" was published in OC. How can such a journal be included in the warning list?

Fahad 2022-02-02

How many days does it take to await a decision?

聪明的米哈伊 2022-02-02

A highly professional information science journal, it went through three revisions and had five reviewers, which was quite challenging. It has been included in the top journal directory established by our school.

zhangzhang 2022-01-22

A certain university in Nanjing does not believe that being a member of the 985 Project has made any impact. I feel that many articles from IoTJ are still very good. If I feel confident about my own articles, I can directly submit them to TWC or TIFS. Let IoTJ be left for someone like me, a beginner. P.S. With the help of this IoTJ article, I successfully applied for a fully-funded PhD position in the QS50 and received a national scholarship.

lacuna 2022-01-14

Who knows that even if you are hired, you cannot claim reimbursement for the extra page fee... It's frustrating to have kindheartedly shared information and then be criticized by someone.

飞驰人生哇 2022-01-12

Recently, the review process has indeed been quite long.

3606 2022-01-10

Bro, I was just providing a data point and didn't mean to question the level of this journal. Moreover, in my research field, iotj, tii, and tits are all very good journals. I feel like you don't need to be so hostile.

努力努力哇 2022-01-10

Just now I looked it up, there are a few people downstairs with a rhythm (their IDs are: Paper_111, Microwave and Electromagnetic Field, Little Harvest).
Everyone can take a look at the journals and comments reviewed by these three people. Among them, the ID Little Harvest has also reviewed Nature...

fly_ 2022-01-10

There are some friends downstairs who keep claiming to have received a 985 warning, but in reality, they were rejected and are just trying to criticize for the sake of it! This link (https://www.rd.sdu.edu.cn/info/1433/9756.htm) mentions the reference to the institution Zhongxin, and then the list was proposed. So it's understandable that the news is incomprehensible, and of course, their papers were rejected! Additionally, in the most authoritative release by the China Institute of Communications, IEEE IOT ranks in the "Foreign High-Quality Scientific Journal Classification Directory" in the field of information and communication. (https://www.china-cic.cn/Detail/24/3322/3322#10006-weixin-1-52626-6b3bffd01fdde4900130bc5a2751b6d1).

xusita 2022-01-09

When faced with irrefutable evidence, those who are unable to refute it resort to personal attacks. Such people are truly terrifying in the scientific research community.

IKX 2022-01-09

I thought you were from Shandong University.

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